Starfinder Galactic Magic - Flip eBook Pages 51-100 (2024)

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regain some of their lost magical ability. Upon discovering that TABLE 2–2: MAGIC ITEMS

non-witchwyrds can benefit from the devices just as readily, ITEM LEVEL PRICE BULK

witchwyrds now sell the amulets across the galaxy. While Aeon stone, turquoise cube 1 250 —

you wear this inverted triangle amulet, as a reaction, you can Gimmick, basic 1 175 L OVERVIEW
catch magic missiles fired at you, catching up to one missile per Scrapper’s cookpot 1 120 1

free hand (or grasping appendage). You must be aware of the Spectacles of the Unseen 1 185 —

incoming magic missiles and can’t be flat‑footed while using this Spell putty, 0-level 1 25 — CLASSES

ability. After catching a missile, that hand manifests a faintly Valor’s mantle 1 375 L GEAR

glowing nimbus for 6 rounds, during which time the hand can’t Diadem of Desna 2 800 L SPELLS

catch additional missiles. As a move action, you can transfer Gimmick, cutting (apprentice) 2 750 L FAITHS
the captured energy from one or more hands to a battery Gimmick, devastating (apprentice) 2 850 L
within your reach, restoring 1d4 of the battery’s expended Spell putty, 1st-level 2 100 — MAGICAL
charges per missile’s energy you transfer in this way. A hand Dawnflower ring 3 1,450 — GALAXY
Figurine of wondrous power (plush squox) 3 1,500 L
that transfers its energy to a battery no longer glows and is
Gimmick, elemental (apprentice) 3 1,300 L
available to catch additional magic missiles.
Gimmick, targeting (apprentice) 4 2,100 L
This amulet functions as an absorb force graft (Alien
Ibra’s astrolabe 4 2,000 1

Archive 4 140), and you can use the captured magic missile Spell putty, 2nd-level 4 300 —

energy to instead activate any force bolt graft (Alien Archive Energy transference amulet 5 2,800 —

4 144) you have. Gimmick, focused (apprentice) 5 3,000 L

FIGURINEOFWONDROUSPOWER LEVELS 3–14 Hood ornament of hovering 5 3,200 L
Chronal harness 6 4,650 L

A figurine of wondrous power is a small, enchanted figurine that Figurine of wondrous power (polymer 6 4,250 —

allows its user to transform it into the creature it represents. velociraptor) 6 4,200 L
These use the rules for figurines of wondrous power on page Gimmick, cutting (expert) 6 3,850 —
113 of Starfinder Armory. Gravity ring 6 4,300 L
D Plush Squox (Level 3): This stuffed toy can turn into a trained Lantern’s laughing lie 7 5,800 L
Blender fist 7 850 —
squox (Alien Archive 2 118). Unlike most figurines of wondrous Spell putty, 3rd-level 8 9,250 —
power, the figurine can transform into a squox for a total of Aeon stone, iridium star

20733821 10 minutes per day, though the duration need not be used Gimmick, devastating (expert) 8 9,600 L 4431550

continuously and is expended in 1-minute increments. Trench coat of utility 8 10,000 L

Wounds and damage received by the squox in its animate Gimmick, elemental (expert) 9 12,500 L

form translate to its figurine form when it reverts; if it dies, Gimmick, cutting (master) 10 18,500 L

the plush figure appears torn and without stuffing. The plush Gimmick, targeting (expert) 10 18,500 L

squox does not heal in 24 hours as usual—you must repair Omnicomponent, flawed 10 5,000 L

the figurine using Engineering or an appropriate profession. Spell putty, 4th-level 10 2,550 —
D Polymer Velociraptor (Level 6): This plastic miniature, Figurine of wondrous power (titanium 11 25,000 —
though expertly painted and shaded with acrylics to look Gimmick, focused (expert) 11 25,500 L
like a primeval creature, could easily be mistaken as some Green Mother’s final trick 12 30,000 L
game piece for a strategy game. You can transform it into a Spell putty, 5th-level 13 7,000 —
dromaeosaurid (Alien Archive 2 38). It behaves toward you Figurine of wondrous power (diamond 14 65,500 —
much like a family pet, defending you fiercely. laser wolf)
D Titanium Hashukayak (Level 11): This crude statue of Gimmick, devastating (master) 14 75,000 L
milky‑gray metal can transform into your choice of a male Gimmick, elemental (master) 15 105,000 L
or female hashukayak (Alien Archive 2 72), chosen when Gimmick, targeting (master) 16 172,000 L

you activate the item. It’s agreeable and allows other Omnicomponent, pristine 16 30,000 L

creatures to ride it. Rat’s last word 16 210,000 —

D Diamond Laser Wolf (Level 14): Beautiful and expensive- Spell putty, 6th-level 16 22,000 —

looking, this canid statue transforms into a tashtari alpha

(Alien Archive 2 124). The tashtari alpha can’t use its bristle any perceptible manifestations and effects in a specific

nova ability unless its figurine has been exposed to at least way based on the gimmick. Once used to modify a spell,

one continuous hour of sunlight in the past 24 hours. a gimmick can’t be used again until after you rest for 10

GIMMICK LEVELS 1-16 minutes to recover Stamina Points, though you can spend
1 Resolve Point to recharge an attuned gimmick without

A gimmick is a small, handheld item, usable only by spending an action.

spellcasters, that focuses their spellcasting in a unique way. A gimmick requires time to attune to a new user, functioning

When you cast a spell, you can channel the magic through only once it has been in your possession for at least 24 hours.

one gimmick you’re holding to alter the spell, both changing However, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to attune to a new

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gimmick with only 10 minutes of concentration. Once attuned the gimmick’s type instead, and the spell gains that energy

to you, the gimmick takes a shape of your choice that reflects type’s descriptor. The maximum level spell that an elemental

your personality and spellcasting tradition, appearing as a gimmick can modify is based on its model.

wand, mystical orb, engineering tool, or the like. A gimmick Apprentice (Level 3): The gimmick can modify a spell of

can’t be shaped into a functioning weapon, though it can 2nd level or lower.

take a weapon-like appearance. A technomancer can turn a Expert (Level 9): The gimmick can modify a spell of 4th

gimmick into their spell cache by performing an 8-hour ritual, level or lower.

though if the gimmick spell cache is lost or destroyed, a newly Master (Level 15): The gimmick can modify a spell of any level.

created spell cache no longer has the gimmick’s properties. D Focused (Levels 5–11): This gimmick intensifies a weaker spell

D Basic (Level 1): The simplest gimmick merely personalizes channeled through it, delivering the spell with the force of

your magic, giving spells channeled through the gimmick one of your greatest incantations. Calculate the saving throw

a sensory theme you choose while attuning it (such as DC of the channeled spell as though its spell level were equal

gambling to make magic missiles look like flaming cards or to that of the highest-level spell you can cast from that spell

make your augury result manifest like reels on a holographic list. The maximum level spell a focused gimmick can modify

slot machine). These sensory extras don’t otherwise change is based on its model.

the spell’s effects. Apprentice (Level 5): The gimmick can modify a spell of 3rd

D Cutting (Levels 2–10): This gimmick grants you a bonus to level or lower.

any caster level checks you make to overcome targets’ spell Expert (Level 11): The gimmick can modify a spell of any level.

resistance with the channeled spell, based on the gimmick’s D Targeting (Levels 4–16): This gimmick helps direct the
channeled spell, enhancing its accuracy. Make your attacks
model. This bonus does not stack with that provided by the
with the channeled spell as if your base attack bonus from
Spell Penetration or Greater Spell Penetration feats.
the associated spellcasting class were equal to your levels in
Apprentice (Level 2): The model’s bonus is +1.
that class (such as a 5th-level technomancer treating their
Expert (Level 6): The model’s bonus is +2.
BAB from technomancer levels as +5 rather than +3 for a
Master (Level 10): The model’s bonus is +3.
channeled technomancer spell). The maximum level spell a
D Devastating (Levels 2–14): This gimmick gives your damaging
targeting gimmick can modify is based on its model.
spells a small chance of inflicting devastating harm, giving
Apprentice (Level 4): The gimmick can modify a spell of
the channeled spell a critical hit effect based on the spell’s
2nd level or lower.
damage type: corrode for acid damage, staggered for cold
Expert (Level 10): The gimmick can modify a spell of 4th
20733822 damage, arc for electricity damage, burn for fire damage,

deafen for sonic damage, knockdown for bludgeoning or level or lower.

force damage, bleed for piercing damage, and wound for Master (Level 16): The gimmick can modify a spell of any level.

slashing damage. For a critical hit effect that deals additional GRAVITY RING (WORN) LEVEL 6
damage, such as arc or bleed, the additional damage equals

1d6 per spell level (or 1d4 for a 0-level spell). If a spell deals Once per day, while wearing this simple red silicone ring, you

multiple types of damage or would already apply a different can cast personal gravityNS on yourself (CL 6th). If you use this

critical hit effect, you can apply one of the applicable critical effect to add gravity to a zero-g environment, you can choose

hit effects of your choice when you score a critical hit. If the the direction of low gravity for yourself.

channeled spell doesn’t require an attack roll but instead GREENMOTHER’SFINALTRICK(WORN) LEVEL 12
allows a saving throw to reduce its damage, you can apply

the critical hit effect to one affected creature that rolls a While these armbands originally were gifts to favored

natural 1 on its saving throw. servants from fey Eldest, like the Green Mother, a wide

Unlike with most gimmicks, if the channeled spell does variety of plant societies such as ghoran labs and raxilite

not score a critical hit against any target, then the gimmick’s workshops now enchant nearly identical facsimiles. A final

power is not expended, and another spell can be channeled trick resembles a tangle of brilliant emerald vines with

through it. The maximum level spell that a devastating ruby‑red thorns. You wear the band around exposed flesh

gimmick can modify is based on its model. on an arm, neck, leg, or tail where its sharp thorns painlessly

Apprentice (Level 2): The gimmick can modify a spell of prick into the skin.

2nd level or lower. While wearing a final trick, you gain a +4 resistance bonus

Expert (Level 8): The gimmick can modify a spell of 4th to saving throws against poison. If you successfully save

level or lower. against a poison, as a reaction you can absorb the poison

Master (Level 14): The gimmick can modify a spell of any level. into the final trick. As a standard action, you can deliver the

D Elemental (Levels 3–15): This gimmick changes all instances poison with a touch, requiring a successful attack against

of one damage type with another. When you purchase or an unwilling target’s EAC. Alternatively, you can deliver the

create an elemental gimmick, choose one of the following: poison as a reaction when you successfully damage a creature

acid, cold, electricity, or fire. When you channel a spell with a melee unarmed strike. The saving throw DC to resist

through the gimmick, choose one type of damage dealt the absorbed poison uses the poison’s original save DC or a

by the spell; the spell deals an equal amount of damage of DC equal to 10 + 1/2 your level + your Constitution modifier,


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minor mishaps that OVERVIEW
give the target your choice

of the bleeding 1d8, flat‑footed, or off‑target

conditions in addition to any other effects of failure. CLASSES
The flat‑footed and off-target effects last 1 round, and the

bleeding effect ends after 1d4+1 rounds if not stopped earlier. GEAR


This strange object resembles a 6-inch-wide, dark, and SPELLS
pristinely polished wooden cube, though which run irregular

seams of coppery metal. Omnicomponents are quite rare,

defying attempts to manufacture them and instead typically FAITHS

appearing only on asteroids and other debris adrift in magical

cosmic phenomena. By spending 1 hour holding and focusing THE
on an omnicomponent, a spellcaster can transform it into a MAGICAL
spell’s material component worth a maximum number of GALAXY

whichever is lower. The final trick can store only one poison at credits based on the object’s model. If not consumed as part

a time, and the stored poison loses its potency and becomes of casting a spell within 8 hours, the omnicomponent reverts

useless if not used within 1 minute. to its natural shape and can be coaxed into a different shape.

HOOD ORNAMENT OF HOVERING LEVEL 5 Once used as a material component, it’s destroyed.
D Flawed (Level 10): The omnicomponent can transform into

This statuette resembles a stylized animal (often one with any material component worth 5,000 credits or less.

wings or other means of flight). When mounted prominently to D Pristine (Level 16): The omnicomponent can transform into

the exterior of a Large or larger vehicle with a land speed, the any material component worth 30,000 credits or less.

vehicle gains a hover speed equal to its land speed. Mounting RAT’S LAST WORD

20733823 or removing the ornament takes 1 minute. LEVEL 16 4431552

IBRA’S ASTROLABE LEVEL 4 Rare and only found on the shadiest of black markets, a rat’s
last word is a felt-tipped pen with a black, anodized aluminum

This spherical astrolabe’s components are inscrutable while case and a laser etching of a curled and emaciated rat on its

on a planet. However, when not on or directly orbiting a cap. As a full action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point while using

planet, the astrolabe reconfigures itself to guide you toward the marker to write the name or well-known alias of a specific

new cosmic mysteries. By referencing the device, you gain creature along the side of a single round of ammunition or a

a +2 circ*mstance bonus to Piloting checks to navigate to battery. The ammunition or battery can then be loaded into

unknown destinations. In addition, by studying the astrolabe a sniper weapon using a separate action. For non-battery

for 1 hour and succeeding at a DC 15 Engineering or Mysticism ammunition, the ammunition must be loaded as the only piece

check, you identify a previously uncharted anomaly (such as in the gun, even if its capacity would normally allow multiple

a strange planet, arcane nebula, or other site of interest) you pieces to be loaded at once. Upon making an attack using a

can then travel to as an unknown destination. The astrolabe marked battery, the weapon drains all remaining charges from

can’t be used to identify additional such anomalies until you the battery.

encounter the currently displayed destination, sating the If you fire the marked and loaded ammunition at the

device’s curiosity. creature whose name you wrote, you can score a critical hit

LANTERN’S LAUGHING LIE (WORN) LEVEL 6 with that attack against the target if the die’s result is a 17,
18, or 19, as long as the attack’s result is sufficient to hit the

This tiny ornamental copper lantern draws inspiration from target’s AC. If the attack hits and the die’s result is a 13, 14, 15,

the Eldest known as the Lantern King, a notorious trickster or 16, the target is affected by the weapon’s critical hit effect

fey. The lantern is typically worn as a necklace or belt bauble, as if the attack had been a critical hit, though the attack does

and its interior dances with a magic red flame that sheds not deal double damage. If the die’s result is a 20, you score

no appreciable heat or light. While wearing the lantern, a critical hit as normal, and you can affect the target with the

you’re aware of any magic that would discern or prohibit snuff life spell (CL 16th) in place of any other critical hit effect

your lying, even if it has failed to affect you, and you gain a your weapon might have dealt. The DC of snuff life equals 16 +

+2 resistance bonus to saving throws against such effects. your Dexterity modifier.

Once per hour when a creature within 30 feet of you rolls a This pen can mark only one piece of ammunition per day in

natural 1 when attempting a skill check or saving throw, you this way, and the marked ammunition loses the pen’s special

can intensify their failure as a reaction, causing additional effects if not loaded and fired within 1 minute.

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RING OF ASTROZOOLOGY (WORN) LEVEL 7 You can consume an imprinted piece of spell putty as a

Carvings adorn this wooden ring, depicting natural creatures standard action. If you’re a spellcaster and the imprinted spell

from its creator’s home world. While wearing the ring, you can is on your class spell list, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to

cast the charm monster spell once per day (save DC = 13 + your temporarily learn that spell, adding it to your list of known

key ability score modifier; caster level 5th), though the spell spells for 8 hours. You can learn only one spell at a time from

can affect only creatures with the animal type. spell putty, and consuming another piece deactivates any

The ring also grants you a special rapport with strange other spell putty you’ve eaten.

creatures, granting you a +5 insight bonus to Survival checks The maximum spell level that a piece of spell putty can

made to bond with a companion creature (Alien Archive 3 absorb is based on its model. Spell putty worked into spell

138) whose creature type is different than your own, and to ampoules and spell gems whose spell level is too high has

Survival checks made to release a companion creature. As a no effect, but the spell putty remains viable and can later be

standard action, you can destroy the worn ring to restore your applied to a more suitable item.

creature companion to life, affecting it as though you had cast TRENCH COAT OF UTILITY LEVEL 8
mystic cure as a 4th-level spell.

SCRAPPER’S COOKPOT LEVEL 1 This fashionable coat made of soft, weatherproof fabric is easily
worn over other clothing or light armor. The coat’s interior

Created by underfed citizens eking out a living in Apostae’s appears unremarkable, but while wearing it, you can perceive

more oppressive districts, scrapper’s cookpots have become an array of small plastic cards that line the interior, stored in

widespread emergency tools on starships and with explorers shallow pockets only you can access. Each of the cards projects

traveling far from resupply stations. Once per day, you can a small, slowly rotating hologram of a tool or weapon, and you

fill this sturdy ceramic crock with inorganic material weighing can easily identify the cards by sight or feel. As a move action,

1 bulk, such as scrap metal, rocks, and plastic. After filling you can withdraw and activate one of the cards, permanently

the rest of the pot with water and simmering the contents transforming it into the corresponding weapon or tool that

over a heat source for 1 hour, the pot converts its contents appears in your hand or in a space adjacent to you. A newly

into thick, nutrient-rich porridge sufficient to feed up to six created trench coat of utility always has two each of the

Medium creatures for a day. The raw materials used have some following cards: survival knife, flashlight, aerosol spray, gear

influence over the porridge’s flavor profile, though the result is clamp, crowbar, and a 50-foot length of titanium alloy cable.

always at least mildly unpalatable in one way or another. Additionally, the coat has several other cards available. Roll

20733824 Regularly consuming scrapper’s cookpot meals sometimes 4d4 to determine the number of other cards, and then roll for

has unfortunate side effects, such as contracting variants each card on the table below to determine what it represents.

of blinding sickness or the shakes after weeks of use (Core The coat might contain multiple cards of the same type. You

Rulebook 418–419). However, interspersing the meals with can’t replace a card once it’s removed and transformed.

more natural foods usually negates these conditions. TABLE 2–3: TRENCH COAT OF UTILITY

01–08 Satchel containing 1,000 UPBs
Even in a cosmopolitan galaxy, there are aliens whose

actions, influence, and even presence are rarely confirmed, 09–15 Magnetic jack

even denied in some cases. These unassuming spectacles 16–22 Average lock
grant you exceptional sensitivity to conspiracies and hidden 23–30 Credstick containing 1,000 credits
truths everywhere, giving you a +2 circ*mstance bonus to 31–44 Collapsible ladder (20 feet)
Perception checks to pierce disguises and a +2 circ*mstance 45–51 Basic enercycle
bonus to Sense Motive checks. However, when you fail any 52–59 Black nanite hypopenAR
Sense Motive check to detect deception or discern secret 60–68 Serum of healing, mk 2
messages, you automatically misinterpret the event (typically 69–75 Basic emergency raft (inflated)
sensing sinister or conspiratorial intent), as though you had 76–83 High-capacity battery (40 charges)
failed the check by 5 or more. 84–90 Observer-class security robotAA
91–96 Laser drill

SPELL PUTTY LEVELS 1–16 97–100 Spacesuit

Invented by space goblins to better “taste enchantments” VALOR’S MANTLE (WORN) LEVEL 1
found on Absalom Station scrap, this purple-gray putty

proved far more effective at transferring magical concepts Popular among the Knights of Golarion but proudly worn by

from an item to a user. When you spend 1 minute working other followers of Iomedae and by unaffiliated warriors, these

the putty against the surface of a spell gem or spell ampoule, carmine red short cloaks, shawls, or scarves proudly advertise

you imprint that item’s stored spell into the putty, causing the their wearer’s courage. The garment counts as a worn magic

putty’s surface to look as though it’s covered in tiny glyphs item unless you install it in armor, taking up one upgrade slot.

and magical formulae for 24 hours. This process drains the The mantle grants you a +2 divine bonus to saving throws

spell ampoule’s or spell gem’s magic, rendering it inert. against fear effects.


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SERUMS you’re wearing. If you’re wearing no armor (or armor that has
no armor check penalty), the light illuminates a 20-foot radius
The following use the rules for serums found on page 225 of with normal light, and your radiance grants you concealment
the Core Rulebook. in bright light conditions. For every 1 point of AC penalty your
armor imposes, the miss chance this effect provides decreases
Bitterflesh Serum by 5%, and the light radius decreases by 5 feet (providing
neither light nor a miss chance for armor check values of –4 or
Dromada artisans developed this serum to make themselves greater). This light doesn’t provide you enough concealment to
less palatable. When consumed, this serum suppresses any hide. This effect lasts for 1 minute.
delicious racial ability you have for 1d4+1 hours. In addition, for
the first 10 minutes, your body becomes universally foul-tasting, Marathon Serum
causing any creature that damages you with a bite or tongue
attack to become sickened for 1d4 rounds unless they succeed A popular substitute for natural talent among less scrupulous
at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + your Constitution modifier). athletes, a marathon serum negates the first 5 nonlethal
damage you would take from hustling or forced marches
Driftsauce Serum performed over the next 12 hours. During this time, the serum
also grants you a +2 resistance bonus to Constitution checks
Distilled and condensed from Drift gases before being enchanted, made to resist nonlethal damage from extended exertion, and
this tasteless serum resembles pink-hued quicksilver. Drinking to Fortitude saves made to resist effects that would make you
the serum allows you to perceive and predict the Drift’s fatigued or exhausted.
fluctuating space and faint currents, granting you a +5 insight
bonus to Piloting checks to navigate the Drift for any journey TABLE 2–4: SERUMS LEVEL PRICE BULK
you begin within the next hour. When calculating your travel 1 45 L
time for the journey, you can reroll any one die whose result is ITEM 3 240 L
6 and use the second result. Bitterflesh serum 4 350 L
Marathon serum 6 675 L
Glowskin Serum Glowskin serum
Driftsauce serum
When consumed, this luminescent green syrup causes your
skin to glow, with its brightness varying based on the armor

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Survival often means eking out maximum performance from an
adventurer’s gear, and a magical upgrade provides an easy edge. Weapon
fusions and many armor upgrades concentrate eldritch energy into
functional, long-lasting forms, and these latest models lend even the
most technologically outfitted explorer an arcane advantage.


The following weapon fusions follow the rules detailed on A meltdown weapon can trigger brief but painful nuclear fission

pages 191–192 of the Core Rulebook. reactions within its target’s bodies. When critically hit with the

AGILE LEVEL 7 weapon, it causes a fraction of the target’s atoms to split apart
and fly from their body (Fortitude negates). If the target fails

This delicate fusion provides its weapon exceptional balance its save, it becomes nauseated for 1d4 rounds and can attempt

and lightweight lethality. As a full action, you can make a single another saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end

attack that deals additional damage equal to your Dexterity the effect. Whenever the creature fails this Fortitude save, its

bonus to all targets. This fusion can be applied only to small body emits radiation in an instantaneous 15-foot-radius burst.

arms or weapons with the operative weapon property. Other creatures in that area must succeed at a Fortitude save

BENDING LEVEL 5 or become sickened for 1 round; creatures more than 5 feet
from the target gain a +2 circ*mstance

When attached to an analog ranged weapon, a bending fusion bonus to the saving throw. This effect

enables you to adjust the weapon’s projectiles mid-flight. has the pain and poison descriptors.

