[Top 5] Dead By Daylight Best Dwight Builds (2024)

[Top 5] Dead By Daylight Best Dwight Builds

[Top 5] Dead By Daylight Best Dwight Builds (1)

Dwight Fairfield, Locker Dweller

So you want to play the Fairfield himself. Well, I’ve got great news for you! Dwight has some really strong and helpful teachable perks that will be sure to lead you and your team to survival.

5. The Carry Dwight Build


The Carry Dwight Build utilizes 2 out of 3 of Dwight’s teachable perks. Bond and Prove Thyself have a natural synergy, being that Prove Thyself needs other teammates to work, and Bond helps you find those teammates very easily.

When you aren’t speeding through repairing generators, lightweight helps you get to where you are going while reducing the risk of being found by the killer. Normally when running from objective to objective, you leave scratch marks behind that last for a pretty substantial amount of time, which may lead the killer to find you, even though he never actually saw you. Lightweight helps mitigate that risk by getting rid of the scratch marks faster.

Desperate Measures is a somewhat odd choice of a perk, as it isn’t used too often. However, it helps you heal and unhook others faster, which may come in clutch in some close end game scenarios.

What the Carry Dwight Build Excels In:

  • Bond allows you to know where your teammates are at all times.
  • The perk “Prove Thyself” allows you to speed through generators as well as gain bloodpoints faster.
  • Your scratch marks disappear quicker making it harder for the killer to track you.
  • The mix of team helping and generator repairing perks allows you a lot of versatility.

Perk Details:

Bond: The Auras of other Survivors are revealed to you when they are within a range of 20/28/36 meters.

Prove Thyself: Gain a stack-able 15% Repair Speed bonus for each Survivor within 4 meters of you, up to a maximum of 45%.

  • This effect is also applied to all other Survivors within that range.
  • Prove Thyself grants 50/75/100% bonus Bloodpoints for Co-operative actions.

Lightweight: Your Scratch Marks start to disappear 1/2/3 seconds sooner.

Desperate Measures: Increases Healing and Unhooking speeds by 10/12/14% for each injured, hooked, or dying Survivor, up to a maximum of 40/48/56%.

4. Advanced Dwight Build

Advanced Dwight - Dead by Daylight Adept Survivor Perk Build #1

The Advanced Dwight Build was made with the intent of using all 3 of Dwight’s teachable perks. Considering that his three perks are already fairly decent and provide passive bonuses just from playing the objective normally, there aren’t many other perks that can make them any stronger.

That is where Open Handed comes in. While Open Handed doesn’t affect Prove Thyself or Leader at all, it does boost Bond very well.

What the Advanced Dwight Build Excels In:

  • Bond and Open Handed allows you to see teammates to a total distance of 52 meters, which in small maps like The Game is substantial.
  • Prove Thyself and Leader increase all of your teammates' action speeds.

Perk Details:

Bond: The Auras of other Survivors are revealed to you when they are within a range of 20/28/36 meters.

Prove Thyself: Gain a stack-able 15% Repair Speed bonus for each Survivor within 4 meters of you, up to a maximum of 45%.

  • This effect is also applied to all other Survivors within that range.
  • Prove Thyself grants 50/75/100% bonus Bloodpoints for Co-operative actions.

Leader: When other Survivors are within 8 meters of you, Leader increases their Action speeds for Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking actions by 15/20/25%.

  • This effect lingers for 15 seconds when leaving Leader's range.

Open Handed: Open-Handed increases all Aura-reading ranges by 8/12/16 meters.

3. Gen Rush Dwight


Generator Rush Build Dead By Daylight

Now we are getting into a build that makes Prove Thyself shine. A big reason to run Prove Thyself is to “Gen Rush,” or do generators as fast as possible.

Resilience boosts your repair speed, even more, when you are injured, giving you up to 9% extra repair speed. Of course, if you are crazy enough to keep repairing the generator while the killer is looking at you, with spine chill you get an extra 6% repair speed and more skill checks which can lead to more repair progress.

A happy coincidence with this build is that the mix of Spine Chill and Resilience also helps you out in chases. If you are being chased by a killer, it is a guarantee that you will have Spine Chill active since the killer needs to look at you to hit you. One of the bonuses of Spine Chill is that you can vault faster as well. And if you happen to be injured, you will get another vaulting speed increase of 9%, for a total of 15% increased vaulting speed. 15% may not sound like much, but in a game like Dead by Daylight, where milliseconds matter in chases, it helps out a pretty significant amount.

What The Gen Rush Dwight Build Excels In:

  • Getting generators done as fast as possible.
  • Vaulting windows faster in chases, making you more likely to survive longer.
  • Not having to heal in between chases and jumping right back onto a generator for the extra repair speed bonus of resilience.