Your attacks with the weapon ignore the AC bonus from SHEERING LEVEL 12
soft cover provided by one Medium or

smaller creature between you and A sheering weapon has impossibly sharp

20733826 your target. Soft cover provided edges, sports jagged serrations, or

by additional or larger creatures is sharpens its projectiles upon firing for

unaffected. maximum lethality. When you successfully attack

BOOSTING LEVEL 7 a foe with the weapon and the die’s result is 18 or
19, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to apply one of

A boosting fusion provides its wielder a burst of the following critical hit effects the weapon has to

confidence when delivering powerful blows with the target, though you don’t double the damage:

the weapon. When you score a critical hit bleed, severe wound, or wound. Only weapons

with the weapon, if at least one target of that deal piercing or slashing damage can benefit

the attack takes damage equal to at least 3 from this fusion.

× the weapon’s item level, you recover a number STEADY LEVEL 7
of Stamina Points equal to the weapon’s item level,

in addition to the critical hit’s other effects. After A steady fusion often appears heavily reinforced

you benefit from this fusion, you can’t do or bears rocky motifs. It allows you to use your

so again until you rest for 10 minutes to physical power to steady your weapon

recover Stamina Points. and make your attacks more dangerous.

KINDRED LEVEL 2 As a full action, you can make a single
ranged attack that deals additional

A kindred weapon bears the colors, iconography, damage equal to your Strength bonus

and other designs of a specific culture. When you purchase to all targets. This fusion can be applied

or create a kindred weapon fusion, choose up to three only to a ranged weapon without the

creature species, such as humans, ryphorians, and dragonkin. thrown property.

Any attacks made with the weapon veer around creatures of SUNDERING LEVEL 3
the chosen species, taking a –4 penalty to hit and dealing the

attack’s minimum damage to such creatures. These creatures A weapon fitted with a sundering fusion triggers destructive

don’t block or impede the weapon’s attacks, granting no soft shockwaves in objects it hits, granting glancing blows the

cover for the attacks and not preventing a weapon with the forcefulness of direct hits. The weapon gains the sunder

line weapon special property from attacking creatures farther weapon special property (Armory 30). Only weapons that deal

away from the weapon. bludgeoning damage can benefit from this fusion.


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A supercharging weapon sometimes crackles with barely UPGRADE LEVEL PRICE SLOTS ARMOR TYPE BULK OVERVIEW
contained sparks or glows ominously while operated. Once per Stalwart 4 2,300 1 Any L
day when you use a supercharging weapon’s boost weapon 7 1,000 1 1 CLASSES
special property, you can activate the fusion to further Drift escape Heavy, Powered
empower the effect; for each of the boost property’s additional module 8 9,300 1 L GEAR
damage dice with a result less than that die’s average result, 10 18,000 1 Any L
you treat the die’s result as though it had instead rolled the Arcane vision Heavy, Powered SPELLS
average result, rounded up (such as treating each 1, 2, or 3 10 19,000 1 L
for a d6 as though it were a 4). If the weapon doesn’t have Gravity pulse 18 390,600 1 Any L FAITHS
the boost property, the fusion instead gives the weapon the unit Any THE
boost property it can use once per day, dealing 1d6 additional
damage for every 5 item levels the weapon has. This fusion Shadow skip unit MAGICAL
can be applied only to weapons that use charges. GALAXY
Shadow sprint

ARMOR UPGRADES 5-, 10-, or 15-foot-radius emanation centered on you. Other
creatures in the area are flat-footed unless they succeed at a
The following new upgrades follow the rules for armor Reflex save, and if they fail the save by 5 or more, they’re also
knocked prone as if tripped by a successful combat maneuver.
upgrades on pages 204–205 of the Core Rulebook.


ARCANE VISION (HYBRID) As a standard action, you can teleport from one area of dim

light or darkness to another such area that you can see, with

CAPACITY 20 USAGE 4/minute a maximum range of 60 feet. Activating this upgrade counts

This upgrade enables you to sense magic within 60 feet, as as moving from your space, provoking attacks of opportunity,

detect magic. While active, the module continuously delivers though you have concealment (20% miss chance) against any

complex data about nearby magic, but this information is foe that makes an attack of opportunity. A shadow skip unit’s

functionally meaningless unless you concentrate on it. As a charges replenish at a rate of 1 charge for every 8 continuous

standard action, you can overclock the module, temporarily hours the upgrade (or its armor, if installed) spends in dim light

increasing its usage to 4/round and causing its effect to or darkness, and entering an area of brighter light for more than

function as arcane sight. 1 round resets the recharge time. This is a teleportation effect.

20733827 4431556


This upgrade adapts and miniaturizes Drift engine technology CAPACITY 20 USAGE 1/hour
into a single-use emergency escape mechanism. You can
activate the upgrade as a full action to perform one of two When activated as a full action, a shadow sprint unit shifts
effects while you’re in the Drift. The first option is to have the
upgrade eject you from the Drift and deposit you on a random the armor and its wearer into the Plane of Shadow, as shadow
planet or similar celestial body in Near Space or the Pact
Worlds (the Vast lacks enough Drift beacons). The upgrade walk. The voyage continues until you reach your destination
simultaneously sends a distress message along with your
new coordinates to a comm unit of your choice; you can set a and depart the Shadow Plane as a full action, or until the
different message and recipient with 5 minutes of work.
upgrade runs out of charges, at which point the upgrade shifts
The second option causes the upgrade to predict a nearby
Drift region likely to have starship traffic, then teleports you to a nearby corresponding point on the Material Plane. A
you there and activates a midrange
general distress beacon. Under most shadow sprint unit’s charges replenish each day.
circ*mstances, a passing starship notes
and answers the beacon within 3d20 hours. STALWART USAGE varies
A stalwart upgrade consists of inertial
Either use destroys the module after it CAPACITY 20
fulfills its purpose, its energy drained and dampeners spread across the body, often
many parts melted from the strain. augmented by armored boots that can
deploy stabilizing struts. When
GRAVITY PULSE UNIT activated as a move action, these
dampeners monitor your biosigns,
CAPACITY 20 USAGE 10 impeding any sudden movements that
you didn’t initiate. While activated, the
This upgrade instantaneously stalwart upgrade consumes 1 charge
per minute, and each time you are
alters gravity around you, targeted by a bull rush, reposition,
or trip combat maneuver, the
jarring nearby creatures. When upgrade consumes an additional
charge to grant you a +4 armor
you activate this upgrade as a standard bonus to your AC against the
combat maneuver.
action, you choose whether it affects a

GEAR UPGRADES 55 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431557 4431557
4431557 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022 20733828


Artifacts are exceedingly rare—often unique—items beyond the ability of
any but the most accomplished craftspeople to create, and are almost as
difficult to destroy. These legendary items combine tremendous power with
intrinsic lore that shapes their abilities. Adventurers might dedicate their
entire lives to finding a specific artifact, and recovering an artifact might
spur countless high-stakes exploits.

Artifacts are level 20 items that are impossible to destroy by perform lethal swings, allowing its user to use a soldier’s kill

conventional means and often seem to have a will of their own. shot class feature with the weapon once per hour as if they

Additional information about and examples of artifacts appear were a 20th-level soldier. A soldier with the kill shot class

on page 118 of Armory. feature who wields this weapon can instead use the kill shot

HONORBRINGER ability with Honorbringer once per minute without spending
a Resolve Point. Finally, the weapon grants its wielder the

HANDS 2 PROFICIENCY special weapon inspired frenzy ability, below.

DAMAGE 13d12 P CRITICAL BLEED 8d6 It’s rumored that if a Veskarium emperor uses Honorbringer

BULK 2 SPECIAL analog to disgrace Damoritosh, the weapon would shatter into many

This unique, six-bladed, doshko-like weapon is said to have pieces, reforming only once a new emperor has taken the throne.

been bestowed upon Eshovok the Farsighted by Damoritosh Permanently destroying the weapon might require giving one

to aid the emperor in his conquest of the Vesk home world. shard to a resurrected member of each species the Veskarium

Eshovok sought to conquer what is now called Vesk Prime, has conquered, or perhaps the weapon would disintegrate once

and rather than subjugate enemies who the Veskarium is destroyed forever.

might one day rebel, he demanded Inspired Frenzy (Ex) As a swift action after you have used

the complete eradication of all non- Honorbringer to kill at least three enemies in the last minute,

Vesk societies on the planet. you can inspire a battle frenzy in any number of your willing

20733828 Eshovok personally led allies within 60 feet, including yourself. While in a battle frenzy,

his armies, and the a creature gains 20 temporary Hit Points, a +4 bonus to melee

sight of their emperor damage rolls, a +2 bonus to saving throws, and a –2 penalty

cleaving through to AC. It also can’t use any abilities that require patience or

entire formations with concentration, such as spellcasting, or any Charisma-, Dexterity-,

Honorbringer filled his or Intelligence-based skills except Acrobatics, Intimidate, and

vesk soldiers with fervor, Piloting. The only reactions a creature in a battle frenzy can

inspiring unstoppable take are attacks of opportunity. While you wield Honorbringer

battle frenzies in many. After and are affected by the battle frenzy, you also gain the frightful

achieving victory, he often personally presence (Alien Archive 154) universal creature ability.

executed the enemy commanders who The frenzy lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 × your

had most distinguished themselves key ability score modifier, though an affected creature can end

in combat, considering this death a its own battle frenzy as a move action. After you use this battle

sign of heartfelt respect for noble frenzy, you can’t do so again until after you rest 10 minutes to

opponents. Since the Veskarium’s regain Stamina Points.

foundation, Honorbringer has passed METAMORPHOSIS TORC
from emperor to emperor, regularly

serving as a traditional weapon, BULK L

cruel scepter, or metaphorical flag The composition and design of this metallic armband slowly

symbolically planted in the ground changes, though it always features a mishmash of animalistic

before an emperor would declare a features. Other than always bearing some association with

newly conquered world annexed. Oras, legends of the torc’s origins are myriad and murky.

It’s currently kept in the Imperial Given the artifact’s ability to appear without warning far

Palace on Vesk Prime. across the galaxy from where it was last seen, it may be that

Due to this adamantine there are several such torcs, with each origin story being

doshko’s unusual design, it true for one of the copies. In any case, the Metamorphosis

functions as a special weapon Torc seems to appear in fecund areas where adaptation

for proficiency purposes. In occurs at extraordinary speeds, such as in jungles, on worlds

addition, Honorbringer can experiencing rapid speciation following a mass extinction, or


20733828 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431558 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022


near sprawling biotech facilities.

The torc resizes to fit comfortably on any wearer. It can be one size category smaller (minimum Medium) for the purpose

activated as a full action up to three times a day, reshaping of calculating how long it takes you to craft them. When

part of your anatomy and granting you a random species graft crafting any weapon with an item level of 8 or higher, you OVERVIEW
(Alien Archive 4 140) for 24 hours for a system that lacks an can create and attach a flaming weapon fusion to that weapon

augmentation, after which the system reverts to its original without increasing the cost or creation time. Any equipment

form. If you succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save, you can specify created with the anvil is immune to fire damage, but cold CLASSES

which body system the torc transforms, giving you a random damage dealt to the equipment ignores half its hardness.

species graft for that system; if you exceed the DC by 5 or more, As a move action, a creature can tap a weapon or worn GEAR
you can pick the specific species graft obtained. If you fail the piece of armor against Tytarian’s Anvil. A tapped weapon

save by 5 or more, the torc can transform one of your systems gains the burn 6d6 critical hit effect for 1 hour, and any fire

that already has an augmentation, temporarily replacing an damage dealt by the weapon ignores 5 points of the target’s SPELLS
existing augmentation with a new one. At the GM’s discretion, fire resistance. A tapped piece of armor grants its wearer

you might acquire completely unique species grafts as the torc protection against heat, providing the wearer fire resistance

experiments with your physiology. 50 against damage dealt by environmental hazards, plus fire FAITHS

A Metamorphosis Torc is highly addictive, and each use resistance 10 against all other sources for 4 hours. This fire

exposes you to a mental addiction (Core Rulebook 418) that resistance can stack with one other source of fire resistance THE
you can resist with a DC 20 Fortitude save. Each use of the the wearer has. The anvil can augment up to 20 items in MAGICAL
torc is treated as taking a dose of a drug for the purpose of this way per day, after which any other users must spend 1 GALAXY

this addiction. At impaired, you manifest two species grafts Resolve Point to activate this power.

whenever you activate the torc; at befuddled, you manifest Finally, the anvil can be installed in a starship as a special

three species grafts. Once you become disassociated, attempt expansion bay that also functions as a tech bay. Once per

a DC 20 Fortitude save. If you succeed, you transform into a round when a magic officer successfully performs the eldritch

random (possibly unique) aberration, magical beast, monstrous shot crew action or an engineer successfully uses the divert

humanoid, ooze, or plant under the GM’s control. If you fail, crew action to augment the starship’s weapons, they draw

your body melts into a nutrient-rich slime. Either effect can be upon the installed anvil’s magic to also either replace one

reversed only with miracle, wish, or equally powerful magic. piece of ammunition for a starship weapon with the limited

The torc then teleports to a random location in the galaxy. fire property (maximum 3 per encounter) or grant one of

20733829 the starship’s weapons one of the following weapon special 4431558
properties until the beginning of the next helm phase:

BULK 8 mystical SOM, point (+10), or smoldering. On the next round

Ancient tales tell of a mammoth forge created in the depths of after being hit by a smoldering weapon, the target starship’s

Hyrrfellhame by Zursvaater, father of fire giants, and granted arc takes 2d6 additional damage (the

to the fire giant warlord Tytarian on Golarion to craft arms damage is instead 4d6 for a heavy

and armor that would unify the fire giants to conquer new weapon or 6d6 for a capital weapon).

lands. The giants’ gambit ultimately failed, and the forge For the eldritch shot action, this additional

fell into disuse, in no small part because it was remote, ammunition or special property must be

impractical to move, and relied on a nearby volcano’s granted to the weapon affected by eldritch

heat to function properly. Sometime during the Gap, the shot.

forge relocated from Golarion to Crucible on the Near The location of Tytarian’s Anvil remains

Space world Pholskar; however, while the new location a mystery, though some leads do exist.

included the forge’s bellows, hand tools, and impossibly Rumors have associated the Hellknight Order

hot hearth, the centerpiece anvil had gone missing. The of the Pyre with some powerful tool that grants

furious fire giant and slag giant smiths have created their armaments especially deadly flames and has

countless heat-resistant weapons with the remaining equipped elite Hellknights

tools and modern technologies, arming hunters with fearsome new armor.

who search for the presumably stolen anvil. It’s also possible that

Tytarian’s Anvil is a massive Pholskar’s giants still

blacksmithing anvil etched with have the anvil, having

runes that glow hungrily when relocated it to produce

near heated metal. secret armaments while

While using the anvil, using its supposed theft

you treat your ranks in as justification to invade

Engineering and Mysticism as nearby systems. What’s

though they were 5 higher for certain, though, is anyone who

the purpose of crafting items, does recover the anvil is sure to be

and you can treat such items as hounded by giant bounty hunters.

ARTIFACTS 57 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431559 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

20733830 4431559 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431560 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022


20733831 4431560 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431561 4431561
4431561 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022 20733832

A superscript “R” (R) after a spell’s name means it requires an Furious Shriek: Deal 4d6 sonic damage to creatures within

expenditure of Resolve Points to cast. 30 feet (more if you have fewer than half your HP


MYSTIC SPELL LIST Locate Hive: Designate a familiar structure or starship, and
know its direction and distance.
This chapter contains the following mystic spells.
Social Reset: Reroll a failed Culture check to recall

0-Level information, or Diplomacy check to change attitude or
gather information.

Climate Adaptation: Protect a creature from extreme heat or cold. Soul Surge: Attempt an attack versus EAC to deal 6d8 damage.

Distant Speech: Your speech is audible for half a mile outdoors Spiritual Bonds: Grant allies within 30 feet a +1 morale bonus

or 1,000 feet indoors. to saving throws, along with other benefits.

Glowing Wall: Create a plane of colored light. Unmask: Remove a creature’s magical or nonmagical disguise.

Psychokinetic Shove: Deal 1 damage with the force descriptor to Wall of Steam: Create a wall of fog that emits scalding steam in

a creature or object and attempt to move it. one direction.

Realign: End the off-kilter condition. 3rd-Level
Spark: Ignite a flammable object.

Vanishing Trick: Turn an object invisible. Battle Sonata: Deal 8d6 sonic damage to creatures in an area

1st-Level with a chance to stagger.
Fluidity of Form: Draw upon the Maelstrom to grant

Biome Adaptation: Adapt a creature to the environment, ever-shifting bonuses to a creature.

granting several bonuses. Furious Shriek: Deal 7d6 sonic damage to creatures within

Broadcast Message: Send out a repeating telepathic message to 30 feet (more if you have fewer than half your HP

all creatures in an area. remaining).

Command Icon: Create a rallying symbol of light above a target Gravity Tether: Deal 5d8 electricity damage to one or two

creature that provides several beneficial effects. creatures, then manipulate affected enemies’ positions.

Communal Bond: Grant a bonus to saves against fear Grim Insight: Deal 6d10 damage to a creature and cause it to

effects, and bonuses to providing aid, harrying fire, or become shaken.

covering fire. Negate Spell: Negate a spell being cast that’s 3rd level or lower.

20733832 Companion Bond: Communicate telepathically with a pet, mount, Orient: Gain a +10 bonus to certain Survival checks.

or other creature. Physical Stability: Grant a creature a +2 circ*mstance bonus

Dampen Spell: Weaken a cast spell as a reaction. against transmutation effects.

Dissonance Strike: Attack to deal 4d4 sonic damage with a RemembranceR: Glimpse a past event.

deafen critical effect. Remote Pilot: Pilot a vehicle remotely as though you were

Dream of Home: Fascinate a target. in it.

Empathic Communication: Gain bonuses when communicating Rhapsodic Aegis: Use sonic energy as a protective barrier.

with other creatures. Sharpen Senses: Grant a creature blindsight and a bonus to

Fluid Morphism: Provide an enhancement bonus to a creature’s Perception checks.

ability and skill checks. Soul Surge: Attempt an attack versus EAC to deal 10d8

Furious Shriek: Deal 2d6 sonic damage to creatures within damage.

30 feet (more if you have fewer than half your HP Time’s Edge: Deal 10d6 slashing damage to creatures and objects

remaining). in an area.

Modulate Frequency: Modify the sounds emitted by an object Wall of EarthR: Create an earthen barrier.

or creature. Wall of Ice: Create a barrier made of ice.

Proximity Alert: Set a magical alarm in an area. 4th-Level
Soul Surge: Attempt an attack versus EAC to deal 3d8 damage.

Wall of Fog: Create a bank of obscuring fog. Calm the Storm: Gain bonuses against mind-affecting effects.

2nd-Level Elemental Convergence: Mix elemental planar energies
together and deal 8d8 damage of two types in an area.

Accelerate Step: Gain concealment while moving your speed. Furious Shriek: Deal 10d6 sonic damage to creatures

Bypass Password: Use magic to access a password-protected within 30 feet (more if you have fewer than half your HP

computer. remaining).

Dampen Spell: Weaken a cast spell as a reaction. Harness Lightning: Gain cover against attacks that deal

Day’s Weariness: Deal 4d8 damage, and fatigue or exhaust electricity damage, and potentially retaliate with

atarget. electricity damage.

Distract: Use the feint action with Mysticism in place of Bluff. Magic Seal: Place a seal on a creature that interferes with its

Empathic Support: Grant alternate uses of the aid another, ability to use magic.

covering fire, and harrying fire actions. Mystical Aegis: Grant a creature a barrier against magic effects.


20733832 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431562 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022


Sonic Scream: Deal 6d12 damage in a cone that’s more effective PRECOG SPELL LIST

underwater. Precogs can learn the following spells.

Soul Surge: Attempt an attack versus EAC to deal 14d8 damage. Spells in this chapter are marked with an asterisk (*). Spells

Suppressing Field: Weaken spells cast in an area. marked with a superscript abbreviation come from a source OVERVIEW
Tracking Mark: Place a mark on a creature or object that allows other than this chapter; these sources and their abbreviations

you to track it. are listed on page 3. Spells from the Core Rulebook have

Usurp Spell: Take control of another spell being cast nearby. neither a superscript nor an asterisk. CLASSES

Void Grasp: Attempt a melee attack to deal 8d8 damage and 0-Level GEAR
sicken a creature.
Climate Adaptation*: Protect a creature from extreme heat or cold.
X-Ray Vision: Grant a creature x-ray vision.

5th-Level Daze: Humanoid creature of CR 3 or lower is dazed. SPELLS
Detect Affliction: Determine whether a creature or object
Fluidity of Form, Mass: Draw upon the Maelstrom to grant
has been poisoned, is diseased, is cursed, or is suffering a

ever-shifting bonuses to multiple creatures. similar affliction.

Furious Shriek: Deal 13d6 sonic damage to creatures within 30 Detect Magic: Detect spells and magic items within 60 feet. FAITHS

feet (more if you have fewer than half your HP remaining). Ghost Sound: Create minor illusory sounds.

Creatures might also be shaken. Glowing Wall*: Create a plane of colored light. THE
Mystical Aegis, Mass: Grant multiple creatures a barrier against Injury Echo*: Deal 1d6 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage MAGICAL
magic effects. to a creature.

Physical Stability, Mass: Grant multiple creatures a +2 Magic Mark*: Place a visible or invisible mark of your choosing

circ*mstance bonus against transmutation effects. on a creature or object.

Soul Surge: Attempt an attack versus EAC to deal 21d8 damage. Measure*: Learn the measurements of creatures and objects in

Subzero Clutch: Attempt a melee attack for 10d8 cold damage an area.

along with a free attempt to grapple. Mending: Restore 1d4 Hit Points to an object or construct.

Temporal FlashR: Spend a Resolve Point to avoid an attack and Psychokinetic Hand: Telekinetically move an object of 1 bulk

teleport to an empty space you could reach with a single or less.

move action. Quick Change*: Change the appearance of armor and clothing

Unravel Magic: Permanently remove a magic item’s magical you’re wearing.

properties.20733833 Realign*: End the off-kilter condition. 4431562

Wave of Warning: Attempt a ranged attack against up to three Spark*: Ignite a flammable object.

creatures to deal 10d8 nonlethal bludgeoning damage and Stabilize: Cause a dying creature to stabilize.

cause them to be shaken. Stumble*: Cause a creature to become off-target and move at

Weight of Ages: Deal 10d8 damage to multiple creatures and half speed for one round.

cause them to become encumbered. Telepathic Message: Send a short telepathic message and hear

6th-Level simple telepathic replies.
Token Spell: Perform simple magical effects.

Akashic Investigation: Generate a magical reenactment of Transfer Charge: Move charges from one power source to

recent events in the target area. another of the same type.

Antimagic Burst: Unravel magic in an area. Vanishing Trick*: Turn an object invisible.

Channel the Outer Sphere: Draw concentrated essence from a 1st-Level
selected plane in beams that deal 4d8 damage.

Fist of Damoritosh: Deal 12d8 damage with the force descriptor Biome Adaptation*: Adapt a creature to the environment,

to creatures in a line and knock them prone. granting several bonuses.

Furious Shriek: Deal 16d6 sonic damage to creatures within 30 Blessing of Youth*: Restore 1d8 Stamina Points and grant

feet (more if you have fewer than half your HP remaining). additional land speed.