Perk Details:

Spine Chill: Whenever the Killer is looking in your direction when within 36 meters of you, Spine Chill activates:

  • Skill Check Trigger odds are increased by 10%.
  • Skill Check Success zones are reduced by 10%.
  • Your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking are increased by 2/4/6%.

Bond: The Auras of other Survivors are revealed to you when they are within a range of 20/28/36 meters.

Prove Thyself: Gain a stack-able 15% Repair Speed bonus for each Survivor within 4 meters of you, up to a maximum of 45%.

  • This effect is also applied to all other Survivors within that range.
  • Prove Thyself grants 50/75/100% bonus Bloodpoints for Co-operative actions.

Resilience: When injured, your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking are increased by 3/6/9%.

2. Aura God Build

Top 10 Best Survivor Perk Builds of the Year (Dead by Daylight 2020)

The Aura God Build is a very fun build, where you feel like your eyes have finally been opened and you can see anything and everything, all of the time. Utilizing perks that allow you to see your teammates, generators, pallets, windows, breakable walls, and even the killer themselves.

However, there is a slight downside to this, and that is that the killer will also be able to see you while you see them with Object of Obsession. Meaning that you may be getting targeted for a large portion of the game. Luckily, Windows of Opportunity will make your life somewhat easier by being able to see all of the best places to loop that are around you by showing you the auras of pallets and windows.

While you are being chased by the killer you may want to use Bond to your advantage and lead the killer away from your teammates so they can keep working on generators. Or if you are feeling less helpful, perhaps try to lead the killer to them as a sort of sacrifice in the hopes that the killer will stop chasing you for your local survivor friend.

What the Aura God Build Excels In:

  • Knowing where everything is, all of the time.
  • Finding generators fast and easily, especially useful when playing on indoor maps.
  • Safer chases by knowing where all the pallets and windows are.

Perk Details:

Object of Obsession: Whenever the Killer reads your Aura, Object of Obsession activates:

  • The Killer's Aura is revealed to you for the same duration as they read your Aura.
  • Your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, and Cleansing are increased by 2/4/6%.
  • If you are the Obsession, your Aura is revealed to the Killer for 3 seconds every 30 seconds.

Bond: The Auras of other Survivors are revealed to you when they are within a range of 20/28/36 meters.

Windows of Opportunity: The Auras of Breakable Walls, Pallets, and Windows are revealed to you within 20 meters.

Visionary: The Auras of Generators are revealed to you within 32 meters.

1. Buddy System Build

Top 10 Best Survivor Perk Builds of the Year (Dead by Daylight 2020)

The Buddy System Build is a very off-meta perk build, and that is why I love it. Almost every perk in this build you rarely see in-game, except for the occasional We’ll Make It. And this build has really good synergy with all of their perks.

Unlike Bond, Better Together shows other survivors your location when you are working on a generator, so instead of you looking for others, they can come find you and join your generator, and when they do you will get the added benefit of Prove Thyself. You also get a sense of where some of your teammates are with Blood Pact, where if you or the obsession (as long as you are not the obsession) are injured, you both see each other’s auras.

There is also an interesting synergy here as well with Blood Pact and We’ll Make It. If the obsession gets hooked, and you unhook them and heal them with We’ll Make It, not only will you heal them twice as fast as a normal heal, you will also get the Haste bonus effect giving you 7% faster movement speed, which lasts as long as you two stay together. Theoretically, you can last the entire game with this extra movement speed going to each generator, getting the repair speed bonus, and moving onto the next objective.

What the Aura God Build Excels In:

  • Working together with your teammates.
  • Very fast heals after unhooking someone.
  • Strong chase potential with the haste effect from Blood Pact.

Perk Details:

Better Together: While repairing a Generator, its Aura is revealed in yellow to all other Survivors located within 32 meters.

  • If the Killer downs a Survivor while you are repairing a Generator, you see the Auras of all other Survivors for 8/9/10 seconds.

Prove Thyself: Gain a stack-able 15% Repair Speed bonus for each Survivor within 4 meters of you, up to a maximum of 45%.

We’ll Make It: Whenever you rescue a Survivor from a Hook, your Altruistic Healing speed is increased by 100% for the next 30/60/90 seconds.

Blood Pact: When you or the Obsession are injured, you both see each other's Auras.

  • After healing the Obsession or being healed by the Obsession, you both gain the Haste Status Effect, moving at an increased speed of 5/6/7% until you are no longer within 16 meters of each other.
  • If you are the Obsession, Blood Pact deactivates.

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[Top 5] Dead By Daylight Best Dwight Builds (2024)


What is Dwight good for DBD? ›

Understanding the value of teamwork, Dwight is adept at locating and bolstering the efficiency of his teammates. Dwight Fairfield is a nervous Leader, able to locate his allies and increase their effectiveness. , allow him to get in proximity of other Survivors and provide bonuses to their actions as well as his own.

What are Dwight Fairfield's best perks dead by daylight? ›

Dwight's three perks, bond, prove thyself and leader, are all perks that help those around in close proximity. Now remember, you can unlock these perks. for other survivors upon prestiging Dwight. after advancing his blood web to level 50. or by purchasing his perks with iridescent shards in.

Who is Dwight dead by daylight? ›

Dwight Fairfield is one of the playable survivors in Dead by Daylight. He is an intern turned nervous leader who is particularly good at boosting the performance of his fellow survivors.

Who is the best killer to play in DBD? ›

Dead by Daylight killer tier list: all 36 deadly DBD killers...
  • Who are the best Dead By Daylight killers? ...
  • Here is our current Dead by Daylight killer tier list:
  • The Nurse (Very Hard)
  • The Blight (Very Hard)
  • The Hillbilly (Moderate)
  • The Spirit (Hard)
  • The Wraith (Easy)
  • The Lich (Medium)
Aug 7, 2024

How old is Dwight in DBD? ›

19 Years Old - Quentin Smith, Nea Karlsson, Dwight Fairfield, Claudette Morel. 20 Years Old - Kate Denson, Meg Thomas, Jake Park, Feng Min. 22 Years Old - David King. 30 Years Old - Jane Romero.

What is the strongest perk in DBD? ›

Please note that despite the numbers, these perks are not in any particular order and represent some of the best perks to use to escape the trials.
  • 8 Deadline.
  • 7 Sprint Burst.
  • 6 Kindred.
  • 5 Still Sight.
  • 4 Adrenaline.
  • 3 Made for This.
  • 2 Windows Of Opportunity.
  • 1 Off the Record.
May 24, 2024

Who is the most powerful character in Dead by Daylight? ›

A Literal God

The ability to play as the biggest bad in all of D&D is something that hasn't existed before, and Vecna is a level of power beyond anything else in Dead By Daylight. As a living god, Vecna has almost unlimited power.

Who has Prove Thyself in DBD? ›

Prove Thyself is a unique perk belonging to Dwight Fairfield. It was added to the game in patch 1.0. 0.

How did Dwight scar his face? ›

It all makes sense, considering the fact that Negan is the one who gave Dwight his conspicuous burn scar by putting a steaming-hot iron to his face to punish him.

Who burned Dwight? ›

As punishment, Negan was about to kill Dwight, until Sherry offered to marry him if he spared Dwight. Negan agreed, but felt that it was not enough punishment, so he burned the left side Dwight's face with a clothing iron.

Who is the old guy in DBD? ›

Bill Overbeck is an old Soldier, accustomed to dealing with critical situations. , make him more powerful in dire moments. He is tough as nails and knows how to survive just about anything. He'll do whatever it takes to help others live to see another day and he's not afraid to take one for the team.

Who is the best survivor for DBD? ›

The list has been updated with some of these survivors.
  • 9 Feng Min. Perks: Lithe, Technician, Alert. ...
  • 8 Renato Lyra. Perks: Background Player, Blood Rush, Teamwork: Collective Stealth. ...
  • 7 Dwight Fairfield. Perks: Bond, Prove Thyself, Leader. ...
  • 6 Meg Thomas. ...
  • 5 Ada Wong. ...
  • 4 Vittorio Toscano. ...
  • 3 Zarina Kassir. ...
  • 2 Felix Richter.

Who is the most picked survivor in DBD? ›

Who Is the Most Popular Survivor in Dead by Daylight?
  • Meg Thomas. A determined athlete, able to outrun most Killers. ...
  • Dwight Fairfield. A nervous leader, able to locate his allies and increase their effectiveness. ...
  • Claudette Morel. ...
  • Feng Min. ...
  • Nea Karlsson. ...
  • David King. ...
  • Jake Park. ...
  • Bill Overbeck.

Who is the best starter character in DBD? ›

Not every survivor perk is made with beginners in mind, but this collection certainly helps out those new to Dead By Daylight's terrors.
  • 8 Dwight Fairfield.
  • 7 David King.
  • 6 Kate Denson.
  • 5 Adam Francis.
  • 4 Jake Park.
  • 3 Feng Min.
  • 2 Mikaela Reid.
  • 1 Jonah Vasquez.


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