Creatures might also be staggered. Broadcast Message*: Send out a repeating telepathic message to

Magic Seal, Greater: Place a seal in an area that interferes with all creatures in an area.

creatures’ ability to use magic. Communal Bond*: Grant a bonus to saves against fear

Mystical Aegis, Greater: Grant a creature a barrier against magic effects, and bonuses to providing aid, harrying fire, or

effects as well as the benefits of a death ward spell. covering fire.

Soul Surge: Attempt an attack versus EAC to deal 24d8 damage. Companion Bond*: Communicate telepathically with a pet,

Star Touch: Form a miniature star core, dealing massive mount, or other creature.

electricity and fire damage, and creating medium radiation. Comprehend CustomsCOM: Gain a +2 insight bonus to Culture

Star Wall: Create a wall of glowing gas that sends damaging checks about a specific culture made within the spell’s

waves of energy and radiation in one direction. duration.

Summon Corpse: Summon the body of a deceased creature to Comprehend Languages: You understand all spoken, signed, and

your side. written or tactile languages.

SPELL LISTS 61 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431563 4431563
4431563 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022 20733834

Confusion, Lesser: One living creature is confused for 1 round. Knock: Opens a locked or magically sealed door.

Dampen Spell*: Weaken a cast spell as a reaction. Locate Hive*: Designate a familiar structure or starship, and

Death’s Door*: Deal 1d10 damage and 2 Strength damage to know its direction and distance.

atarget. Make Whole: Restore 5d6 Hit Points to an object or construct.

Detect AugmentationAR: Detect the presence of augmentations. Mirror Image: Create decoy duplicates of yourself.

Detect Radiation: Detect radiation within 120 feet. Osmose*: Instantly interrogate a source of data for relevant info.

Disguise Self: Change your appearance. Parallel FormCOM: Disguise creatures’ forms and equipment, and

Dream of Home*: Fascinate a target. give targets a bonus to Bluff checks to impersonate individuals.

Empathic Communication*: Gain bonuses when communicating Perfect RecallCOM: Recall one memory unaltered by magic

with other creatures. perfectly.

Erase: Remove writings of either magical or mundane nature. Predict FoeCOM: As a reaction, shout a warning to an ally and

Hold Portal: Hold a door shut. grant that ally concealment against an attack.

Identify: Gain a +10 bonus to identify items of a magic or RechargeR: Replenish charges in a battery or item capable of

technological nature. holding charges.

IncompetenceAR: Cause targets to lose proficiency with a type Remove Condition: Remove one moderate harmful condition

ofweapon. affecting a creature.

Keen Senses: Target gains low-light vision and a +2 bonus to Resist RadiationCOM: Automatically succeed at saving throws

Perception checks. against weak radiation and suppress radiation sickness.

Know CoordinatesCOM: Learn the exact location of one creature Restoration, Lesser: Dispel magical ability penalty or cure 1d4

on the same world as you. ability damage.

Modulate Frequency*: Modify the sounds emitted by an object Restore Consumable*: Create a new copy of a consumable item

or creature. when it’s used.

Overheat: Deal 2d8 fire damage to creatures in cone. See Invisibility: See invisible creatures or objects.

RecallCOM: Reroll a failed skill check to recall knowledge. Shield OtherR: You take half of the target’s Hit Point damage.

Reflecting Armor: Sheath of mystical force can reflect damage Social Reset*: Reroll a failed Culture check to recall

back on foe. information, or Diplomacy check to change attitude or

Remove Condition, Lesser: Remove one minor harmful condition gather information.

affecting a creature. Spiritual Bonds*: Grant allies within 30 feet a +1 morale bonus to

20733834 Scan EnvironmentCOM: Learn about the state of the natural saving throws, along with other benefits.

environment. Status: Monitor condition and position of allies.

Share MemoryCOM: Target shares memory with you and Time Loop*: Confuse and entangle a creature.

fiveothers. Uncanny Luck*: Reroll a saving throw or an enemy’s attack roll.

Swap Initiative*: Switch places in initiative order with a Unmask*: Remove a creature’s magical or nonmagical disguise.



2nd-Level Arcane Sight: Magical sources become visible to you.

Accelerate Step*: Gain concealment while moving your speed. Blessing of Youth*: Restore 5d8 Stamina Points and grant

AuguryR: Learn whether an action will be good or bad. additional land speed.

Blessing of Youth*: Restore 3d8 Stamina Points and grant Clairaudience/Clairvoyance: Hear or see at a distance for 1

additional land speed. minute per level.

Bypass Password*: Use magic to access a password-protected Death AffinityNS: Transform a creature into an undead amalgam

computer. with some of an undead creature’s abilities.

Dampen Spell*: Weaken a cast spell as a reaction. Death’s Door*: Deal 4d10 damage, 4 Strength damage, and 2

Dampening FieldNS: Prevent creatures from detecting you using Dexterity damage to a target.

sounds or vibrations. Discharge: Disrupts or de-powers one target technological item

Day’s Weariness*: Deal 4d8 damage, and fatigue or exhaust or construct.

atarget. Dispel Magic: Cancel one magical spell or effect.

Daze Monster: Target living creature of CR 5 or lower is dazed. Displacement: Attacks miss 50% of the time.

Death’s Door*: Deal 2d10 damage, 2 Strength damage, and 2 Entropic Grasp: Touch decays a construct or nonmagical

Dexterity damage to a target. manufactured item once per round per level.

Delay CountermeasuresCOM: Delay a computer’s Explosive Blast: Deal 9d6 fire damage to creatures in a 20-foot

countermeasures. radius.

Distract*: Use the feint action with Mysticism in place of Bluff. Grim Insight*: Deal 6d10 damage to a creature and cause it to

Force Blast: Cone deals 2d6 damage and bull rushes creatures. become shaken.

Hold Person: Paralyze one humanoid. GroundlingCOM: Give a target a burrow speed and DR 5/

Invisibility: Target is invisible for 1 minute per level or until bludgeoning.

itattacks. Haste: One creature per level moves and acts faster.


20733834 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431564 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022


Hologram Memory: Extract a creature’s memory and replay it as Mind Probe: Potentially access a target creature’s memories and

a hologram. its knowledge.

Negate Spell*: Negate a spell being cast that’s 3rd level or lower. Modify OutcomeNS; R: Attempt to replace an ally’s failed action

NondetectionR: Hide target from divination and surveillance. with a success from another reality. OVERVIEW
Orient*: Gain a +10 bonus to certain Survival checks. Planar Binding: Trap an extraplanar creature of CR 4 or lower

Pinpoint NavigationCOM: Gain a +10 bonus to Piloting checks until it performs a task.

fornavigation. Reanimate ConstructNS: Reanimate a destroyed technological CLASSES

Planned ObsolescenceNS: Transform a weapon or set of armor creature to serve you.

into an archaic facsimile. Remove Radioactivity: Remove ongoing radiation effects from a GEAR
PrescienceCOM: Concentrate on an enemy, predict their actions, creature or object.

and prepare an appropriate response. Resilient Sphere: Force globe protects but traps one target.

Preserve SpecimenCOM: Preserve a willing or unconscious Resistant Armor: Grant DR 10/– or energy resistance 10 to three SPELLS
creature in stasis. energy types.

Probability Prediction: Reroll one attack roll, save, or check. RestorationR: Restores ability score drain and negative levels.

RemembranceR*: Glimpse a past event. Suppressing Field*: Weaken spells cast in an area. FAITHS

Remote Pilot*: Pilot a vehicle remotely as though you were in it. Time Loop, Mass*: Confuse and entangle multiple creatures.

Remove Affliction: Neutralizes curses, diseases, infestations, Tracking Mark*: Place a mark on a creature or object that allows THE
poisons, and other harmful conditions affecting a creature. you to track it. MAGICAL
Resistant Armor, Lesser: Grant DR 5/— or energy resistance 5 Usurp Spell*: Take control of another spell being cast nearby.

against two energy types. X-Ray Vision*: Grant a creature x-ray vision.

Sharpen Senses*: Grant a creature blindsight and a bonus to 5th-Level
Perception checks.

Slow: One creature per level moves and acts slower. Blessing of Youth*: Restore 9d8 Stamina Points, grant additional

Speak with Dead: Corpse answers up to six questions. land speed, and heal ability damage.

Temporal Bullets*: When an ally’s weapon attack misses, you Break Enchantment: Free creatures from curses, enchantments,

cause it to hit instead, dealing up to 40 damage. and transmutations.

Time Crawl*: Create an area of warped time that acts as difficult Chrono Leap*: Knock a creature through time and across

terrain and staggers creatures. thebattlefield.

20733835 Time’s Edge*: Deal 10d6 slashing damage to creatures and Contact Other Plane: Ask questions of an extraplanar entity, 4431564

objects in an area. with questionable results.

Tongues: Target can speak and understand any language. Death’s Door*: Deal 8d10 damage, 6 Strength damage, and 4

4th-Level Dexterity damage to a target.
Dismissal: Force extraplanar creatures whose total CR is no

Animate Dead: Create controlled undead creatures out of greater than your level + 2 to return to their native planes.

targetcorpses. Dispel Magic, Greater: Cancel multiple magical spells or

Arcane Eye: Invisible floating eye moves 30 feet per round and effects.

sends you visual information. Feeblemind: Target’s Intelligence and Charisma scores drop to 1.

Blessing of Youth*: Restore 7d8 Stamina Points and grant Heat Leech: Deal 13d8 cold damage to creatures in a cone.

additional land speed. Mislead: Make yourself invisible and create an illusory double of

Calm the Storm*: Gain bonuses against mind-affecting effects. your likeness.

Confusion: Targets behave randomly for 1 round per level. Modify Memory: Change 5 minutes of target’s memories.

Death Ward: Target gains +4 bonus to saves against death Passwall: Create a passage through most walls.

spells, and is immune to negative energy and gaining Planar Binding: Trap an extraplanar creature of CR 7 or lower

negative levels. until it performs a task.

Death’s Door*: Deal 6d10 damage, 4 Strength damage, and 4 Private Sanctum: Prevent anyone from viewing or scrying an

Dexterity damage to a target. area for 24 hours.

Dimension Door: Teleport a short distance. Prying Eyes: Twenty floating eyes scout for you.

Discern Lies: Reveal deliberate falsehoods. Raise Dead: Restore life to a creature that died no more than 1

Dismissal: Force a creature to return to its native plane. day per level ago.

Displace MemoryCOM: You deposit a memory into a small object. Rapid Repair: Construct or weapon regains 2d8 Hit Points per

DivinationR: Gain useful advice for specific proposed actions. round for 1 minute.

Enervation: Ray imposes 2 negative levels. Reality BendCOM: Concentrate on an ally, and shift them up to 10

Hold Monster: Paralyze one creature. feet once per round when it’s most convenient.

Invisibility, Greater: Target is invisible for 1 round per level, even ReanimatePW: Reanimate a dead construct or destroyed

if it attacks. undeadcreature.

Magic Seal*: Place a seal on a creature that interferes with its Remove Condition, Greater: Remove all harmful conditions

ability to use magic. affecting a creature.

SPELL LISTS 63 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431565 4431565
4431565 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022 20733836

Retrocognition: Gain psychic impressions of past events in a Summon Drift BeaconsNS: Conjure Drift beacons to facilitate

certain location. starship travel.

Sniper’s Edge*: Fire a sniper weapon with supernatural TerraformR: Alter terrain and climate.

precision. True Seeing: Target can see things as they really are.

Subzero Clutch*: Attempt a melee attack for 10d8 cold damage Usher ApocalypseCOM: Deal fire damage, create difficult terrain,

along with a free attempt to grapple. and potentially anchor foes to the ground in the area.

Teleport: Instantly teleport as far as 2,000 miles. VisionR: Answer a question about a person, place, or object.

Temporal FlashR*: Spend a Resolve Point to avoid an attack and

teleport to an empty space you could reach with a single TECHNOMANCER SPELL LIST
move action.
Undo MistakeR*: Establish a mental link with an ally and spend a This chapter contains the following technomancer spells.

Resolve Point to allow them to reroll a failed skill check with 0-Level
a +2 circ*mstance bonus.

Unravel Magic*: Permanently remove a magic item’s magical Adhere: Create a strong molecular bond with an object or in

properties. asquare.

Wall of Force: Invisible wall is difficult to destroy. Climate Adaptation: Protect a creature from extreme heat or cold.

Waves of Fatigue: Several targets become fatigued. Distant Speech: Your speech is audible for half a mile outdoors

Weight of Ages*: Deal 10d8 damage to multiple creatures and or 1,000 feet indoors.

cause them to become encumbered. Glowing Wall: Create a plane of colored light.

6th-Level Holographic Interface: Generate a holographic interface that lets
you interact with a computer.

Akashic Investigation*: Generate a magical reenactment of Magic Mark: Place a visible or invisible mark of your choosing

recent events in the target area. on a creature or object.

Antimagic Burst*: Unravel magic in an area. Measure: Learn the measurements of creatures and objects in

Blessing of Youth*: Restore 11d8 Stamina Points, grant additional an area.

land speed, and heal ability damage. Misfire: Cause an item to fail to function.

Cheat Time*: Perform a flurry of actions. Omnitool: Create tools needed for Engineering checks.

Control Undead: Undead creatures follow your commands and Spark: Ignite a flammable object.

20733836 don’t attack you. Vanishing Trick: Turn an object invisible.

Death’s Door*: Deal 10d10 damage, 6 Strength damage, and 6 Varied Veneer: Make an object appear broken or nonfunctional,

Dexterity damage to a target. or make a broken object appear to be functional.

Disintegrate: Ray reduces one creature or object to dust. 1st-Level
Enshrining Refuge: Targets can’t attack or be attacked, but can

exist comfortably. Adamantine Shot: Transmute ammunition into adamantine alloy

Ethereal Jaunt: You become ethereal for 1 round per level. and attack with it.

Forcecage*: Create an invisible cage of force energy. Broadcast Message: Send out a repeating telepathic message to

Interplanetary Teleport: Teleport between planets. all creatures in an area.

Invisibility, Mass: Multiple targets are invisible for 1 minute per Command Icon: Create a rallying symbol of light above a target

level or until one target attacks or moves away from other creature that provides several beneficial effects.

targets affected by the spell. Dampen Spell: Weaken a cast spell as a reaction.

Magic Seal, Greater*: Place a seal in an area that interferes with Dissonance Strike: Attack to deal 4d4 sonic damage with a

creatures’ ability to use magic. deafen critical effect.

Planar Barrier: Seal an area against all planar travel into or Fluid Morphism: Provide an enhancement bonus to a creature’s

within it. ability and skill checks.

Planar Binding: Trap an extraplanar creature of CR 10 or lower Helping Hands: Grant extra hands that assist with some skill

until it performs a task. checks and item manipulation.

Plane Shift: As many as eight creatures travel to another plane Modulate Frequency: Modify the sounds emitted by an object

of your choice. or creature.

Psychic Surgery: Cure all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Proximity Alert: Set a magical alarm in an area.

damage and drain, plus remove other mental afflictions Wall of Fog: Create a bank of obscuring fog.

andconditions. 2nd-Level
Regenerate: Grow back target’s severed limbs, restore 12d8 Hit

Points, and remove exhaustion and fatigue. Adamantine Shot: Transmute ammunition into adamantine alloy

Resistant Armor, Greater: Grant DR 15/— or energy resistance 15 and attack with it.

against four energy types. Anchor: Create a magical anchoring cable.

Snuff Life: Instantly kill or massively damage one creature per 2 Bypass Password: Use magic to access a password-protected

caster levels, depending on targets’ CRs. computer.


20733836 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431566 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022


Dampen Spell: Weaken a cast spell as a reaction. Radiation Ray: Deal 8d12 fire damage to a creature and expose it

Empathic Support: Grant alternate uses of the aid another, to high radiation.

covering fire, and harrying fire actions. Unravel Magic: Permanently remove a magic item’s magical

Osmose: Instantly interrogate a source of data for relevant info. properties. OVERVIEW
Wall of Steam: Create a wall of fog that emits scalding steam in
one direction.

3rd-Level Adamantine Shot: Transmute ammunition into adamantine alloy CLASSES
and attack with it.

Acid Puddle: Create a damaging pool of acid. Akashic Investigation: Generate a magical reenactment of GEAR
Adamantine Shot: Transmute ammunition into adamantine alloy recent events in the target area.

and attack with it. Antimagic Burst: Unravel magic in an area.

Autopilot: Install a temporary AI into a vehicle that can act as Forcecage: Create an invisible cage of force energy. SPELLS
an autopilot. Ice Prison: Deal 8d6 cold damage and cause a creature

Duplicate Data: Copy data and any countermeasures from a to become paralyzed, along with additional damage

single computer to another device in your possession. perround. FAITHS

Fluidity of Form: Draw upon the Maelstrom to grant ever- Magic Seal, Greater: Place a seal in an area that interferes with

shifting bonuses to a creature. creatures’ ability to use magic. THE
Gravity Tether: Deal 5d8 electricity damage to one or two Mystical Aegis, Greater: Grant a creature a barrier against magic MAGICAL
creatures, then manipulate affected enemies’ positions. effects as well as the benefits of a death ward spell.

Helping Hands, Mass: Grant extra hands to multiple creatures

that assist with some skill checks and item manipulation. WITCHWARPER SPELL LIST
Negate Spell: Negate a spell being cast that’s 3rd level or lower.
Physical Stability: Grant a creature a +2 circ*mstance bonus This chapter contains the following witchwarper spells.

against transmutation effects. 0-Level
Plasma Snare: Attempt an attack to deal 3d6 electricity and

fire damage and entangle a target, dealing further damage. Adhere: Create a strong molecular bond with an object or in

Remote Pilot: Pilot a vehicle remotely as though you were asquare.

in it. Climate Adaptation: Protect a creature from extreme heat or cold.

20733837 Sharpen Senses: Grant a creature blindsight and a bonus to Glowing Wall: Create a plane of colored light. 4431566

Perception checks. Magic Mark: Place a visible or invisible mark of your choosing

4th-Level on a creature or object.
Misfire: Cause an item to fail to function.

Adamantine Shot: Transmute ammunition into adamantine alloy Psychokinetic Shove: Deal 1 damage with the force descriptor to

and attack with it. a creature or object and attempt to move it.

Harness Lightning: Gain cover against attacks that deal Quick Change: Change the appearance of armor and clothing

electricity damage, and potentially retaliate with you’re wearing.

electricity damage. Realign: End the off-kilter condition.

Magic Seal: Place a seal on a creature that interferes with its Spark: Ignite a flammable object.

ability to use magic. Stumble: Cause a creature to become off-target and move at half

Mystical Aegis: Grant a creature a barrier against magic effects. speed for one round.

Shared Gravity: Adjust gravity for creatures and objects in Vanishing Trick: Turn an object invisible.

an area. Varied Veneer: Make an object appear broken or nonfunctional,

Suppressing Field: Weaken spells cast in an area. or make a broken object appear to be functional.

Tracking Mark: Place a mark on a creature or object that allows 1st-Level
you to track it.

Usurp Spell: Take control of another spell being cast nearby. Adamantine Shot: Transmute ammunition into adamantine alloy

X-Ray Vision: Grant a creature x-ray vision. and attack with it.

5th-Level Biome Adaptation: Adapt a creature to the environment,
granting several bonuses.

Adamantine Shot: Transmute ammunition into adamantine alloy Communal Bond: Grant a bonus to saves against fear

and attack with it. effects, and bonuses to providing aid, harrying fire, or

Fluidity of Form, Mass: Draw upon the Maelstrom to grant covering fire.

ever-shifting bonuses to multiple creatures. Companion Bond: Communicate telepathically with a pet, mount,

Mystical Aegis, Mass: Grant multiple creatures a barrier against or other creature.

magic effects. Dampen Spell: Weaken a cast spell as a reaction.

Physical Stability, Mass: Grant multiple creatures a +2 Dissonance Strike: Attack to deal 4d4 sonic damage with a

circ*mstance bonus against transmutation effects. deafen critical effect.

SPELL LISTS 65 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431567 4431567
4431567 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022 20733838

Dream of Home: Fascinate a target. Soul Surge: Attempt an attack versus EAC to deal 10d8 damage.

Empathic Communication: Gain bonuses when communicating Time’s Edge: Deal 10d6 slashing damage to creatures and objects

with other creatures. in an area.

Fluid Morphism: Provide an enhancement bonus to a creature’s Wall of EarthR: Create an earthen barrier.

ability and skill checks. Wall of Ice: Create a barrier made of ice.

Helping Hands: Grant extra hands that assist with some skill 4th-Level
checks and item manipulation.

Modulate Frequency: Modify the sounds emitted by an object Adamantine Shot: Transmute ammunition into adamantine alloy

or creature. and attack with it.

Soul Surge: Attempt an attack versus EAC to deal 3d8 damage. Calm the Storm: Gain bonuses against mind-affecting effects.

Swap Initiative: Switch places in initiative order with a willing Elemental Convergence: Mix elemental planar energies together

creature. and deal 8d8 damage of two types in an area.

Wall of Fog: Create a bank of obscuring fog. Magic Seal: Place a seal on a creature that interferes with its

2nd-Level ability to use magic.
Shared Gravity: Adjust gravity for creatures and objects in

Adamantine Shot: Transmute ammunition into adamantine alloy anarea.

and attack with it. Sonic Scream: Deal 6d12 damage in a cone that’s more effective

Anchor: Create a magical anchoring cable. underwater.

Dampen Spell: Weaken a cast spell as a reaction. Soul Surge: Attempt an attack versus EAC to deal 14d8 damage.

Day’s Weariness: Deal 4d8 damage, and fatigue or exhaust Suppressing Field: Weaken spells cast in an area.

atarget. Usurp Spell: Take control of another spell being cast nearby.

Distract: Use the feint action with Mysticism in place of Bluff. Void Grasp: Attempt a melee attack to deal 8d8 damage and

Empathic Support: Grant alternate uses of the aid another, sicken a creature.

covering fire, and harrying fire actions. 5th-Level
Osmose: Instantly interrogate a source of data for relevant info.

Social Reset: Reroll a failed Culture check to recall Adamantine Shot: Transmute ammunition into adamantine alloy

information, or Diplomacy check to change attitude or and attack with it.

gather information. Fluidity of Form, Mass: Draw upon the Maelstrom to grant

20733838 Soul Surge: Attempt an attack versus EAC to deal 6d8 damage. ever-shifting bonuses to multiple creatures.

Spiritual Bonds: Grant allies within 30 feet a +1 morale bonus to Physical Stability, Mass: Grant multiple creatures a +2

saving throws, along with other benefits. circ*mstance bonus against transmutation effects.

Uncanny Luck: Reroll a saving throw or an enemy’s attack roll. Radiation Ray: Deal 8d12 fire damage to a creature and expose it

Unmask: Remove a creature’s magical or nonmagical disguise. to high radiation.

Wall of Steam: Create a wall of fog that emits scalding steam in Sniper’s Edge: Fire a sniper weapon with supernatural

one direction. precision.

3rd-Level Soul Surge: Attempt an attack versus EAC to deal 21d8 damage.
Temporal FlashR: Spend a Resolve Point to avoid an attack and

Acid Puddle: Create a damaging pool of acid. teleport to an empty space you could reach with a single

Adamantine Shot: Transmute ammunition into adamantine alloy move action.

and attack with it. Undo Mistake: Establish a mental link with an ally and spend a

Autopilot: Install a temporary AI into a vehicle that can act as Resolve Point to allow them to reroll a failed skill check with

an autopilot. a +2 circ*mstance bonus.

Fluidity of Form: Draw upon the Maelstrom to grant Unravel Magic: Permanently remove a magic item’s magical

ever-shifting bonuses to a creature. properties.

Gravity Tether: Deal 5d8 electricity damage to one or two Weight of Ages: Deal 10d8 damage to multiple creatures and

creatures, then manipulate affected enemies’ positions. cause them to become encumbered.

Grim Insight: Deal 6d10 damage to a creature and cause it to 6th-Level
become shaken.

Helping Hands, Mass: Grant extra hands to multiple creatures Adamantine Shot: Transmute ammunition into adamantine

that assist with some skill checks and item manipulation. alloy and attack with it, dealing damage and inferring

Negate Spell: Negate a spell being cast that’s 3rd level or lower. special properties.

Physical Stability: Grant a creature a +2 circ*mstance bonus Antimagic Burst: Unravel magic in an area.

against transmutation effects. Forcecage: Create an invisible cage of force energy.

Plasma Snare: Attempt an attack to deal 3d6 electricity and fire Ice Prison: Deal 8d6 cold damage and cause a creature to

damage and entangle a target, dealing further damage. become paralyzed, along with additional damage per round.

Sharpen Senses: Grant a creature blindsight and a bonus to Magic Seal, Greater: Place a seal in an area that interferes with

Perception checks. creatures’ ability to use magic.


20733838 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431568 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022


Soul Surge: Attempt an attack versus EAC to deal 24d8 damage. 2nd: When you cast adamantine shot as a 2nd-level spell,

Star Touch: Form a miniature star core, dealing massive each projectile deals 2d8 piercing damage.

electricity and fire damage, and creating medium radiation. 3rd: When you cast adamantine shot as a 3rd-level spell,

Star Wall: Create a wall of glowing gas that sends damaging each projectile deals 3d8 piercing damage. OVERVIEW
waves of energy and radiation in one direction. 4th: When you cast adamantine shot as a 4th-level spell,

Summon Corpse: Summon the body of a deceased creature to each projectile deals 5d8 piercing damage.

your side. 5th: When you cast adamantine shot as a 5th-level spell, CLASSES

SPELL DESCRIPTIONS each projectile deals 7d8 piercing damage. GEAR
6th: When you cast adamantine shot as a 6th-level spell, SPELLS
each projectile deals 9d8 piercing damage.
School transmutation
Casting Time 1 standard action PRECOG 2


School transmutation

Range personal Casting Time 1 standard action

Duration 1 round/level Range touch FAITHS

Drawing upon the Dimension of Time, you speed your steps Targets one object

until your every movement is a blur of motion. While you move Duration varies; see text THE
up to your speed, charge, run, or step, you have concealment Saving Throw see text; Spell Resistance no MAGICAL
against attackers. You create a molecular bond between an object you touch GALAXY

ACID PUDDLE TECHNOMANCER 3 (bulk up to 1 + your caster level) and another object or a
surface that object is touching. Pulling the object free of that

WITCHWARPER 3 surface then requires a Strength check against the spell’s save

School conjuration (acid, creation) DC, although you can dismiss it by touching the object again.

Casting Time 1 standard action If moving or opening the object already requires a Strength

Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) check, you increase the DC of that check by half your key

Area 20-ft.-radius spread ability score bonus. If the adherence is broken, the spell ends.

Duration 1 round/level (D) Otherwise, the magic is permanent.

Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance no If you instead touch a surface (one 5-foot square), that

20733839 You coat the area in conjured acid, which quickly pools on surface becomes charged with adhering magic for 1 round 4431568

the ground. Creatures and objects in the area when the spell per level. If a creature touches the surface of the affected

is cast take 6d6 acid damage. For the duration of the spell, square, the creature must succeed at a Reflex saving throw

creatures that enter or start their turn in the area take 2d6 or become entangled until they successfully save against

acid damage. the spell (they can attempt a new save at the beginning of

ADAMANTINE SHOT TECHNOMANCER 1-6 each of their turns). Once the entangled creature escapes,
the spell ends. It also ends if you cast this version of the spell

WITCHWARPER 1-6 on another area.

Casting Time 1 standard action

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) PRECOG 6 TECHNOMANCER 6

Targets up to three creatures School divination

Duration instantaneous Casting Time 1 minute

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Dwarves created adamantine shot to turn common Area 20-ft.-radius emanation

ammunition into deadly projectiles with siege and mining Duration 1 hour (D)

potential. You transmute one longarm round or similar Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

missile, such as an arrow, into a magical projectile that You sift through the Akashic Record to view a shadow of

performs as adamantine alloy ammunition, then you launch the past day’s events that happened in the spell’s area. You

it. The round splits into three; attempt an attack against a overlay these events at the location that they occurred,

target’s KAC for each projectile. On a success, a shot deals staging a blurred reenactment of events that took place

piercing damage based on the slot you used to cast the over the last 24 hours. This reenactment presents only a

spell and has the knockdown critical hit effect. Each shot shadow of the original events, with the creatures appearing

also has the breach weapon special property (Armory 27), as shadows that make indecipherable noises. You can make

but you use your key ability score in place of Strength and out the general actions, positions, and sizes of creatures,

add triple the spell-slot level you used to the roll instead of identify generic noises, and determine the mood and tone of

itemlevel. conversation. There isn’t enough detail to identify creatures

1st: When you cast adamantine shot as a 1st-level spell, in this reenactment by anything more specific than creature

each projectile deals 1d8 piercing damage. type, nor to determine anything spoken. You have the ability

SPELL DESCRIPTIONS 67 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431569 4431569
4431569 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022 20733840

to fast forward, rewind, move in slow motion, and pause the engage or disengage the autopilot AI as a swift action. You

events to get a better view, at any speed desired. can input a destination into the autopilot AI as a move action,

ANCHOR TECHNOMANCER 2 WITCHWARPER 2 and the autopilot AI attempts to reach that location if doing
so is possible.

School conjuration (summoning) The vehicle is considered controlled when the autopilot

Casting Time 1 standard action AI is engaged. The autopilot AI’s actions are dictated by the

Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) GM, and the autopilot AI can take any of the actions to pilot a

Targets immobile object vehicle that an actual pilot can. The autopilot AI has a Piloting

Duration 10 minutes/level (D) modifier of +14.

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no BATTLE SONATA MYSTIC 3
You conjure and attach a cable to an immobile object. When

the spell ends, the cable returns to where it was summoned School evocation (sonic)

from. The cable has hardness 8, 8 Hit Points, and a length Casting Time 1 standard action

equal to the spell’s range. The cable can be pried free with an Range 15 ft.

Athletics check equal to the spell’s DC. If the cable becomes Area cone-shaped burst

unanchored or destroyed, the spell ends. Duration instantaneous

ANTIMAGIC BURST MYSTIC 6 PRECOG 6 Saving Throw Will half, see text; Spell Resistance yes
Employed to great effect by the pahtra defenders of

TECHNOMANCER 6 WITCHWARPER 6 independent Pulonis, this spell weaponizes music to devastate

School abjuration foes. You compose a deadly song that unleashes dissonant

Casting Time 1 standard action chords in a cone-shaped burst in front of you, dealing 8d6

Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) sonic damage to all creatures and objects in the area. A

Area 20-ft.-radius burst creature who fails its Will save against your battle sonata is

Duration instantaneous also staggered for 1 round.

Saving Throw Will partial, see text; Spell Resistance yes, see text BIOME ADAPTATION MYSTIC 1 PRECOG 1
You detonate a bubble of antimagic in the area, temporarily

unraveling magical effects. This spell works like an area dispel WITCHWARPER 1

from greater dispel magic, but your dispel check applies to School transmutation

20733840 every spell, supernatural effect, hybrid item, magic item, and Casting Time 1 standard action

magical effect in the area. For supernatural effects, the DC Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

for your check equals 11 + the CR or level of the creature Targets one creature

that created the effect. If the dispel check would end a Duration 1 hour/level (D)

summoning effect, it sends only those summoned creatures Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless); Spell Resistance

in the area back from whence they came. The antimagic yes (harmless)

suppresses an affected magic item’s magical capabilities for As the elves of yore, you attune the target to the surrounding

1d4 rounds. Creatures and objects only partially within the environment or foresee their needs there, altering their

area are unaffected. coloration and movement to better match the biome (Core

Creatures, including summoned ones that remain because Rulebook 396) within which you cast this spell. The target

the effect that summoned them isn’t dispelled, can attempt ignores nonmagical difficult terrain typical to that biome and

a Will saving throw against this effect, and their spell gains a +2 insight bonus to Stealth checks there as well as

resistance applies. If a creature is affected, it can’t use its Survival checks for the tasks endure severe weather, live off

spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities for the land, and orienteering in that biome.

1d4 rounds. A magical construct that fails the save is also BLESSING OF YOUTH PRECOG 1-6
staggered for this time. Any creature affected by this spell

can attempt a Will saving throw at the end of each round to School transmutation

shrug off the effect on itself. Casting Time 1 standard action

This spell has no effect on artifacts or deities. Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

AUTOPILOT TECHNOMANCER 3 WITCHWARPER 3 Targets one living creature
Duration instantaneous

School conjuration Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes

Casting Time 1 standard action (harmless)

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) You rewind a living creature’s personal timeline to an earlier

Targets one vehicle point in their life cycle, imbuing them with renewed vitality

Duration 1 hour/level and restoring a number of Stamina Points. Blessing of youth

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no ends the bleeding condition.

You install an AI into a vehicle that can control the vehicle in Blessing of youth restores a number of Stamina Points and

place of an actual pilot. During the spell’s duration, you can applies bonuses to your target depending on the spell’s level.


20733840 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431570 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022


1st: When you cast blessing of youth as a 1st-level spell, it successful, bypass password gives access through three

restores 1d8 Stamina Points plus grants a +5-foot enhancement password-protected security measures. Bypass password

bonus to the target’s land speed for 1 round. only works on technological or hybrid devices.

2nd: When you cast blessing of youth as a 2nd-level CALM THE STORM MYSTIC 4 PRECOG 4 OVERVIEW
spell, it restores 3d8 Stamina Points plus grants a +5-foot

enhancement bonus to the target’s land speed for 2 rounds. WITCHWARPER 4

3rd: When you cast blessing of youth as a 3rd-level School enchantment CLASSES

spell, it restores 5d8 Stamina Points plus grants a +5-foot Casting Time 1 standard action

enhancement bonus to the target’s land speed for 3 rounds. Range personal GEAR
4th: When you cast blessing of youth as a 4th-level Duration 10 minutes/level

spell, it restores 7d8 Stamina Points plus grants a +10-foot Developed by ikeshti brood-minders and congregants who

enhancement bonus to the target’s land speed for 4 rounds. moved beyond the threat of becoming a rivener, this spell SPELLS
5th: When you cast blessing of youth as a 5th-level is a celebration of the mental fortitude that one needs to

spell, it restores 9d8 Stamina Points plus grants a +10-foot resist one’s urges and to shrug off outside influence. You

enhancement bonus to the target’s land speed for 5 rounds. gain a +2 morale bonus to saving throws against all spells FAITHS

Additionally, it heals 1 temporary ability damage to each of the and effects with the mind-affecting descriptor. If you would

target’s ability scores. fail a saving throw against a mind-affecting spell or effect THE
6th: When you cast blessing of youth as a 6th-level while under the effects of calm the storm, you can reroll MAGICAL
the failed saving throw as a reaction. If you do, calm the GALAXY
spell, it restores 11d8 Stamina Points plus grants a +10-foot

enhancement bonus to the target’s land speed for 6 rounds. storm ends.

Additionally, it heals 2 temporary ability damage to each of CHANNEL THE OUTER SPHERE MYSTIC 6
the target’s ability scores.

Casting Time 1 round

TECHNOMANCER 1 Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)

School divination (language-dependent, mind-affecting) Area cylinder (30-ft. radius, 100 ft. high)

Casting Time 1 round; see text Duration concentration, up to 1 round/level

Area emanation with a radius of 100 ft. centered on you; see Saving Throw Reflex half, see text; Spell Resistance no

tex t20733841 You weaken the border between one of the outer planes 4431570

Targets all creatures and the area, drawing concentrated planar essence down

Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level to the battlefield in beams of volatile energy. A beam is a

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no vertical line, 5 feet wide, from the top of the spell’s area

You broadcast a short telepathic message of up to 25 words to the bottom, and it deals 4d8 damage to each creature

to all creatures in the area. The message repeats each in the beam. When you cast this spell and each time you

round for the duration. A technomancer casting this spell concentrate on it, you can call down a damaging beam

also broadcasts the message to all computers or constructs within the spell’s area. A creature in the area of a beam can

with the technological subtype that are designed to attempt a Reflex saving throw to halve the damage dealt by

receivemessages. this spell. Creatures that fail this saving throw can suffer

You can spend additional time casting this spell to increase further ill effects, as noted.

its area. If you do, for each additional full action spent to cast When you cast this spell, select one of the following

this spell, the emanation’s radius increases by 100 ft., to a planes. You can only select a plane within one alignment step

maximum of 1,000 ft. of your own. The beams gain additional effects based on the

Heaven (LG): When you choose Heaven, channel the

TECHNOMANCER 2 outer sphere deals fire damage that has the lawful and good

School divination descriptors. Good creatures are immune to all damage dealt

Casting Time 1 standard action by this spell. Creatures that fail their Reflex saving throw are

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) blinded 1 round.

Targets one computer, control panel, datapad, or similar Nirvana (NG): When you choose Nirvana, channel the

digitaldevice outer sphere deals nonlethal bludgeoning damage that has

Duration instantaneous; see text the good descriptor. Good creatures in the area of a beam

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no are immune to all damage dealt by this spell and have 4d8

Bypass password allows the caster to access a computer, Hit Points restored.

control panel, or other similar digital device protected by Elysium (CG): When you choose Elysium, channel the

a password. When you complete the casting of this spell, outer sphere deals sonic damage that has the chaotic and

attempt a caster-level check (1d20 + your caster level) with good descriptors. Good creatures in the area of a beam are

a +10 bonus against the DC of the computer password. If immune to all damage dealt by this spell and escape from

SPELL DESCRIPTIONS 69 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

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4431571 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022 20733842

unwelcome bonds, immediately removing the entangled and Casting Time 1 standard action

grappled conditions. Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)

Axis (LN): When you choose Axis, channel the outer sphere Targets one creature

deals electricity damage that has the lawful descriptor. Area see text

Creatures that fail their Reflex saving throw are entangled for Duration instantaneous

1 round. Saving Throw Reflex half, see text; Spell Resistance yes

Boneyard (N): When you choose the Boneyard, channel the You rocket the target forward through time, sending them

outer sphere deals damage with the force descriptor. Undead careening across the battlefield. You move the target up to

in the area of a beam are dealt an additional 2d8 damage, for 60 feet in a straight line. This movement doesn’t provoke

a total of 6d8 damage. attacks of opportunity. The target can attempt a Reflex saving

Maelstrom (CN): When you choose the Maelstrom, the throw to prevent this movement and negate the additional

damage dealt by channel the outer sphere has the chaotic effectbelow.

descriptor and an additional damage type determined At the end of this movement, the creature reenters the

randomly each round from among the following: acid, cold, flow of time with a burst of temporal energy. Creatures

electricity, fire. Creatures that fail their Reflex saving throw adjacent to the target take 4d6 bludgeoning damage and

are confused for 1 round. are knocked prone. A creature in this area that succeeds

Hell (LE): When you choose Hell, channel the outer sphere at a Reflex saving throw takes only half damage and isn’t

deals fire damage that has the lawful and evil descriptors. knocked prone.

Creatures that fail their Reflex saving throw gain the burning CLIMATE ADAPTATION MYSTIC 0 PRECOG 0
condition (1d8).

Abaddon (NE): When you choose Abaddon, channel the TECHNOMANCER 0 WITCHWARPER 0

outer sphere deals acid damage that has the evil descriptor. School transmutation

Creatures that fail their Reflex saving throw are sickened for Casting Time 1 standard action

1 round. Range touch

Abyss (CE): When you choose the Abyss, channel the outer Targets one creature

sphere deals slashing damage that has the chaotic and evil Duration 1 hour

descriptors. Creatures that fail their Reflex saving throw are Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes

bleeding (1d8). (harmless)

20733842 You tweak a creature’s genetic code, altering its environmental
adaptations to better suit the surrounding climate. For the

School abjuration duration, the target reduces the severity of dangerous

Casting Time 1 round temperatures by one step. For example, cold is reduced to

Range personal comfortable, while extreme heat is reduced to severe heat.

Duration instantaneous Climate adaptation can protect the target from either cold or

You unfetter yourself in time, rapidly performing a variety heat but not both simultaneously.

of actions in the blink of an eye. You can perform up to COMMAND ICON MYSTIC 1 TECHNOMANCER 1
six actions from the following options, in a combination

and order of your choice, though some actions end the School illusion

spellimmediately. Casting Time 1 standard action

Attack: You can perform an attack with any weapon you’re Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

wielding. After you perform this action, cheat time immediately Targets one creature

ends, eliminating any unused actions. Duration 1 minute/level (D)

Combat Maneuver: You can perform a bull rush, dirty trick, Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes

disarm, or trip combat maneuver. When you attempt these Hobgoblins created this spell to signify rallying points and

combat maneuvers, you can use your key ability modifier provide commanders with better ability to organize troops.

instead of your Strength modifier if it’s higher. The target creature seems more imposing, granting the

Manipulate Object: You can manipulate an object within creature a +2 morale bonus to Charisma-based checks made

reach. to motivate troops and all Intimidate checks. A symbol of

Move: You can move up to your speed. This movement leadership, such as the seal of an organization or a deity’s

doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. holy symbol, illuminates above the target. This symbol

Spell: You can cast a spell with a casting time of 1 standard increases the light in a 10-foot radius by one step, up to

action. After you perform this action, if the spell you cast normal. The light imposes a –20 penalty to Stealth checks

is offensive, cheat time immediately ends, eliminating any and prevents the target from benefiting from concealment

unused actions. from darkness, invisibility, and similar effects. The target

CHRONO LEAP PRECOG 5 gains a +1 morale bonus to saving throws against fear and
being charmed, as do allies while they remain within the

School conjuration symbol’s light.


20733842 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431572 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022








20733843 4431572

COMMUNAL BOND MYSTIC 1 PRECOG 1 telepathic link with a pet, mount, or other creature, provided
the creature has an Intelligence modifier and that modifier
WITCHWARPER 1 is –2 or lower, and the creature is of the aberration, animal,
dragon, magical beast, or plant type. Any creature that you
School abjuration have as a creature companion (Alien Archive 3 138) can
Casting Time 1 standard action instead be the target of this spell. You can communicate
Range 30 ft. telepathically through the bond, regardless of language.
Targets the caster and all allies within a 30-ft. burst, centered No special power or influence is established because of the
bond. Once the bond is formed, it works over any distance
on the caster provided you and the target are on the same plane. If the
Duration 10 minutes/level creature has an intelligence modifier of –3 or higher, they
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes (harmless) can communicate simple thoughts through the bond to you.
This spell arises from ghorans’ tradition of imbuing their group Otherwise, the creature can communicate feelings through
projects and celebrations of togetherness with magic. Targets this bond but not words or complex concepts. If the target
gain a +1 morale bonus to saving throws against fear effects is your creature companion, it doesn’t need to see or hear
while they’re observing at least one other target of the same you to receive your commands, and you receive a +2 morale
casting of this spell. Also, when a target successfully aids bonus to Survival checks to control or ride the creature.
another target of the same casting of this spell, or provides
such a creature covering or harrying fire, the bonus from DAMPEN SPELL MYSTIC 1-2
successfully doing so is +3 instead of +2.



WITCHWARPER 1 School abjuration

School divination Casting Time 1 reaction
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets the caster plus one willing creature (see text)
Duration 1 hour/level (D) Targets one spell
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
As the lashuntas who created this spell, you forge a Duration instantaneous

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

You siphon magical energy from a spell, casting dampen spell

as a reaction when you observe the triggering spell being

SPELL DESCRIPTIONS 71 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

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4431573 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022 20733844

cast within range. This spell has no effect on magic items throw to halve the damage and ignore the ability damage dealt

but can affect spells they cast. The spell slot you use to cast by this spell. Ability damage dealt by this spell wears off after

dampen spell determines the options you have for dampening 1 minute. A creature can take ability damage from this spell

the targeted spell. To have any effect, you must attempt a only once every 24 hours.

dispel check (1d20 + your caster level) with a DC equal to 1st: When you cast death’s door as a 1st-level spell, it deals

11 + the spell’s caster level. If you successfully dampen a 1d10 damage plus 2 Strength damage to the target.

spell, the caster can cease casting, losing the action used for 2nd: When you cast death’s door as a 2nd-level spell, it

casting rather than the spell slot. This spell has no effect on deals 2d10 damage plus 2 Strength and 2 Dexterity damage

artifacts or deities. to the target.

1st: If you cast dampen spell using a 1st-level slot, choose 3rd: When you cast death’s door as a 3rd-level spell, it

one of the following effects. deals 4d10 damage plus 4 Strength and 2 Dexterity damage

Contract: Halve the spell’s range. If the targeted spell can to the target.

no longer reach its target, the caster can choose a new target 4th: When you cast death’s door as a 4th-level spell, it

within the new range and continue casting. deals 6d10 damage plus 4 Strength and 4 Dexterity damage

Exclude: An area or multitarget spell excludes one target of to the target.

your choice. 5th: When you cast death’s door as a 5th-level spell, it

Mistarget: Make the spell go off-target as if it’s a thrown deals 8d10 damage plus 6 Strength and 4 Dexterity damage

weapon that missed its grid intersection (Core Rulebook 245). to the target.

Shorten: If the spell’s duration is measured in rounds or 6th: When you cast death’s door as a 6th-level spell, it

minutes, halve that duration (round down, minimum 0 or 5 deals 10d10 damage plus 6 Strength and 6 Dexterity damage

rounds for 1 minute rounded down). You can’t shorten a spell to the target.

that has a duration measured in longer increments. DISSONANCE STRIKE MYSTIC 1
2nd: If you cast dampen spell using a 2nd-level slot, choose

one of the following effects. TECHNOMANCER 1 WITCHWARPER 1

Reduce: Halve the area or number of targets the spell School evocation (sonic)

canaffect. Casting Time 1 standard action

Shorten: If the spell’s duration is measured in hours, halve Range touch

that duration (round down, minimum 30 minutes for 1 hour Targets one creature

20733844 rounded down). You can’t shorten a spell that has a duration Duration instantaneous

measured in longer increments. Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes

Weaken: Halve the spell’s damage or healing done. You harness the vibrations in your body and a body you

DAY’S WEARINESS MYSTIC 2 PRECOG 2 strike. Attempt a melee attack against the target’s EAC. If
your attack hits, the target takes 4d4 sonic damage (critical

WITCHWARPER 2 deafen; DC equals your spell save DC) and can’t take reactions

School enchantment (mind-affecting, pain) for 1 round.

Casting Time 1 standard action Casting this spell doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) DISTANT SPEECH MYSTIC 0 TECHNOMANCER 0
Targets one living creature

Duration 1 round/level School transmutation

Saving Throw Will half, see text; Spell Resistance yes Casting Time 1 standard action

You launch an opponent’s mind forward in time, forcing them Range personal

to experience a day’s events in a moment. The target takes Duration 10 minutes/level (D)

4d8 damage and becomes fatigued for the duration, or they Your speech is audible for up to half a mile outdoors or 1,000

become exhausted for the duration if already fatigued. The feet indoors. The volume of your voice doesn’t change, so

target can attempt a Will saving throw to halve the damage intervening obstacles and louder noises can still drown it out.

dealt by this spell and negate the fatigued condition. DISTRACT MYSTIC 2 PRECOG 2


School transmutation School illusion

Casting Time 1 standard action Casting Time 1 standard action

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Targets one living creature Targets one creature

Duration instantaneous Duration instantaneous

Saving Throw Fortitude half, see text; Spell Resistance yes Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance no

You accelerate a living opponent’s personal timeline to the end You distract a creature with a sudden illusory noise or image.

of their natural life cycle, unleashing the ravages of time in a This functions as a feint action except that you can use

devastating surge. The target can attempt a Fortitude saving your Mysticism skill in place of Bluff, and you can apply the


20733844 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431574 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022


benefits of the Improved Feint and Greater Feint feats if you Duration 10 minutes/level

have them. With this spell, common among shirren mystics, you

DREAM OF HOME MYSTIC 1 PRECOG 1 transmit your emotions into the surrounding area, allowing OVERVIEW
you to empathically communicate with others. You gain
WITCHWARPER 1 a +2 insight bonus to ability or skill checks other than

School enchantment (mind-affecting) Bluff made to communicate with any creature, whether

Casting Time 1 standard action you share a language or not, and all creatures gain a +4 CLASSES

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) insight bonus to Sense Motive checks made to read your

Targets one creature body language, emotions, or motives. If you have limited GEAR
Duration 1 round/level telepathy, creatures within 30 feet of you sense and

Saving Throw Will partial, see text; Spell Resistance yes comprehend your emotions clearly. A creature that has

Drawing on the magic of the kasathan Pillar of the Homeworld telepathy or limited telepathy and is within 30 feet can SPELLS
or similar homey memories, you overwhelm the target with understand your emotions clearly.

pleasant visions and thoughts of their home, whatever that EMPATHIC SUPPORT MYSTIC 2 FAITHS
means to them. If the target fails the saving throw, they

become fascinated for the duration. If the target saves, they’re TECHNOMANCER 2 WITCHWARPER 2

fascinated for 1 round instead. School divination THE
Casting Time 1 standard action MAGICAL

School transmutation

Casting Time 1 standard action

Range touch

Targets one computer or secure data module

Duration 1 hour/level

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

You instantly copy all data stored on a single computer

or secure data module onto another device in your

possession with adequate storage capacity. If the

20733845 data is protected by countermeasures, these 4431574

countermeasures are copied along with the data. If

the data is encrypted, the data remains encrypted

until it has been successfully decrypted

with an appropriate skill check. When the

spell ends, the duplicated data is erased.




School evocation
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range 30 ft.
Area 30-ft.-radius burst centered on you
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
You tap into the power of two elemental planes, mix
their energy together, and then release it around you in
a powerful explosion, dealing 8d8 damage. Select two of
the following damage types when you cast this spell: acid,
cold, electricity, fire. The damage dealt by this spell is of both
types (half one and half the other). For 1 hour, the area is
difficult terrain.



School divination

Casting Time 1 standard action

Range personal

SPELL DESCRIPTIONS 73 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

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4431575 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022 20733846

Targets one creature Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Duration 1 round/level (D) Targets one willing or unconscious creature

Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes Duration 1 round/level

(harmless) Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless); Spell Resistance

When the target uses aid another, covering fire, or harrying yes (harmless)

fire, and succeeds at their attack roll or skill check, they can Drawing upon the ever-shifting chaos of the Maelstrom, you

forgo granting their ally the usual benefit of that action to free the target from the shackles of their form. Each round

instead grant the following benefits, determined by the action at the start of their turn, the target must select one of the

they used. Any effect that increases the bonuses provided by following benefits they gain for that round. They can’t select

these actions doesn’t apply when using this spell. The target the same benefit on two consecutive rounds.

can provide these benefits only to allies with whom they can Additional Arms: The target grows two additional arms,

communicate in person. enabling them to wield and hold an additional two hands’

Aid Another: Instead of gaining a bonus to a skill check, the worth of equipment. While these additional arms increase

ally can roll the check twice and use the higher result. the number of items they can carry, it doesn’t increase the

Covering Fire: Instead of granting a bonus to the ally’s AC, number of attacks they can make during combat.

the next opponent to attack the chosen ally must roll the Additional Legs: The target grows two additional legs,

attack twice and use the lower result. granting them a +10-foot status bonus to their speed.

Harrying Fire: Instead of gaining a bonus to an attack roll, Amorphous: The target loses their form, becoming

the next ally to attack the chosen opponent can roll the attack amorphous. They’re immune to the entangled and grappled

twice and use the higher result. conditions, and they don’t take double damage from critical hits.

FIST OF DAMORITOSH MYSTIC 6 Damage Reduction: The target’s skin hardens, becomes
rubbery, or grows scales, granting them DR 5/— that protects

School evocation (force) against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. This

Casting Time 1 standard action damage reduction doesn’t stack with any damage reduction

Range 120 ft. the target already has.

Area line-shaped burst Energy Resistance: The target adapts to a hazardous

Duration instantaneous environment, gaining resistance 5 to one of the following

Saving Throw Reflex half, see text; Spell Resistance yes damage types of their choice: acid, cold, electricity, fire,

20733846 You form a fist of divine energy and thrust it outward, damaging sonic. This energy resistance doesn’t stack with any damage

and potentially knocking down your enemies. You deal 12d8 resistance the target already has.

damage with the force descriptor to each creature in the area. A Shrink: The target shrinks by one size category (to a

creature that fails its Reflex save is additionally knocked prone. minimum of Tiny).

FLUID MORPHISM MYSTIC 1 Stretch: The target’s arms elongate, increasing their reach
by 5 feet.

TECHNOMANCER 1 WITCHWARPER 1 Multiple castings of fluidity of form don’t stack. Fluidity of

School transmutation form counters and negates physical stability.

Casting Time 1 standard action FLUIDITY OF FORM, MASS MYSTIC 5
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Targets one willing or unconscious creature TECHNOMANCER 5 WITCHWARPER 5

Duration 1 minute/level (D) School transmutation

Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless); Spell Resistance Targets up to one willing or unconscious creature/level, no two

yes (harmless) of which can be more than 30 ft. apart

Lashuntas experimented with this magic based on their This spell functions like fluidity of form, except as noted above.

species’ dimorphism. With this spell, you reignite the FORCECAGE MYSTIC 6
epigenetic processes that shaped the target and alter them,

applying different environmental pressures to temporarily TECHNOMANCER 6 WITCHWARPER 6

awaken dormant potential in the genetic code. Choose one School evocation (force)

ability score. You grant the target a +2 enhancement bonus Casting Time 1 standard action

to ability checks with that ability score and skill checks based Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

on that score. While the spell lasts, you can use a standard Effect barred cage (20-ft. cube) or cell (10-ft. cube)

action to change the affected ability score, provided the target Duration 1 round/level (D)

is within range. Saving Throw Reflex partial, see text; Spell Resistance no

FLUIDITY OF FORM MYSTIC 3 You create an immobile, invisible but hollow cube of force
composed of bars or solid walls (your choice). Creatures

TECHNOMANCER 3 WITCHWARPER 3 within the area are caught and contained. Creatures

School transmutation partially within the area when the cage appears can

Casting Time 1 standard action attempt a Reflex saving throw to avoid being shunted into


20733846 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431576 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022


the cage in the nearest open space. Otherwise, the creature previous casting is dispelled. A glowing wall somehow made

is shunted out of the cage into the nearest open space. You permanent doesn’t count against this limit.

can allow creatures to be shunted out even when they fail GRAVITY TETHER MYSTIC 3 OVERVIEW
the save. If the cage is too small to accommodate creatures WITCHWARPER 3
inside, the spell fails. The force walls or bars extend into TECHNOMANCER 3

the Ethereal Plane, blocking ethereal travel. The cage has School transmutation (electricity)

walls of force on every side. A barred version has bands, Casting Time 1 standard action CLASSES

each a half-inch wide, with half-inch gaps between them— Range touch

creatures within the cage have improved cover against Targets one or two creatures GEAR
attacks coming from outside the cage. The cell version has Duration 1 round/level

no gaps. This spell otherwise functions per the parameters Saving Throw Reflex partial, see text; Spell Resistance yes

of the wall of forcespell. By manipulating electromagnetic forces acting on your SPELLS
target, you change its movements. Attempt a melee attack
FURIOUS SHRIEK MYSTIC 1-6 against EAC. If you attempt a full attack, you can target two

School evocation (sonic) creatures. On a hit, your target takes 5d8 electricity damage FAITHS

Casting Time 1 standard action and must attempt a Reflex save. On a failure, the target treats

Range 30 ft. any square it moves farther from you as difficult terrain for THE
Area 30-ft.-radius spread centered on you the duration. A successful save ends the spell on the target. MAGICAL
Duration instantaneous GALAXY
As a standard action, you can attempt an attack against

Saving Throw Fortitude half, see text; Spell Resistance yes an affected target within 60 feet, adding your key ability

Orcs and half-orcs learned long ago to channel rage, despair, modifier to the attack roll. You can attack two affected

or a sense of injustice or oppression into a soul-shaking shriek. targets if you take a full action to do so. If you hit the target’s

The shriek deals sonic damage to creatures and objects based KAC + 8, you pull it 5 feet closer to you plus 5 feet for every 5

on the spell slot used to cast the spell. If you cast this spell by which the result exceeds a target’s KAC + 8. If you attack

when you have fewer than half your Hit Points remaining, use and hit two targets, you can instead move them closer to each

d8s rather than d6s as damage dice. other. Moving the target into a barrier, creature, dangerous

1st: When you cast furious shriek as a 1st-level spell, it deals space, or obstacle causes the target to stop before entering

2d6 sonic damage. that space.

20733847 2nd: When you cast furious shriek as a 2nd-level spell, it Casting this spell doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. 4431576

deals 4d6 sonic damage. GRIM INSIGHT MYSTIC 3 PRECOG 3
3rd: When you cast furious shriek as a 3rd-level spell, it

deals 7d6 sonic damage. WITCHWARPER 3

4th: When you cast furious shriek as a 4th-level spell, it School divination (mind-affecting)

deals 10d6 sonic damage. Casting Time 1 standard action

5th: When you cast furious shriek as a 5th-level spell, it Range touch

deals 13d6 sonic damage. Creatures that fail their saving Targets one creature

throw are shaken for 1 round. Duration 1 round/caster level

6th: When you cast furious shriek as a 6th-level spell, it Saving Throw Will partial, see text; Spell Resistance yes

deals 16d6 sonic damage. Creatures that fail their saving You channel visions of a grim future into your target’s mind.

throw are staggered for 1 round and shaken for 1d4 rounds. Attempt a melee attack against the target’s EAC, adding the

GLOWING WALL MYSTIC 0 PRECOG 0 higher of your key ability modifier or your Strength modifier
to the attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 6d10 damage and

TECHNOMANCER 0 WITCHWARPER 0 must attempt a Will saving throw. A target that fails is shaken

School evocation for the duration. One who succeeds is shaken for only 1 round,

Casting Time 1 standard action and then the spell ends.

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Casting this spell doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.

Effect light with area of up to eight 10-ft. squares HARNESS LIGHTNING MYSTIC 4
Duration concentration + 10 minutes/level (D)

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no TECHNOMANCER 4

A barrier of light, colored as you choose, springs into existence. School evocation (electricity)

You can form the wall into a vertical or horizontal plane, but Casting Time 1 standard action

each 10-foot square must join another. The light level within 5 Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)

feet of the wall increases to normal light. Within an additional Area cylinder (20-ft. radius, 40 ft. high)

5 feet, the light increases one step, up to normal light. When Duration 1 round plus 1 round/level

you concentrate on the spell, you can change the light’s color. Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance no

You can have only one glowing wall spell active at a time. If Born of necessity to contend with violent storms on the world

you cast this spell while another casting is still in effect, the of Shimrinsara in the Vast, harness lightning enables you to

SPELL DESCRIPTIONS 75 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

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4431577 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022 20733848

collect energy from major electrical discharges that occur You encase a creature in a block of ice. The creature takes

within the area of the spell. The spell’s area grants cover 8d6 cold damage and becomes paralyzed. A creature that

against ranged attacks and area effects that would deal only succeeds at a Reflex saving throw halves the damage it

electricity damage. The bonus to saving throws due to this takes and avoids becoming paralyzed. Each round on its

cover applies to any save against a critical hit effect from a turn, a paralyzed creature takes an additional 4d6 cold

weapon that deals only electricity damage. The first time damage and can spend a full action to attempt a new

the spell’s area grants cover against an attack or effect this saving throw to end the paralyzed effect. The ice prison

way, collected electrical attacks bend toward you and form a has hardness 21, 51 Hit Points, and vulnerability to fire. If

surging sphere of pure energy that lasts until the end of the the ice prison is destroyed, the spell ends. Casting this spell

spell. You can take a standard action to discharge this sphere doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.

at a target within 100 feet, dealing 8d8 electricitydamage. INJURY ECHO PRECOG 0

HELPING HANDS School transmutation

TECHNOMANCER 1 WITCHWARPER 1 Casting Time 1 standard action
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
School transmutation

Casting Time 1 standard action Targets one creature

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Duration instantaneous

Targets one willing creature Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes

Duration 1 minute/level You manifest an injury from the target’s future or past. Choose

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes (harmless) bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing when you cast this spell. The

First developed by resourceful skittermander technomancers, target must succeed at a Will saving throw or take 1d6 damage

you or a targeted creature sprout two vestigial hands that can of the chosen type.

hold and manipulate objects. While this spell is active, the target LOCATE HIVE MYSTIC 2 PRECOG 2
gains a +2 circ*mstance bonus to Engineering and Sleight of

Hand checks. Each round, this spell grants the target one School divination

additional move action that can be used to manipulate objects, Casting Time 1 minute

such as to activate an item, draw a weapon, or reload a weapon. Range personal

This spell doesn’t allow the target to attempt additional attacks. Duration 1 hour/level

20733848 This spell was created by formian myrmarchs to prevent
workers from getting lost when sent far afield. When you cast

TECHNOMANCER 3 WITCHWARPER 3 this spell, you designate a specific building as your hive. Your
hive must be a familiar structure (or starship) that you can
School transmutation

Targets up to one willing creature/level, no two of which can picture clearly in your mind. You can have only one hive at

be more than 30 ft. apart a time, and designating a new hive immediately replaces any

This spell functions as helping hands, except as noted above. previous hive. As a full action when you’re away from your

HOLOGRAPHIC INTERFACE TECHNOMANCER 0 hive, you can mentally focus on your hive to determine the
direction and distance to your hive. If you aren’t on the same

School conjuration (creation) plane or planetary body as your hive, this spell fails.

Casting Time 1 standard action MAGIC MARK PRECOG 0
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Targets one computer you’re observing TECHNOMANCER 0 WITCHWARPER 0

Duration 1 hour (D) School transmutation

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no Casting Time 1 standard action

You conjure a holographic interface you can use to Range touch

communicate with the target computer. The interface allows Targets one creature or object

you to operate an unfamiliar computer or one that lacks an Duration permanent

interface as though you did have an interface, but it doesn’t Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

change your level of access. You place a magical mark, about 1 square foot in size, on the

ICE PRISON TECHNOMANCER 6 target. When you create it, the mark can be visible, invisible, or
invisible to everyone but you. A visible mark can be something

WITCHWARPER 6 electronically readable, such as a barcode. Those who can

School evocation (cold) observe invisible things can observe an invisible mark. Any

Casting Time 1 standard action magic mark is apparent to someone using detect magic.

Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) MAGIC SEAL MYSTIC 4 PRECOG 4
Targets one creature

Duration 1 round/level (D) TECHNOMANCER 4 WITCHWARPER 4

Saving Throw Reflex half, see text; Spell Resistance yes School abjuration


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4431578 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022


Casting Time 1 standard action the area. If an object or creature extends out of the area, you

Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) learn only the measurements within the area but nothing about

Targets one creature what you can’t observe. For example, you can’t determine the

Duration 1 round/level (D) thickness or weight of a wall you can observe only one side of OVERVIEW
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes or the depth of water that extends beyond the spell’s range.

You place a seal on a creature, possibly preventing it from Each round you concentrate on the same area, you can learn

casting spells (including from magic items), using spell-like the exact measurements of one creature or object in the area, CLASSES

abilities, and using supernatural abilities that affect anything including imprecisions or anomalies that might indicate structural

other than it. This seal has no effect on non-spell capabilities weakness. A target magically altered to appear different than GEAR
of magic items, spells already ongoing, abilities that affect what you observe still gives you accurate measurements when

only the targeted creature (such as the supernatural ability to you concentrate on it. Such anomalies might provide clues that

fly), spells with a range of personal (except when that magic is other skills can help decipher, such as Engineering to determine SPELLS
then used on another), or any spells with which the creature if a structure can support your weight. Magical traps incorporate

targets only itself. While this spell lasts, the first time during wards that thwart this spell, giving you information that reflects

any round that the targeted creature uses a restricted ability what you observe rather than accurate measurements. A force FAITHS

or attempts to affect a target other than itself with such field blocks this spell.

magic, attempt a dispel check (11 + your caster level). This MISFIRE TECHNOMANCER 0 WITCHWARPER 0 THE
check requires neither your awareness nor presence, nor any MAGICAL
action on your part. The DC equals 11 + the creature’s caster School transmutation GALAXY

level, or the creature’s level or CR for supernatural abilities. If Casting Time 1 standard action

you succeed, the affected magic has no effect. The action the Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

targeted creature used in the attempt is lost. This spell has no Targets one object that uses batteries or ammunition, is of

effect on artifacts or deities. no more than 3 bulk, and has an item level lower than the

Duration 1 hour

TECHNOMANCER 6 WITCHWARPER 6 Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance yes

School abjuration (object)

Casting Time 1 round The next time the targeted object is used in a way that consumes

20733849 Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) charges or ammo, the device fails to work. A weapon fails to 4431578

Area 20-ft.-radius emanation centered on one creature, one fire or operate, or a technological device doesn’t respond to its

unattended object or object you touch, or a point in space activation. This spell ends once it prevents the targeted object

Duration 1 round/level (D) from working that one time. An object can be the target of this

Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes spell only once every 24 hours.

You create a seal that suppresses magic in an area, which radiates MODULATE FREQUENCY MYSTIC 1 PRECOG 1
from a creature or an object and moves with that target. An

unwilling target can attempt a saving throw against this spell and TECHNOMANCER 1 WITCHWARPER 1

use its spell resistance, and the sealed area fails to manifest if School transmutation

either defense works. If you target a point, the effect is stationary. Casting Time 1 standard action

Once the field is established, each round a creature starts Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)

even partially in the area, that creature is affected as if by a Targets one object or creature

magic seal spell, and can attempt a saving throw and apply Duration 1 minute/level

its spell resistance against the effect. A creature that saves Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes

one round might be affected the next. The effect also ends At dire risk from certain sonic frequencies, a conclave of

on a creature that leaves the area, but the creature can be quorlu mystics devised the modulate frequency spell, which

affected again if it reenters the area. In any case, a creature enables you to change the frequencies of the sounds emitted

protected by its spell resistance can’t be affected again by the by the target object or creature. For the duration of the

same casting of this spell. spell, the sounds emitted by the target object or creature

MEASURE PRECOG 0 TECHNOMANCER 0 can be manipulated along the full sound spectrum, including
extremely high and low frequencies that can’t be sensed by

School divination some species. The modulate frequency spell can distort the

Casting Time 1 standard action voice of a targeted creature, imposing a –5 penalty to checks

Range 60 ft. attempted to identify the target’s voice, and such identification

Area cone-shaped emanation can succeed only by relying on speech patterns, distinguishing

Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level phrases, and other idiosyncrasies of the target’s speech rather

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no than the sound of their voice itself. Voice commands uttered

You learn the approximate measurements (length, width, depth, by the target creature can thus be made indecipherable to

height, mass) of creatures and objects you can observe in constructs and electronic devices.

SPELL DESCRIPTIONS 77 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431579 4431579
4431579 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022 20733850



School abjuration School abjuration

Casting Time 1 standard action This spell functions as mystical aegis, but it provides the

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) benefits of a death ward spell and has 100 temporary Hit Points.

Targets one creature MYSTICAL AEGIS, MASS MYSTIC 5
Duration 1 minute/level or until discharged

Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes TECHNOMANCER 5

(harmless) School abjuration

You grant the target a barrier that deflects magic and absorbs Targets up to one creature per 3 levels within range

supernatural damage. While it lasts, the barrier grants the target Duration 1 minute/level

a +2 morale bonus to saving throws against spells, spell-like This spell functions as mystical aegis except as noted above.

abilities, and supernatural abilities. While protected, the target NEGATE SPELL MYSTIC 3 PRECOG 3
takes half damage from these sources as well as half damage

from the attacks of summoned creatures. If the target succeeds TECHNOMANCER 3 WITCHWARPER 3

at a save against a spell that normally has a partial effect on a School abjuration

successful save, the spell instead has no effect on the target. Casting Time 1 reaction

This barrier also grants the target 45 temporary Hit Points. Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)

These temporary Hit Points deplete when the target takes Targets one spell

damage from a spell, spell-like ability, supernatural ability, or a Duration instantaneous

summoned creature. Any other damage is applied to Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

Stamina and Hit Points as normal. When You interpose your will between the casting of a spell and

the barrier’s temporary Hit Points drop the magical energies powering that spell, preventing it from

to 0, the spell is discharged. manifesting in this reality. As a reaction when you observe

a spell that’s 3rd level or lower and being cast within

range, you can cast this spell. If you do, you

can attempt a dispel check (1d20 +

your caster level). The DC equals

20733850 11 + the other spellcaster’s caster

level. If you succeed, the spell fails and

has no effect. This spell has no effect

on artifacts or deities.


School transmutation
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range touch
Targets one object of negligible bulk, or 5
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Fortitude negates (object); Spell
Resistance yes (object)
While you hold the touched object, it transmutes into tools you
need for Engineering checks. This tool provides no bonuses to
Engineering checks, but it prevents you from taking a penalty
for lacking a tool. If the transmuted object leaves your grasp,
it reverts to normal.


School divination

Casting Time 1 round

Range personal

Duration 1 hour/level

You focus on your surroundings, from the ground beneath

your feet to the skies high above, gaining supernatural

insight about your place on the planet. You gain a +10 bonus

to Survival checks to determine precisely where you are and


20733850 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431580 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022


how far you’ve traveled, to live off the land, and to predict Targets one creature

weather. If you aren’t on a planet when you cast this spell, Duration 1 round/level

orient automatically fails. Saving Throw Reflex partial, see text; Spell Resistance yes

OSMOSE PRECOG 2 You conjure a volatile string of plasma and lash the target. OVERVIEW
Attempt a melee attack against the target’s EAC. If you hit,

TECHNOMANCER 2 WITCHWARPER 2 the target takes 3d6 electricity and fire damage (critical

School divination knockdown) and is entangled (escape DC equals the spell’s CLASSES

Casting Time 1 minute save DC + 4). Each time the target fails to escape, it takes 2d6

Range touch electricity and fire damage. If the target escapes, the plasma GEAR
Targets one data set contained within a touched object snare drops to the ground in that space—if the target ends its

Duration instantaneous turn there, the target takes 1d6 electricity and fire damage.

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no If a turn ends with the plasma snare holding no creature SPELLS
Initially developed by impatient bantrid students, this spell entangled, the spell ends. As a reaction to the end of a turn

has grown in popularity among those that want to consume (before the snare disappears) or the target escaping, provided

a lot of information quickly. You touch one object and you’re within 30 feet of the snare, you can detonate the plasma FAITHS

concentrate on a single data set contained within the object, snare, discharging the spell. If you do, the plasma explodes in

such as a story, email, file, video, or website. You understand a 10-foot radius. Creatures in the area take 4d6 electricity and THE
the gist of the data set and can quickly locate the most fire damage and gain the burning (1d6) condition. Those who MAGICAL
relevant pages or sections to your search. If the data set is succeed at a Reflex saving throw take half as much damage GALAXY

written in a language you don’t know, or you attempt to gain and don’t gain the burning condition. If the target is still

information from a computer you don’t have access to, this entangled when the plasma detonates, the target takes a –6

spell automatically fails. penalty to this saving throw.

PHYSICAL STABILITY MYSTIC 3 Casting this spell doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.


School abjuration TECHNOMANCER 1

Casting Time 1 standard action School divination

Range touch Casting Time 1 standard action

20733851 Targets one willing or unconscious creature Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) 4431580

Duration 1 minute/level (D) Area 30-ft.-radius emanation

Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes Duration 2 hours/level

(harmless) Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

Drawing upon the order and stability of the lawful outer You ward an area to alert you when creatures enter without

planes, you stabilize a creature’s form with a touch. The your permission. When you cast proximity alert, select a

target gains a +2 circ*mstance bonus against transmutation password. Whenever a Small or larger corporeal creature of a

spells and effects. Physical stability counters baleful CR lower than your caster level enters the spell’s area without

polymorph and polymorph, and it counters and negates speaking the password, proximity alert sends you a mental alert

fluidity of form. If you cast physical stability on a creature or an audible alarm (your choice). Either option automatically

already under the effects of a transmutation effect, you can awakens you, and the audible alarm allows each creature in the

try to dispel one transmutation effect affecting the target. area to attempt a DC 15 Perception check to wake up.

If you do, attempt a dispel check (1d20 + caster level) with a PSYCHOKINETIC SHOVE MYSTIC 0
DC equal to 11 + the caster level of the transmutation effect

to end the effect. WITCHWARPER 0

Casting Time 1 standard action


School abjuration Targets one creature or one object, see text

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Duration instantaneous

Targets up to one creature/level, no two of which can be more Saving Throw Reflex negates (object); Spell Resistance Yes

than 30 ft. apart (object)

This spell functions like physical stability, except as noted above. A targeted creature takes 1 damage with the force description

PLASMA SNARE TECHNOMANCER 3 unless it succeeds at a Reflex saving throw. A creature that
takes the damage is also subjected to a bull rush. Attempt the

WITCHWARPER 3 bull rush combat maneuver, using your caster level + your key

School evocation (electricity, fire) ability score modifier as your attack bonus. You can push your

Casting Time 1 standard action target no more than 5 feet.

Range 10 ft. An object must be unattended or held by you. It takes 1

SPELL DESCRIPTIONS 79 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431581 4431581
4431581 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022 20733852

damage with the force descriptor. You can also push it up to that occurred surrounding a specific event, object, person,

10 feet away from you if it weighs 2 bulk or less or up to 5 feet or place. Casting this spell requires you to expend 1 Resolve

away from you if it weighs up to 5 bulk. The object moves at a Point, and you must declare the focus of your remembrance

harmless velocity. when you cast the spell. The information granted by this spell

QUICK CHANGE PRECOG 0 WITCHWARPER 0 can be as simple as a series of images in your mind, or it might
take the form of a cryptic message. The chance for a correct

School illusion remembrance is 75% for events that occurred within the past

Casting Time 1 standard action 50 years, 60% for events that occurred between 51 and 150

Range personal years ago, and 45% for events that occurred between 151

Duration 10 minutes (D) years ago and the Gap. Attempts to glean information from

You change the appearance of armor and clothing you wear, during the Gap or earlier automatically fail. If the die roll fails,

provided it all weighs no more than 3 bulk. A creature that you know the spell failed, unless specific magic yielding false

interacts with you can attempt a Will saving throw to information is at work.

recognize the illusion. Unlike divination, multiple castings of remembrance about

RADIATION RAY TECHNOMANCER 5 the same topic by the same caster use the same die result
as the first remembrance spell but yield different pieces of

WITCHWARPER 5 information each time.

School necromancy (disease, poison, radiation) REMOTE PILOT MYSTIC 3 PRECOG 3
Casting Time 1 standard action

Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) TECHNOMANCER 3

Targets one creature School transmutation

Duration instantaneous Casting Time 1 standard action

Saving Throw Fortitude partial, see text; Spell Resistance yes Range touch

You fire a beam of radiation at an opponent. You must attempt Targets one vehicle with a level no greater than your level + 1

a ranged attack against your opponent’s EAC, adding your Duration 1 minute/level

key ability score modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

if it’s higher. On a hit, the target takes 8d12 fire damage and You transfer a sliver of your consciousness into a vehicle,

is exposed to high radiation. On a critical hit, the target must enabling you to take actions to pilot it remotely. During the

20733852 succeed at a Fortitude save or contract radiation sickness. The spell’s duration, you can pilot the vehicle as if you were in it,

target isn’t irradiated, and other nearby creatures don’t need except you can use your Mysticism skill to pilot the vehicle

to attempt Fortitude saves to prevent radiation. The saving in place of Piloting. As long as you remotely pilot the vehicle,

throw to resist the radiation effects is set by the spell rather the vehicle is considered controlled. This spell ends if you lose

than the standard save DC for radiation. sight of the vehicle.

REALIGN MYSTIC 0 PRECOG 0 Uncontrolled and unsecured vehicles are automatically
affected by this spell. If you attempt to affect a controlled

WITCHWARPER 0 vehicle, the pilot can attempt a Piloting check with a DC equal

School transmutation to 11 + your caster level to negate the effect. Each round a

Casting Time 1 standard action creature within the vehicle attempts to pilot or take control

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) of the vehicle, they must attempt a Piloting check opposed by

Targets one creature in a zero-gravity environment your Mysticism check. On a success, they take control of the

Duration instantaneous vehicle, otherwise, you retain control.

Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes RESTORE CONSUMABLE PRECOG 2

You magically right a creature that’s disoriented while floating School conjuration

in a zero-gravity environment. If the target has the off-kilter Casting Time 1 reaction

condition, that condition ends. This doesn’t prevent the target Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

from regaining the off-kilter condition. Targets one creature

REMEMBRANCE MYSTIC 3 PRECOG 3 Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

School divination As a reaction after an ally uses a consumable item (such as a

Casting Time 1 hour grenade or serum, but not ammunition), you can rewind time

Range personal to the moment before the item’s use, creating a new copy

Duration instantaneous of the item in its position before use. You immediately lose

Formulated in conjunction with shimmerstone-induced a combination of credits, UPBs, or both equal to the price of

meditation, kothama favor the use of this spell to contemplate the item. You can’t cast this spell if you don’t have sufficient

the past. Through an intense meditative trance, you peer credits or UPBs to pay for the item.

into the past and experience a glimpse of historical events


20733852 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431582 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022


REWRITE TIME PRECOG — area and reenters. Then, the creature must repeat the saving OVERVIEW
throw. If you fail to overcome a creature’s spell resistance,
School universal that creature is unaffected by the same casting of this spell. CLASSES
Casting Time 1 standard action You can suppress or resume this affect as a reaction or swift
Range see text action. While under the effects of this spell, a creature affected GEAR
Effect see text by forced movement can reduce the distance it moves by 5
Area see text feet (minimum 0 feet). Affected creatures ignore penalties SPELLS
Targets see text from the off-kilter condition.
Duration see text FAITHS
Saving Throw see text; Spell Resistance see text SHARPEN SENSES MYSTIC 3 PRECOG 3 THE
You unknit the fabric of time and remake it to suit your will.
A rewrite time spell can produce one of the following effects. TECHNOMANCER 3 WITCHWARPER 3 MAGICAL
D Duplicate any precog spell of 6th level or lower. GALAXY
D Duplicate any other spell of 5th level or lower. School transmutation
D Undo the harmful effects of certain spells, such as feeblemind.
D Produce an effect of a power level in line with the above. Casting Time 1 standard action

At the GM’s discretion, rewrite time can produce Range touch
greater effects, but can be dangerous or might have only a
partialeffect. Targets one creature

A duplicated spell allows saving throws and spell resistance Duration 1 minute/level (D)
as normal, but the save DCs are as for a 7th-level spell.
For other effects based on spell level, rewrite time is a 9th- Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell
Resistance yes (harmless)


School abjuration
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range 30 ft.
Area 30-ft.-radius emanation centered on you
20733853 Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Rhapsodic aegis, a spell devised by the battle musicians
of ancient Pulonis, allows its caster to compose sonic
energy into a protective barrier. Casting this spell grants
you and each ally within range sonic resistance 5 and 10
temporary Hit Points. If lost, these temporary Hit Points can’t
be restored, and they don’t stack with any other source of
temporary Hit Points.



School transmutation
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range personal
Area 60-ft.-radius spread centered on you
Duration 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw Fortitude negates, see text; Spell Resistance

yes, see text
Copaxis understand personal gravity adaptation
well, and they and others have learned to share
this adaptation. For the duration,
you radiate a field of altered
gravity. You and creatures and
objects in the area treat gravity
as if it were your choice of one step
higher or lower, although a creature
that succeeds at the saving throw
is unaffected until it leaves the

SPELL DESCRIPTIONS 81 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431583 4431583
4431583 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022 20733854

The target gains a +3 insight bonus to Perception checks and modifier to the attack roll instead of your Dexterity modifier if

blindsight (hearing or scent as determined by the caster) for it’s higher. Your soul surge does piercing damage that has the

the duration of the spell. If the target already has blindsight force descriptor, and the amount of damage it does depends on

for the sense chosen, the range of their blindsight is instead the level at which it’s cast.

doubled for the duration of the spell. 1st: When you cast soul surge as a 1st-level spell, it deals

SNIPER’S EDGE PRECOG 5 WITCHWARPER 5 3d8 damage to the target.
2nd: When you cast soul surge as a 2nd-level spell, it deals

School divination 6d8 damage to the target.

Casting Time 1 move action 3rd: When you cast soul surge as a 3rd-level spell, it deals

Range personal 10d8 damage to the target.

Duration instantaneous 4th: When you cast soul surge as a 4th-level spell, it deals

Made popular by sarcesian snipers, this spell allows you to peer 14d8 damage to the target.

a split second into the future to line up a perfect shot. The next 5th: When you cast soul surge as a 5th-level spell, it deals

time you attempt an attack with a ranged weapon before the 21d8 damage to the target.

end of this turn, roll your attack twice and keep the better result. 6th: When you cast soul surge as a 6th-level spell, it deals

Casting this spell counts as aiming a sniper weapon as a move 24d8 damage to the target.

action for the purposes of the sniper weapon special property. SPARK MYSTIC 0


WITCHWARPER 2 School evocation (electricity or fire)

School divination Casting Time 1 standard action

Casting Time 1 reaction Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Range personal Targets one unattended object of no more than 1 bulk

Duration instantaneous Duration instantaneous

You can recover from social blunders and cultural Saving Throw Fortitude negates (object); Spell Resistance yes

misinterpretations so quickly, as if they never happened. When (object)

you fail a Culture check to recall information, or a Diplomacy You agitate molecules within the surface of the object you touch,

check to change attitude or gather information, you can cast causing it to catch fire if it’s flammable and the atmosphere

20733854 this spell to reroll the failed check. You can’t cast this spell allows combustion. This spell can’t cause substances within

again until you take a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points. closed containers, such as the fuel in a petrol tank, to ignite.


School evocation (sense-dependent, sonic) WITCHWARPER 2

Casting Time 1 standard action School enchantment (emotion, mind-affecting)
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range 30 ft. Range 30 ft.
Targets the caster and all willing or unconscious allies
Area cone-shaped burst Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance no
Saving Throw Reflex half, see text; Spell Resistance yes Dwarves call on their ancestors to cast this spell of traditional
sharing of burdens. This spell connects you and allies in the
Developed by kalo explorers as a deterrent when dealing with area on a spiritual level. Each target gains a +1 morale bonus to
saving throws. You know when an affected ally is unconscious
aquatic predators, you scream at your opponents, sending your or dying, provided the creature is within 120 feet of you.
Affected creatures can, as a standard action, spend Resolve
voice rippling through air and water currents. All targets in the Points on behalf of an affected ally within 30 feet to help that
ally either stabilize or stay in the fight. Two different allies
cone take 6d12 damage. If you cast this spell while submerged doing so can allow both to occur during the same round.

in liquid, the damage increases by 1d12, and creatures that fail

their saving throw are nauseated for 1 round.


School evocation (force)

Casting Time 1 standard action

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)

Targets one creature STAR TOUCH MYSTIC 6

Duration instantaneous WITCHWARPER 6

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no School evocation

Soul surge was innovated by Hanakan mystics concomitant Casting Time 1 standard action

with the attunement of their soulstones. With this spell, you Range touch

draw forth a tiny bit of your essence to attack your opponent, Targets one creature or object

losing a number of Hit Points equal to the number of damage Duration instantaneous

dice you roll for your soul surge. Attempt a ranged attack Saving Throw Fortitude partial (object); Spell Resistance yes

against a single target’s EAC, adding your key ability score You attempt to form a miniature star’s core inside your


20733854 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431584 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022


target. Choose a point that adjoins the target’s space and is Saving Throw Reflex negates; Spell Resistance yes

within your reach. Then, attempt a melee attack against the You momentarily transpose the position of the limbs the target

target’s EAC, adding the higher of your key ability modifier or is using to move or interfere with its proprioception. If the

your Strength modifier to the attack roll. On a miss, the effect target fails its Reflex save, it’s off-target and can move at only OVERVIEW
fills a 5-foot-radius spread, and creatures in the area must half speed for 1 round. A flying creature also descends 10 feet.

attempt Fortitude saving throws. Creatures that fail take 6d10 SUBZERO CLUTCH MYSTIC 5 PRECOG 5 CLASSES
electricity and fire damage and fall prone. Those that succeed

take only half the electricity and fire damage. Medium radiation School evocation (cold)

fills the area, spreading in normal increments, for 1 minute. Casting Time 1 standard action GEAR
On a hit, the target must attempt a Fortitude saving throw, Range touch

taking 20d10 electricity and fire damage and falling prone on Targets one creature

a failure. On a success, the target rejects the star core, and the Duration 1 round/level (D) SPELLS
effect is as if you missed. If the damage reduces the hit target Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes

to 0 Hit Points, or the target is an object, it (or a cube of the A sleeve of ice encases your striking limb. Attempt a melee

object with edges within 5 feet of the chosen point, a 10-foot attack against the target’s EAC. On a hit, the target takes FAITHS

cube total) collapses into a tiny orb of luminous plasma at the 10d8 cold damage and moves at half speed for the duration.

chosen point. Any nonmagical objects a target creature wears You can also attempt a free grapple check, adding the higher THE
or carries are destroyed. High radiation then fills the area from of your key ability modifier or your Strength modifier to the MAGICAL
the chosen point, spreading in normal increments, for 1 minute. attack roll, and an additional +4 from the ice. Encasing ice also GALAXY

Casting this spell doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. increases the DC to escape your grapple by 4. Each round the

STAR WALL MYSTIC 6 WITCHWARPER 6 target remains grappled, it takes 4d8 cold damage.
Casting this spell doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.

School evocation (electricity and fire) SUMMON CORPSE MYSTIC 6 WITCHWARPER 6
Casting Time 1 standard action

Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) School conjuration (summoning)

Effect charged, radioactive plasma wall up to 20 ft. long/level or Casting Time 1 standard action

a ring with a radius up to 5 ft./2 levels; either form 20 ft. high Range unlimited

Duration concentration + 1 round/level Targets one dead creature

20733855 Saving Throw Reflex partial, see text; Spell Resistance no Duration instantaneous 4431584

An immobile, vertical curtain of glowing, electromagnetically Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes (harmless)

charged gas springs into existence. The wall raises the light You summon the body of a deceased creature that has been

level to bright within 20 feet of it, raises the light level to dead for no longer than 1 day per caster level from its current

normal within 20 more feet, and raises the light level one step position to your side. Deceased creatures up to Large size can

(up to normal) within 20 more feet. A creature within 5 feet be summoned from any location, on any plane, regardless of

of the wall when it appears must succeed at a Reflex save or the current state of their body. The body doesn’t come with

become blinded for 1 round and dazzled for 1 round thereafter. any objects or possessions. This spell fails automatically if

One side of the wall, selected by you, sends forth waves the deceased has been returned to life or is undead. This spell

of charged particles, dealing 6d6 fire and electricity damage can’t be used to summon corpses from the Drift to another

to creatures within 10 feet, 3d6 fire and electricity damage plane, or from another plane to the Drift.

to those beyond 10 feet but within 20 feet, and 1d6 fire and Casting this spell requires you to create a complex

electricity damage to those beyond 20 feet but within 30 representation of the target body, worth at least 10,000

feet. Also, the wall sheds high radiation within 10 feet, with credits, to serve as a beacon for the body’s return. This object

the radiation diminishing to medium between 10 and 20 feet, is consumed when you cast the spell.

and to low between 20 and 30 feet. The wall deals its damage SUPPRESSING FIELD MYSTIC 4 PRECOG 4
when it appears and on your turn each subsequent round.

The wall also deals 12d6 fire and electricity damage to any TECHNOMANCER 4 WITCHWARPER 4

creature passing through it. The wall deals double damage School abjuration

to undead creatures and any creature damaged by sunlight. Casting Time 1 standard action

If you evoke the wall so that it appears where creatures are, Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)

each creature takes damage as if passing through the wall. Area 20-ft.-radius emanation centered on a creature, an

STUMBLE PRECOG 0 WITCHWARPER 0 object, or a point in space
Duration 1 minute/level

School transmutation Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance yes

Casting Time 1 standard action (object)

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) You create a field of dampening magic, which radiates from a

Targets one creature creature or an object and moves with that target. If you target

Duration instantaneous a point, the effect is stationary. Any spell cast into or from

SPELL DESCRIPTIONS 83 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

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this area is subjected to all the effects of a 2nd-level version saving throw negates the staggered condition and instead has

of dampen spell. all their speeds reduced by 10 feet for as long as they remain in

SWAP INITIATIVE PRECOG 1 WITCHWARPER 1 the area. Creatures use the result of their initial saving throw
against this spell, no matter how many times they leave and

School abjuration reenter the area.

Casting Time 1 reaction TIME LOOP PRECOG 2
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Targets yourself and one willing creature School conjuration

Duration instantaneous Casting Time 1 standard action

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

You sift through the threads of this timeline and rearrange Targets one creature

them to your liking. After you and at least one other ally roll Duration 1 round/level

initiative to begin combat, you can cast this spell to switch Saving Throw Will partial, see text; Spell Resistance yes

places in initiative order with an ally or other willing creature, You immerse a creature in a time loop of your creation. The

acting on one another’s original initiative counts for the target sees and reacts to events that no longer coincide with the

duration of the combat. current timeline, becoming confused for 1 round and entangled

TEMPORAL BULLETS PRECOG 3 for the duration. If the target succeeds at a Will saving throw to
ignore the time loop, they’re instead off-target for the duration.

School evocation TIME LOOP, MASS PRECOG 4
Casting Time 1 reaction

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) School conjuration

Targets one creature your ally missed with a weapon attack Targets up to one creature/level, no two of which can be more

Duration instantaneous than 30 ft. apart

Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance no This spell functions as time loop, except as noted above.

You rewind time to a moment of missed opportunity and TIME’S EDGE MYSTIC 3 PRECOG 3
unleash the damage from a failed attack onto the original

target of the attack. As a reaction after an ally’s attack with WITCHWARPER 3

a weapon misses an enemy, you redirect the missed attack’s School evocation

20733856 damage onto that enemy. Temporal bullets deals damage of the Casting Time 1 standard action

same amount and type the ally’s attack would have dealt, up Range 120 ft.

to a maximum of 40 damage. Area line-shaped burst

TEMPORAL FLASH MYSTIC 5 PRECOG 5 Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes

WITCHWARPER 5 You refract latent energy from the Dimension of Time into

School conjuration (teleportation) your current plane in the form of a massive blade. This deals

Casting Time 1 reaction 10d6 slashing damage to all creatures and objects in the area.

Duration instantaneous

You shift positions in your current timeline to avoid damage TECHNOMANCER 4

dealt by an attack. As a reaction when you’re hit by an attack, School divination

spell, or other ability that would deal damage to you, you Casting Time 1 standard action

can spend 1 Resolve Point to instantly teleport to an empty Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

space you could reach with a single move action, avoiding Targets one creature or one object

the damage you would have taken. This movement doesn’t Duration 1 hour/level

provoke attacks of opportunity. Saving Throw Reflex negates (object); Spell Resistance yes

TIME CRAWL PRECOG 3 You place a unique magical mark, which is about 1 square
inch in size, on a creature or object. The mark is invisible,

School transmutation but detect magic and similar effects can reveal its presence.

Casting Time 1 standard action Unattended objects are always affected by this spell. If you

Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) attempt to affect a creature or an object in a creature’s

Area 20-ft.-radius spread possession, the creature can attempt a Reflex save to

Duration 1 round/level negate the effect.

Saving Throw Fortitude partial; Spell Resistance no Once the tracking mark is in place, you can follow the

You distort time in the area, forcing it to pass slowly. This tracking mark by succeeding at a DC 20 Mysticism check.

area is difficult terrain. Creatures in the area when the spell is You’re able to detect the tracking mark up to 1,000 feet away,

cast, or who enter the area, are staggered for as long as they and you must be on the same plane as the tracking mark to

remain in the area. A creature that succeeds at a Fortitude follow it.


20733856 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431586 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022


UNCANNY LUCK PRECOG 2 WITCHWARPER 2 If you succeed, the magic is dispelled and can’t be renewed

School divination for 10 minutes. This spell has no effect on artifacts or deities.

Range personal
Duration instantaneous TECHNOMANCER 5 WITCHWARPER 5

Saving Throw Will negates, see text; Spell Resistance yes, School transmutation

seetext Casting Time 1 standard action CLASSES

Mimicking the luck of halflings, you presciently react or tug Range touch

on the strands of fate, casting this spell just after a d20 roll Targets one unattended hybrid or magic item GEAR
you attempt for a saving throw or an enemy attempts for an Duration instantaneous

attack against you. The triggering roll must be rerolled, unless Saving Throw Fortitude negates (object); Spell Resistance no

it’s an attack roll made by an enemy who saves or whose spell You unravel the magic imbuing a magic item, permanently SPELLS
resistance you fail to overcome. removing its magical properties. To do so, you must attempt a

UNDO MISTAKE PRECOG 5 WITCHWARPER 5 caster level check (1d20 + your caster level). The DC equals 11 + FAITHS
the item’s level, or 5 + a consumable item’s level. If you succeed,

School divination the item becomes nonmagical, but its physical properties

Casting Time 1 minute remain unchanged. This spell has no effect on artifacts. THE
Range touch If you unravel a non-consumable magic item of an item level MAGICAL
Targets one willing ally GALAXY
of 4 or higher, you can harvest a portion of the unraveling

Duration 1 hour/level energy. Divide the item’s level by 4, and you can gain one spell

Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes slot of that level or lower. That spell slot vanishes if you fail

(harmless) to use it within 24 hours or after you rest to regain the use of

Frequently used by formian taskmasters to assist with training daily-use abilities, whichever comes first.

workers in new fields or avoiding costly mistakes, this spell USURP SPELL MYSTIC 4 PRECOG 4
has become popular among educators, managers, parents, and

mentors of all kinds. You establish a minor but long-range mental TECHNOMANCER 4 WITCHWARPER 4

link with the target and are alerted whenever the target fails a School abjuration

skill check. Once during the spell’s duration, you can nudge the Casting Time 1 reaction

20733857 universe into undoing the target’s mistakes and allowing the Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) 4431586

target a second chance. As a reaction when the target fails a Targets one spell

skill check, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to allow the target to Duration instantaneous

reroll the failed skill check with a +2 circ*mstance bonus. After Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

the target rerolls a skill check, this spell ends. If you and the You override the will of another spellcaster, taking control of

target are ever more than 10 miles apart, this spell ends. their spell. As a reaction when you observe a spell being cast

UNMASK MYSTIC 2 PRECOG 2 within range, you can cast this spell. If you do, you can attempt
a dispel check (1d20 + your caster level). The DC equals 11 + the

WITCHWARPER 2 other spellcaster’s caster level + 2 per level of the spell above

School enchantment 4th. If you succeed, you determine the spell’s parameters as if

Casting Time 1 standard action you had cast it. This spell has no effect on artifacts or deities.

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) VANISHING TRICK MYSTIC 0 PRECOG 0
Targets one creature

Duration instantaneous TECHNOMANCER 0 WITCHWARPER 0

Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes School illusion

Embri cast this spell to shame other embri who break decorum, Casting Time 1 standard action

and precogs manifest this spell by revealing a creature’s true Range touch

future appearance. If the target fails the saving throw, nonmagical Targets one unattended object of no more than 1 bulk

disguises or face coverings fall away harmlessly, revealing Duration 1 round/level (D)

the creature’s face or otherwise showing its real identity. A Saving Throw Will negates (harmless, object); Spell Resistance

shapechanger must revert to its true form. A creature can’t yes (harmless, object)

successfully disguise itself, change its shape, or use a magic item The object you touch becomes invisible.

to alter its appearance again for 10 minutes. During this time, the VARIED VENEER TECHNOMANCER 0
creature can’t be the target of another’s attempt at a nonmagical

disguise, but it can be the target of another’s disguising magic. WITCHWARPER 0

If, when you cast this spell, the effect disguising a creature School illusion

is magical (other than a shapechanger’s capabilities), you must Casting Time 1 standard action

attempt a caster level check (1d20 + your caster level). The DC Range touch

equals 11 + the level, item level, or CR of the effect’s creator. Targets one unattended object of no more than 2 bulk

SPELL DESCRIPTIONS 85 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

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Duration 1 hour Effect fog up to 20 ft. long/level or a ring with a radius up to 5

Saving Throw Will disbelief; Spell Resistance no ft./2 levels; either form up to 20 ft. high

You make the object you touch appear to be broken or Duration concentration + 1 round/level

otherwise worthless, or you make a broken object appear to Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

be functional. A creature that handles the object can attempt A billowing wall of dense mist forms in a vertical plane,

a Will saving throw to recognize the illusion. The object provided the wall is neither underwater nor in a vacuum.

functions as its actual condition indicates—this spell ends if In those cases, the spell fails. Creatures and objects on one

someone attempts to use the object for its intended function. side of the wall have concealment (20% miss chance) from

VOID GRASP MYSTIC 4 WITCHWARPER 4 creatures on the opposite side of the wall. A moderate wind
(11+ mph) disperses this fog in 2 rounds; a strong wind (21+

School necromancy mph) disperses the fog in 1 round, although the wall returns if

Casting Time 1 standard action you’re still concentrating on it and the wind ends.

Targets one creature

Duration 1 round/level School conjuration (creation, cold)

Saving Throw Fortitude partial, see text; Spell Resistance yes Casting Time 1 standard action

Reaching to worlds beyond, you siphon your foe’s life force as Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

a shared offering to some extraplanar entity. Attempt a melee Effect anchored plane of ice, up to one 10-ft. square/level, or

attack against the target’s EAC, adding the higher of your key hemisphere of ice with a radius of up to 3 ft. + 1 ft./level; the

ability modifier or your Strength modifier to the attack roll. ice is 1-inch thick/level

On a hit, the target takes 8d8 damage and must attempt a Duration 1 minute/level; see text

Fortitude saving throw. A target that fails is sickened for the Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

duration. One who succeeds is sickened for only 1 round, and An icy barrier, your choice of a plane or hemisphere, springs

then the spell ends. In either case, you gain temporary Hit into existence. A plane can be oriented in any fashion, provided

Points equal to half the damage you dealt. it’s anchored. If vertical, the wall needs only a solid foundation;

Casting this spell doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. a horizontal or slanting wall must be anchored on two opposite

WALL OF EARTH MYSTIC 3 WITCHWARPER 3 sides. A hemisphere must have a solid foundation. Either form
can fit into any space of surrounding nonliving material if it

20733858 School conjuration (creation) has sufficient area to do so. An ice wall fails to manifest in any

Casting Time 1 standard action area already occupied by a creature or object or where it will

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) likely fall or collapse. The hemisphere version fails to manifest

Effect earthen wall with area up to one 5-ft. square/level; if it can’t entirely contain a creature or object occupying the

seetext same space. Each 10-foot section of ice has 0 hardness and

Duration instantaneous 3 hit points per inch of thickness. Fire deals full damage to

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no a wall of ice. A section of wall is breached if reduced to 0 Hit

An earthen barrier springs into existence, anchored to Points. If a creature tries to break through the wall with a

surrounding solid surfaces or, at least, supported by a firm single attack, the DC for the Strength check is 20.

foundation. The stress of casting this spell requires you to For the duration, even when the ice has been broken

spend 1 Resolve Point. The wall fails to manifest in any area through, a sheet of frigid air remains. Any creature passing

already occupied by a creature or object, or where it’s likely through such a breach takes 4d4 cold damage.

to fall or collapse. However, the wall can fit into any space of Once the duration elapses, the ice might remain if

surrounding nonliving material if its area is sufficient to do so. environmental conditions prevent it from melting. However,

A typical wall of earth is 1 foot thick, but you can double the no magic maintains the ice, and a creature passing through a

thickness by halving the area, or vice versa. You can crudely breach in the wall takes no cold damage.

shape the wall in almost any way you desire, provided the WALL OF STEAM MYSTIC 2
shape you choose has enough support. Each 5-foot section of

the wall has hardness 0 and 5 Hit Points per inch of thickness. TECHNOMANCER 2 WITCHWARPER 2

A section of wall is breached if reduced to 0 Hit Points. If a School conjuration (creation, fire)

creature tries to break through the wall with a single attack, Effect scalding fog up to 20 ft. long/level or a ring with a

the DC for the Strength check is 20. radius up to 5 ft./2 levels; either form up to 20 ft. high

WALL OF FOG MYSTIC 1 TECHNOMANCER 1 This spell functions as wall of fog, except you can select one
side of the wall to give off searing steam. Creatures within 5

WITCHWARPER 1 feet of this side of the wall take 2d4 fire damage, and those

School illusion beyond 5 feet but within 10 feet take 1d4 fire damage. The

School conjuration (creation) wall deals this damage when it appears and on your turn each

Casting Time 1 standard action subsequent round. In addition, the wall deals 3d4 fire damage

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) to any creature passing through it. If you conjure the wall


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20733859 4431588

so that it appears where creatures are, each creature takes Duration 1 minute/level
damage as if passing through the wall. Saving Throw Fortitude partial, see text; Spell Resistance yes
You burden the targets with all the aches, pains, and sorrows
The steam can be dispersed as a wall of fog can. Also, if any of a lifetime. The targets take 10d8 damage and become
5-foot length of wall takes 10 or more cold damage in 1 round, encumbered for the duration, or they become overburdened
that length crystallizes and melts away, disappearing. if already encumbered. Each target can attempt a Fortitude
saving throw to halve the damage dealt by this spell and
WAVE OF WARNING MYSTIC 5 negate the encumbered condition.

School evocation (mind-affecting) X-RAY VISION MYSTIC 4 PRECOG 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) TECHNOMANCER 4
Targets up to three creatures that are no more than 30 ft.
School divination
apart from each other Casting Time 1 standard action
Duration instantaneous Range touch
Saving Throw Will partial, see text; Spell Resistance yes Targets one creature
Maraquoi spellcasters developed this spell to deter sapient Duration 1 minute/level
aggressors from bloodshed. You thrust a wave of mental Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes
determination at up to three targets, attempting a ranged attack
against each target’s KAC to deal 10d8 nonlethal bludgeoning (harmless)
damage. Each creature damaged by this spell is shaken for 5 You confer upon the target sense through (vision) with
rounds, or 1 round if they succeed at a Will saving throw. a range of 60 feet. This ability is blocked by materials
one-fifth as dense as those that block normal sense
WEIGHT OF AGES MYSTIC 5 PRECOG 5 through (2 feet of wood or plastic, 1 foot of stone, 2 inches
of common metal, or 1 inch of lead or any starmetal), and it
WITCHWARPER 5 limits the target to black-and-white vision while in use. The
target doesn’t gain the benefit of any other special visual
School necromancy senses (such as lowlight vision) while using x-ray vision,
Casting Time 1 standard action and the target can’t attempt sight-based Perception checks
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) beyond 60 feet.
Targets up to one living creature/level, no two of which can be

more than 30 ft. apart

SPELL DESCRIPTIONS 87 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

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4431589 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022 20733860


The following two variants can mix up how spells feature in TABLE 3–1: PREPARED SPELLS PER DAY (BY
your Starfinder game. GMs and players should work together to SPELL LEVEL)

decide which, if any, to use. LEVEL 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 6TH

2 1—————
Low-level spellcasters often rely on damaging 0-level spells 32—————
(energy ray, hazardCOM, injury echo [page 76], and telekinetic 42 1————
projectile) to injure their foes, but these spells can become 53 1————
obsolete as spellcasters gain levels and find weapons that deal 632————
greater damage. This rules variant allows spellcasters to rely 732 1———
on their damaging 0-level spells throughout their adventuring 833 1———
career. Make the following changes to the spells named above 9432———
at the levels the character attains in a spellcasting class. Each 10 4 3 2 1 — —
increase happens only once at the indicated level. 11 4 3 3 1 —
12 4 4 3 2 — —
At 3rd level, add half your character level to damage with 13 4 4 3 2 1 —
these spells. 14 4 4 3 3 1 —
15 4 4 4 3 2 —
At 7th level, increase the damage of spells that deal 1d3 or 16 4 4 4 3 2 1
less damage to 2d4. Increase the damage of spells that deal 1d6 17 4 4 4 3 3 1
damage to 2d6. 18 4 4 4 4 3 2
19 4 4 4 4 4 3
At each of 10th, 13th, and 15th levels, increase the damage of 20 4 4 4 4 4 4
these spells by one die of the same type (d4 or d6).

At each of 17th and 19th levels, increase the damage of these
spells by two dice of the same type.

At the end of this progression, a 19th-level spellcaster’s Spellbook
energy ray deals 9d4+9 damage of the chosen type, while their

20733860 telekinetic projectile deals 9d6+9 bludgeoning damage. You record your spells in written form and record them in a

VARIANT: PREPARED SPELLCASTING spellbook. You begin play with a spellbook worth 10 credits or less,
which you receive for free and which you must study to prepare

This rule variant changes the way spellcasting classes like the your spells. The spellbook contains your choice of five 1st-level

mystic and technomancer learn and cast spells. Your GM might spells from the list appropriate to your class. Your spellbook’s form

decide all spellcasters are prepared spellcasters, that none are, and name is up to you; a mystic might use a holy text, while a

or something in between—for example, technomancers might technomancer might record their spells in a personal comm unit.

prepare spells while mystics use the normal rules, or perhaps Each time you gain a level in a spellcasting class, you

spellcasters can choose to prepare spells when they take their automatically add two spells from that class’s spell list to your

first level in a spellcasting class. spellbook, choosing spells of a level you can cast. In addition, you

Prepared Spells can add spells to your spellbook using the Scribe Spell downtime
activity (below). This downtime activity follows the rules presented

Unlike other spellcasters, you have no known spells. Instead, on page 150 of Starfinder Character Operations Manual.

once a day after resting for 8 hours, you can prepare spells from Scribe Spell
your spellbook (below). When you do, you assign each of your

spell slots a spell of equal or lower level from your spellbook. You You attempt to add a spell to your spellbook. Depending on the

can cast each spell using the assigned spell slot, whereupon that nature of your spellbook, this might require special inks, hybrid

slot becomes unavailable to you until you prepare your spells technology, or other special materials. You must have access to

again. You can assign the same spell to more than one slot, which the spell in a spellbook, spell gem, or other method, or engage in

lets you cast the same spell multiple times. The number of spells conversation throughout this activity with someone who knows

you can prepare each day can be found in Table 3–1: Prepared the spell or has it in their spellbook.

Spells Per Day (above); in addition, if your key ability score is high Activity: Attempt a Mysticism check with a DC equal to 10 +

enough to receive bonus spells under the normal rules for your three times the level of the spell.

class, add those bonus spells to your spells per day. Result: On a success, spend credits equal to 100 times the

A character using prepared spellcasting obeys all other rules spell’s level and add the spell to your spellbook. On a failure,

for spells, according to their class. In particular, they must still you don’t add the spell, and you can’t try again until you gain

have a minimum key ability score to cast spells of a given level, a character level. If you were using a spell gem to gain access

and they still know and cast 0-level spells according to the to the spell, the spell gem is consumed whether you succeed or

normal rules for their class. fail to scribe it.


20733860 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431590 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022



Some spells require more than a few moments of concentration RITUAL CASTING OVERVIEW
and the expenditure of a spell slot; instead, they take hours or
Most rituals have a level, from 1 to 6, that corresponds to their

even days to cast, with a single individual leading assistants power, how difficult they are to perform, and some statistics

in the performance of a complex and powerful ritual. Before associated with them. Some rituals can be learned and CLASSES

attempting a ritual, a character must find a script for it and—if performed at different levels, with different effects depending

they’re wise—learn its secrets. on the level. When you learn a variable-level ritual, you learn GEAR
all lower-level versions at the same time. The script for a
RITUAL SCRIPTS variable-level ritual depends on the level. A ritual’s description

A ritual is detailed in a document known as a ritual script. lists the script for each level of a variable-level ritual. SPELLS
Story-wise, a ritual script can take many forms: an old tome The individuals who perform a ritual are known as

collecting dust on a library shelf, a mysterious obelisk carved ritualists, and they don’t need to be spellcasters. Every ritual

with indecipherable runes, or a digital file hidden deep within requires at least one person, the ritual leader, who must FAITHS

a world’s infosphere. A ritual script can be in any language and either have access to the ritual or have learned it. Additional

might also be hard to read or decipher; skills (such as Mysticism individuals might be able to help perform the ritual; these THE
or Computers) and magic (such as comprehend languages) participants are ritual assistants. Each ritual lists how MAGICAL
might be necessary to translate or decode it. In terms of game many assistants can participate, if any. Most GALAXY

mechanics, each ritual script describes the ritual actions— rituals allow assistants, and some require them,

specific actions detailed later in this section—that are but a few must be performed by the ritual

required for the completion of the ritual.

Before a character can use a script, however, they

must find it in the first place. Characters can cast only

rituals they have access to, and while academies that teach

magic often provide access to common and harmless rituals

that have obvious utility, more potent or dangerous rituals

are locked in secure vaults. Aspiring ritualists scour the

20733861 galaxy looking for rare rituals known only to lost civilizations 4431590

like the sivv or kishalee.

Once a ritual script is found, its ritual can be learned through

the master a ritual downtime activity (below); this activity

follows the rules of downtime activities presented on page 150

of the Character Operations Manual. The downtime activity isn’t

strictly necessary; a ritual can be performed from the script

without learning it, but doing so is more difficult. Learning a

ritual has two benefits. First, a ritual leader who has learned

a ritual no longer needs access to the ritual to cast it; they can

perform it from memory. Second, the DC for checks required

by ritual actions is lower if the ritualist has learned the ritual.

Master a Ritual

You attempt to learn or practice a ritual to successfully cast it
and reduce the danger posed by failure.

Activity: Name a single ritual to which you have access or
know. You spend the day practicing this ritual.

Results: For 1 day, you gain a +1 circ*mstance bonus to
checks required as part of ritual actions taken to cast the ritual
you named.

Multiday: When you spend a week on this downtime activity,
you can attempt to learn the ritual; alternatively, you can teach
a ritual you already know to a number of people equal to your
ranks in Mysticism. Attempt a Mysticism check; the DC of this
check is 10 + 3 × the level of the ritual. If you succeed, you
learn the ritual, or, if you were teaching it, everyone you taught
learns it. If you fail, you can take another week and use this
downtime activity to try again.

RITUALS 89 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

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4431591 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022 20733862

TABLE 3–2: RITUALS Variable-Level Rituals

RITUAL SKILL SAVE CREATURE ITEM SACRIFICE DAMAGE Some rituals have different effects depending on the level
at which you perform the ritual. When you learn a variable-

1 11 12 1/3 1,000 credits 1d12 level ritual, you learn all lower level versions at the same
2 16 15 2 4,000 credits 4d12 time. The script for a variable-level ritual depends on the
3 20 17 5 10,000 credits 7d12 level. A ritual’s description lists the script for each level of a
4 25 19 8 40,000 credits 10d12 variable-level ritual.
5 29 21 11 100,000 credits 13d12
6 34 24 14 400,000 credits 16d12 Creature-Creation Rituals

Some spells create creatures, turning an inanimate object into

leader alone. A ritual leader can never lead more assistants a construct, for example, or converting a corpse into undead.

than the leader has ranks in Mysticism, and once the ritual The creatures these spells can create are limited by the level of

begins, they remain the leader for the entire ritual. the ritual; the higher the ritual level, the higher the CR of the

Rituals are performed over a number of ritual rounds. The creatures it can be used to create, according to Table 3–2: Rituals.

length of time represented by a ritual round depends on the RITUAL ACTIONS
ritual and can be found in that ritual’s description. Each round,

the leader and assistants select ritual actions; these actions Every ritual action can be performed by the leader, an assistant,

are detailed below. Unless someone pauses the ritual using or either, as noted after the action’s name. Some rituals might

the maintain ritual action, the actions in the ritual script must modify the actions listed here or require new or unique actions.

be taken in order, one per round, until the ritual is complete; Gather Power (Leader)
otherwise, the ritual fails. Generally, a ritual requires a number

of actions equal to the ritual’s level, but the number of actions You gather ambient magic from the environment to fuel the

can vary. ritual. Attempt the check or saving throw listed in the script.

Each ritual round, characters can take their actions in any Harmonize (Assistant)
order. While the ritual leader is usually taking the ritual action

required by the script, assistants have more options when it You attempt to aid a ritual leader who’s attempting a skill check,

comes to their choice of action, and sometimes actions required supporting them with ritual chants, meditation, dance, or

in the script can be taken by any character, not just the leader. another activity. Attempt a DC 15 check using the skill the ritual

20733862 For example, an assistant might choose to act before the leader leader is attempting in a ritual action; if you succeed, you grant

to take the harmonize action and grant a bonus to the leader’s a +2 bonus to the ritual leader’s skill check this round.

check, or that same assistant might wait to act until after the

leader has acted, to use the martyr self or salvage ritual action. Invoke Entity (Leader or Assistant)

Ritual actions often require a skill check, a saving throw, or You channel the power of a deity or similar entity through

some other activity, such as the sacrifice of valuable goods. yourself to power the ritual. This ritual action always succeeds

Whenever a ritual action requires a skill check or saving throw, but is still extremely dangerous; attempt the check or saving

the DC can be found on Table 3–2: Rituals. If the ritualist hasn’t throw listed in the script. If you succeed, you’re unharmed. If

learned the ritual, the DC is 5 higher. you fail, you take the damage or effect listed in the script.

When an action required as part of a ritual script succeeds,

the ritual continues for another round, when the next action in Join Ritual (Leader or Assistant)

the script can be attempted. Failure on a ritual action required as You join a ritual that has already started. You must take this

part of a script, however, can have several consequences, listed in action at the beginning of a ritual round, and you can take

the ritual script. If neither “failure” nor “retry” is listed, the ritual another ritual action this round.

action succeeds despite the failed check or saving throw, but the Leave Ritual (Leader or Assistant)

character who took the action suffers the consequences listed.

D Damage: The character takes damage appropriate to the level You leave the ritual, and you can perform non-ritual actions

of the ritual, according to Table 3–2: Rituals. If the damage during ritual rounds, including this one, until you rejoin.

has a type, it’s noted here.

D Condition: The character gains the listed condition for the Maintain Ritual (Leader or Assistant)

length of time noted. You maintain a ritual without working toward its conclusion,

D Failure: The ritual fails. usually so that the ritual leader can rest or perform other actions.

D Retry: The action fails, but the ritual has not. The failed action You must attempt this action before any other ritual action is

must be attempted again on the next round, unless the ritual attempted in the same round. Attempt a Fortitude saving throw.

is paused through the maintain ritual action. If you succeed, the ritual is paused for one ritual round; no one

Certain ritual actions allow assistants to save a ritual can perform a ritual action for the ritual this round, but the ritual

that would fail or to take damage or a condition that would doesn’t fail. A ritual can be maintained multiple times, and as long

incapacitate the ritual leader, potentially saving the ritual as the saving throws succeed, the ritual can be resumed with the

from failure. next ritual action required by the script.


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Martyr Self (Assistant) RITUALS

This action must be taken immediately after a ritualist in the The following Rituals are just a sampling of the many that exist

same ritual as you takes damage or gains a condition or some in the galaxy.

other harmful effect as a consequence of a failed check or Reading Ritual Descriptions OVERVIEW
save in a ritual action this round. You volunteer yourself to

take that harm. The damage or effect is transferred to you, Each ritual is listed in alphabetical order by name. The ritual’s

and it can’t be reduced or mitigated in any way. You can’t level is noted after its name. CLASSES
take this action if you’ve already taken damage or suffered a Script lists all the actions required to perform the ritual

harmful effect this round. in order. Required skills, saving throws, sacrifices, or other GEAR
activities are listed in parentheses, followed by the consequence
Open the Way (Leader) for failure. If the ritual can be performed at variable level, each

You draw power from another plane—perhaps through a specially level with its own script, “varies” is listed here. SPELLS
attuned magic item or a temporary portal—and then channel that Assistants indicates the number of assistants that must

power into the ritual. Attempt the check or saving throw listed in assist the leader in the ritual. If assistants are optional, the entry

the script. Sometimes failing this check can have unpredictable here is “any.” The maximum number of assistants is limited to FAITHS

results, releasing denizens of other planes into your location. the leader’s ranks in Mysticism.

Prepare the Area (Leader or Assistant) Round Length notes the length of time represented by a THE
single ritual round. MAGICAL
You mark out a sacred or mystically aligned area where the GALAXY
The description of the ritual follows; unless otherwise noted,

ritual will take place. Doing so might involve scribing a pattern “you” in a ritual description refers to the ritual leader.

on the floor, setting up candles or other ritual paraphernalia, COMMUNE LEVEL 5
and sanctifying the area with ritual phrases. Attempt the check

or saving throw listed in the script. Script Prepare the Space (Mysticism; failure), Sacrifice (1

Release Power (Leader) Resolve Point), Invoke Entity (Will; fatigued, retry), Sacrifice
(items worth 1,000 credits)

Having gathered and shaped the power of your ritual, you now Assistants 3

unleash it and hope for the desired outcome. Attempt the check Round Length 1 hour

or saving throw listed in the script. You call upon an unknown planar entity to answer questions.

20733863 This is a servitor of your deity if you have one. You can ask up 4431592
to seven questions that can be answered with “Yes” or “No.”
Sacrifice (Leader or Assistant)

You sacrifice objects of value to power the ritual. No check or saving The entity is likely to know answers related to its purview;

throw is required, but you must sacrifice whatever is listed in the a servitor of Triune would know about objects located in the

script. If the sacrifice listed is “Resolve,” the leader must spend 1 Drift, and a servitor of Damoritosh would know about the

Resolve Point. If the sacrifice is “Items” and no other information Veskarium. The entity answers with one-word answers such

is provided, you must sacrifice items with a value appropriate to as “Yes,” “No,” “Likely,” or “Unknown,” though its answers

the level of the ritual, as shown on Table 3–2: Rituals. Sacrificed always reflect its own agenda and could be deceptive. This

items are destroyed unless otherwise noted. If you complete this ritual can’t uncover information directly related to the Gap.

sacrifice, the action succeeds. If you don’t, the action and ritual fail. CONSECRATE PLACE LEVEL 2
Some evil rituals might require the sacrifice of sapient creatures.

Salvage Ritual (Assistant) Script Sacrifice (incense and offerings worth 2,000 credits),
Prepare the Space (Mysticism; retry), Invoke Entity (Will;

You try to save a ritual that’s about to fail. When a ritual leader damage, failure)

fails a skill check as part of a ritual action, you take this action to Assistants any

attempt the check yourself. The DC for this check is 5 higher than Round Length 1 day

the DC listed on Table 3–2: Rituals. Substitute the result of your You consecrate a site to your deity. The effects of this ritual

check for the ritual leader’s failed check. Your check has the same last for 1 year, and they extend in a 40-foot radius centered

consequences of success or failure that the leader’s action had. on an immobile shrine, altar, or fixture of your deity. While

Shape Power (Leader) within the area, worshippers of your deity gain a +1 divine
bonus to Armor Class, attack rolls, damage rolls, saving

Having gathered magical energy from the environment, other throws, and skill checks. If your deity is chaotic, evil, good,

planes, or a deity, you now shape that power into the proper or lawful, attacks by your worshippers made from within

form. Attempt the check or saving throw listed in the script. the area are chaotic-aligned, evil-aligned, good-aligned, or

Speak the Name (Leader) lawful-aligned, respectively.

You direct your ritual against a specific target, whose name you FTL COMMUNICATION LEVEL 4

must know. No check is required for this action, but if you don’t Script Open the Way (Computers; dazed for 1 minute,

name someone clearly and unambiguously, the ritual fails. failure), Shape Power (Mysticism; electricity damage, retry),

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20733864 4431593
Speak the Name (Will; dazed for 1 minute), Release Power permit instantaneous travel between them. The portals can
(Computers; failure) be up to 15 feet across, separated by any distance or even on
Assistants none different planes, and each must be constructed with at least
Round Length 1 minute 1,000,000 credits’ worth of materials. Each portal must have
You communicate with someone over interstellar distances. a designated entry direction and an exit direction. You must
You must touch a comm unit at the end of this ritual and speak perform this ritual at one of the two portals, and neither portal
a message of 25 words or fewer. Your message travels to the can already be connected to a portal through a gate ritual.
person you named in the Speak the Name action, but takes If the ritual is completed, any creature who moves through
time to arrive: 1d6 hours if the individual is in the same system one portal’s entry emerges from the other portal’s exit. The
as you, 3d6 hours if the individual is in Near Space or the Pact surfaces of the portals are usually magically obscured, so it’s
Worlds, or 5d6 hours if the individual is in the Vast. When impossible to tell where a portal leads; however, a creature
the message arrives, the individual you named hears it and who observes a portal from its entry direction, takes a full
can respond with up to 25 words. This reply takes 1d6 hours action, and succeeds at a DC 25 Mysticism check can cause
to reach you if you’re in the same system as the individual the portal to briefly clear and see out the paired portal’s exit
replying, 3d6 hours if you’re in Near Space, or 5d6 hours if for one round. If Engineering was used in the ritual actions
you’re in the Vast. When it reaches you, you hear it. that created this gate, the creature can use Computers or
Engineering instead of Mysticism for this check.
Script Prepare the Space (Engineering or Mysticism; failure),
Gather Power (Mysticism; dazed for 1 hour, failure), Shape Script Speak the Name (the names of the two individuals being
Power (Engineering or Mysticism; fatigued, retry), Release bonded)
Power (Mysticism; electricity damage, retry), Open the Way Assistants none
(Will; the gate opens to a random location for a random Round Length 1 hour
duration, both determined by the GM) You create a magical bond between two willing creatures who
Assistants any share genuine affection for each other. As part of the ritual,
Round Length 1 day both members of the bond receive a ring, amulet, or similar
You link two physical portals—such as doors or arches—to token to symbolize their shared connection; these items must


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each be worth at least 100 credits. When both individuals are OTHER SUMMONING RITUALS OVERVIEW
wearing their tokens, they can, once per day as a standard
action, sense the condition of the other as per the status spell. There are many variations on the summoning ritual, including rituals CLASSES
If either token is destroyed, the effect of the ritual ends. to summon angels, daemons, demons, fey, oni, velstracs, or other
extraplanar beings. Most work identically to summon elemental with GEAR
PANOPTICON LEVEL 3 a few notable exceptions. First, most outsiders are more intelligent
than elementals, and so their initial attitude is more likely to be SPELLS
Script Prepare the Space (items), Gather Power (Computers; unfriendly (though a devil might pretend to be friendly for its own
fatigued, retry), Open the Way (Will; electricity damage, failure) purposes). Second, when a ritualist fails a ritual action that inflicts FAITHS
Assistants none damage, that damage has a type appropriate to the plane the THE
Round Length 1 hour summoned creature comes from. For example, summoning a devil is
You gain supernatural surveillance powers within a single large likely to inflict fire damage. If no damage type is appropriate, the MAGICAL
structure, such as a prison, school, or space station. You must damage has no type. Summoning rituals can differ from the usual GALAXY
perform this ritual within the chosen structure, and when you script and results in other, more specific ways; a wise ritualist learns
complete the ritual, you must touch a video screen. The screen all they can about the spell and the creature summoned before
can be of any size, but it can’t be moved. When you look at attempting the ritual!
this screen, you can take a move action to make it display any
location in the structure where it’s located, from any point of
view within 100 feet of the screen, with low-light vision and
darkvision up to 60 feet. The effects of this ritual last for 1 year,
or until the screen is moved or broken, whichever comes first.

REINCARNATION LEVEL 4 instead. Regardless, the elemental is under no obligation to

Script Prepare the Area (Mysticism; failure); Invoke Entity obey you. It remains on the plane to which you’ve summoned

(Will; damage, failure); Sacrifice (items and Resolve); Speak it until it’s destroyed or sent back to its origin plane, such as

the Name (the individual being reincarnated) through dismissal or some other method.

Assistants any If you fail a ritual action for this ritual that causes you to

Round Length 1 hour take damage, that damage has a type based on the kind of

You call upon a deity or other cosmic force to create a new elemental you tried to summon: bludgeoning for an earth

20733865 body for a dead individual, binding the individual’s soul to the elemental, cold for a water elemental, fire for a fire elemental, 4431594

new body and restoring them to life. This ritual can restore and electricity for an air elemental.

an individual who has been dead for days equal to the ritual You can add the Prepare the Area action to the beginning of

leader’s ranks in Mysticism. The creature takes a temporary the script for this spell; the action requires a Mysticism check.

negative level for 24 hours. This ritual can’t resurrect creatures If you do, the elemental appears within that area, and can’t

who are currently undead or who don’t wish to be resurrected, leave or target creatures outside the area unless you allow it

but it can restore individuals slain by death effects or whose or your preparations are disturbed; the GM decides how much

original bodies are lost or destroyed. disturbance is required. You gain a +4 circ*mstance bonus to

The ritualists and the restored creature have no say over Diplomacy or Intimidate checks against a creature trapped

the form of the reincarnation, which can take the form of within your prepared area. If you fail the Mysticism check

virtually any race, gender, and appearance. If this ritual is required for this ritual action, the elemental still appears in the

used to reincarnate a player character, the player and GM space, but its movement and attacks aren’t restricted, and you

should mutually agree on the reincarnation’s physical details, gain no benefit to Diplomacy or Intimidate checks.

choosing a playable race; if used to reincarnate an NPC, the You can add the Speak the Name action to the end of the

GM decides the reincarnation’s physical form. A reincarnated script for this spell. If you do, you summon the specific elemental

character loses the ability score modifiers, HP, Size, type, and whose name you spoke, provided that elemental’s CR is equal to

racial traits of their original race, and gains the ability score or less than that listed for the ritual’s level on Table 3–2: Rituals.

modifiers, HP, Size, type, and racial traits of their new race. Its initial attitude might be something other than indifferent,

Theme and class features are unchanged. especially if it has had prior interactions with you.

SUMMON ELEMENTAL LEVELS 1-6 1st: Script Open the Way (Fort; damage, failure)
2nd: Script Open the Way (Fort; damage, failure)

Script varies 3rd: Script Sacrifice (items); Open the Way (Fort; damage,

Assistants up to 1 per level of the ritual failure)

Round Length 10 minutes 4th: Script Sacrifice (items); Open the Way (Fort; damage,

You summon an elemental with a CR limited by the level of the failure)

ritual according to Table 3–2: Rituals. The elemental appears 5th: Script Sacrifice (items); Gather Power (Mysticism;

within 30 feet of you. Most elementals are only as smart as damage, retry); Open the Way (Fort; damage, failure)

a clever animal, and their initial attitude is indifferent, but 6th: Script Sacrifice (items); Gather Power (Mysticism;

elementals with above-average Intelligence are unfriendly damage, retry); Open the Way (Fort; damage, failure)

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The galaxy’s faiths manifest in countless forms, from tiny cults to
interplanetary religions with billions of followers. Although deities almost
never intervene directly and dramatically in mortal affairs, their influence
and inspiration are very much alive in lay worshippers and devoted priests
alike. Faith is alive throughout the galaxy, whether it is used for good or ill.

The question of faith is one that has preoccupied intelligent beings Rulebook 483–492). These faiths command vast resources

since ancient times: which deities to follow, how to best express and boast billions of worshippers throughout the galaxy. A

one’s veneration, whether to rely on the deities at all or instead to follower of such a deity is sure to encounter fellow faithful

focus solely on matters of the Material Plane. Priests, philosophers, throughout the Pact Worlds, and even the uninitiated can

and scholars have debated these issues with words and, too often, recognize a Desnan or Hylaxian priest by their well-known

bloodshed. However, few question deities’ existence, for although regalia and be aware of some basic facts about their religions.

gods rarely take direct action in mortal matters, they are far from Curious minds may be intrigued by less famous patrons. The

absent in the universe. On occasion, they grant blessings to their Pact Worlds host untold adherents to archdevils, empyreal

most devout followers or curse those who especially displease lords, psychopomp ushers, upstart demigods, or even has-been

them—though always with some care, for deities maintain an deities with waning congregations and relevance in post-Gap

informal, porous truce discouraging wanton divine intervention, societies. Others prefer philosophical movements with little

lest escalating miracles destabilize the multiverse. Though deities reliance on deities, such as the Prophecies of Kalistrade or

influence and guide their followers, ultimately, mortals must make Sangpotshi, seeking meaning and self-improvement through

their own decisions in matters of faith. ideas rather than faith.

Most Pact Worlds inhabitants are familiar with the major What qualifies as a major deity can vary by region. Beyond

deities, such as Abadar, Iomedae, and Pharasma (Core the Pact Worlds, local pantheon rosters often depend less

on a deity’s relative power and more on their relevance to a

20733868 society’s history and values, sometimes with demigods revered

THE MEANING OF FAITH as all-powerful beings, and deities like Pharasma relegated to
footnotes or forgotten altogether. Thus, an area’s religion can
“At its best, faith inspires people to great heights; at its worst, it prove as pernicious or fragile as any ecosystem with invasive
spurs them to acts of terrible evil. It is our task to use our faith to species; a people’s religion might enter crisis when exposed to
help those in need and to shine a light where there is none. Even other powerful deities, just as readily as their own faiths might
the most sinister hearts can be redeemed if they are truly sincere inspire upheaval if introduced to other worlds. As a result, a
about atoning, and an outstretched hand at the right time can be the system’s explorers and wardens—such as the Starfinder Society
difference between salvation and a soul lost to evil forever.” and Stewards for the Pact Worlds—often approach unfamiliar
faiths cautiously. That said, most systems aren’t ignorant of other
—Teralondir Yvesaril, priest of Sarenrae

“A shared faith is one thread that can unite a community, providing faiths, and newly contacted societies often know of popular gods
stories to connect us, principles to live by, and communal values to by other names or through unfamiliar representations.
organize our society. When our neighbor needs aid, when a lawbreaker
must be punished, when we feel disconnected or lonely, our faith can Society and individual perspectives shape a person’s
motivate us to action. To exist is to question, but by drawing on the interpretation of faith, and congregations are internally
wisdom of those who came before, we need not do so alone.” diverse, with worshippers sometimes disagreeing on anything
from trivial elements to substantive issues like the religion’s
—Adonata Setroni Sestir of Clan Thelaiin, House Hirra, central tenets. A sufficiently stubborn or significant division
Ascended‑Light of Narrative, priest of Talavet can fragment a faith, creating independent splinter sects, and
the Pact Worlds host many of these—such as the Forgiven, a

“The weak will tell you that faith protects the innocent, which is, of Sarenite sect that seeks to do the greatest evils to later earn
course, balderdash, a convenient fiction woven by those who divide the greatest redemptions and the Last Lorekeepers, who believe
the world into ‘good’ and ‘evil’ to soothe their own consciences. A each living being is an aspect of Nyarlathotep and that the
proper faith defines one’s place in the universe, provides codified multiverse will only know Truth when only one aspect remains
rules of behavior and thought, and grants the structure that mortals alive. Some faiths permit such splinter sects to exist, while
desperately need—yet, like a child throwing a tantrum, so often resist.” others mercilessly hunt down and eliminate those they view as
heretics. The degree of one’s faith, too, is highly individualized,
—Mivith Hael-Endrazi, priest of Asmodeus from casual worshippers who attend major religious festivals

and make only desperately opportunistic prayers, to those

devoted enough to take formal vows as a priest or other


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20733869 4431598

religious leader. While mystics are most commonly priests, Still, the attraction of belonging to a faithful community
attributing their mystical connections to their divine patron, remains strong, and the concept of religion is at no risk of dying
anyone can conceivably become such a leader. It would not be out. In addition to the benefits of granting a built-in community,
unusual to see a soldier priest of Iomedae, a biohacker priest of giving one a sense of purpose in being part of a wider cause and
Oras, or an operative priest of Calistria. providing assurance of one’s destination in the afterlife, deities
remain an active force in the universe. Their power manifests
EVOLVING FAITHS through various spellcasting traditions, and influential
servants might receive blessings that range from brief omens
Not everyone chooses to follow a religion or philosophy. Some and affirmations to sacred artifacts designed to combat an
actively reject such ideas, while others just wish to focus on imminent threat. Even as science has advanced, deities have
mortal affairs rather than otherworldly ones. While often adapted by incorporating new technologies and concepts into
referred to as atheists in popular parlance, most of these their portfolios, with some deities such as Lambatuin (page 123)
people don’t deny the existence of deities. Instead, they elect apparently arising spontaneously from mortal innovations to
not to worship them for a variety of reasons, such as believing champion these novel domains. Among the most famous deities
deities are unworthy of worship or wanting to rely on their own who have adapted in the new age are Oras, Triune, and Yaraesa,
talents rather than seeking aid from divine beings. Some of though many scientists and researchers are also followers of
these non-faithful despise the very idea of religion; more often, Ibra, rejoicing in each new discovery as an offering to their god.
they’re simply indifferent to it, perfectly willing to coexist as Innumerable lesser-known deities and demigods also focus on
long as their own beliefs aren’t disparaged. With the advances more specific aspects of such topics, just as with many other
of science and technology, some believe that deities are less elements of the universe.
necessary than in the past, and that mortal affairs are best left
for mortals to determine. This school of thought often posits that DIVINE RELATIONSHIPS
divine beings cannot understand the experiences of mortals,
and that it is better to take matters into one’s own hands rather Though deities are unlike mortals in many respects, they too
than beseech an entity who may or may not even consider your have their friendships, alliances, lovers, and enemies, and
concerns important. Even the faithful, after all, cannot just sit these relationships can color their followers’ interactions with
back and wait for their deity to fix all their problems for them. members of other faiths. Mirroring their patrons, a Desnan likely

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gets along well with a worshipper of Weydan while looking CHARACTERS OF FAITH

askance at a worshipper of Damoritosh, whereas a Besmaran When playing a devout character, it helps to coordinate with

probably approves of a Caydenite’s (page 121) freewheeling ways your fellow players to predict and address potential conflicts.

and clashes with an Abadaran. Even so, these impressions are Playing a staunch Pharasmin might lead to difficulties

not decrees. While a deity might disapprove of their followers if another PC’s character concept involves creating and

working with an enemy faith for too long, the galaxy’s diversity controlling undead, for instance. Similarly, religious PCs

creates circ*mstances that unite unlikely allies. In some cases, might clash with followers of deities diametrically opposed

small-scale partnerships between opposing faiths are even to their patron’s interests, such as good versus evil or lawful

encouraged, with each side considering it an opportunity to versus chaotic deities. These clashes need not be violent;

reform the other. some players fervently enjoy roleplaying these conflicts,

Meanwhile, the gods maintain a complex web of relationships transforming a potentially violent situation into one where

too vast to fully enumerate, and like mortal relationships, they constantly quip and try to outdo each other to prove

these connections occasionally evolve over time. The most a theological point. However, it’s important all parties

famous associations seem timeless, though. Pharasma and understand and opt into these situations, as this intra-party

Urgathoa have an enmity dating back untold eons, and their conflict can spoil the fun for some. Likewise, a GM should

followers contest one another at every opportunity. Talavet and consider how PCs’ faiths interact with their intended plotline.

Nyarlathotep maintain a feud just as bitter, as the Storyteller Is an obstacle or objective likely to challenge a PC’s religious

cannot abide how the Crawling Chaos makes a mockery of tenets? Again, some players might relish this conflict between

stories by twisting them into secrets. The goddesses Desna, faith and pragmatism; in other situations, it could create a

Sarenrae, and Shelyn enjoyed a romance before the Gap, and figurative logjam in your narrative. There’s no single answer—

although Shelyn’s role in the galaxy is less pronounced now, only what’s right for you and your group.

their worshippers believe that time hasn’t dimmed their mutual Once you have a concept that works for you and your game,

affection. While the deities endeavor to keep their feuds and reviewing the lore about your deity and their church might

alliances from spilling directly into the Material Plane for fear spark backstory ideas. Why does your PC follow this deity? Is

of overstepping the bounds of their influence over mortals, a it the religion of their family or culture, or did they come to

worshipper typically tracks and mirrors their patron’s current it later in life? If their deity has a formal church, are they a

enemies and allies. member (either as a lay follower or a priest), or do they take a

ORGANIZATION AND SACRED SITES more independent approach? What are the deity’s tenets that

20733870 are most important to you? Are there tenets about which you’re

Organization varies dramatically between religions, from highly less concerned or more flexible? Considering such questions can

structured institutions like AbadarCorp and the Church of flesh out your PC’s motivations for choosing their faith and help

Iomedae to faiths where priests largely operate individually you determine how they might act in various situations. Your

without an established hierarchy like those of Besmara or many PC isn’t obligated to always behave as a “typical” worshipper;

of the Eldest. As a general trend, more populous faiths tend to while they likely follow their deity’s general edicts, religions are

develop greater structure to better guide followers and manage far from monolithic in their adherents’ opinions, personalities,

resources. Those resources can be considerable, ranging from and behaviors. Having a character whose demeanor doesn’t

vast financial capital and manufacturing centers to academic fit the stereotype of a particular faith can provide interesting

expertise and political clout. Conversely, faiths of lesser-known interactions both with fellow PCs and NPCs.

deities or demigods might be common only in a particular locale As a GM, consider similar questions when designing NPCs

or amongst those of a specific shared interest and might be less to tease out their motivations and relationship with their faith,

influential outside such areas. This doesn’t mean that deities creating a more believable, memorable, and engaging character

themselves are less powerful than their widely worshipped for the PCs to interact with. Whether you’re running a published

counterparts, only that their worshippers are fewer or more adventure or one of your own design, keep in mind the PCs’

scattered. affiliations and personalities when creating and portraying

A deity’s interests likewise shape their sacred sites. Often, NPCs, for both parties could hold preconceptions about each

these sites serve practical purposes, such as a theater or art other’s faiths that make their interaction far more lively,

museum dedicated to Shelyn, or a mortuary bearing ample congenial, or dangerous. Don’t be afraid to switch up material if

artwork extolling Pharasma. Just as often, a sacred location you predict the interaction wouldn’t go well. Perhaps you know

preserves a historical event or miracle’s epicenter, drawing your PCs would never agree to work with an Asmodean but

pilgrims throughout the galaxy. These places often empower might cooperate with an Urgathoan, or perhaps changing an

the faithful’s magic, giving the impression that any prayers adventure’s Hylaxian to a Talavite makes them a fellow follower

made there are more likely to reach and be heeded by the of a PC’s faith, providing a better hook for that character.

deity. As Drift travel connects far-flung societies, a side effect The role of faith in the universe takes many forms—perhaps

of pilgrimage is that religious scholars are learning so much as many forms as there are faithful. With countless religions

more about their patrons, “discovering” places where each deity and beliefs throughout the galaxy, there’s no shortage of faith-

performed extraordinary acts or issued profound declarations influenced characters, encounters, and adventures to enliven

unknown to huge swaths of the greater faith. your games!


20733870 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[emailprotected]>, Feb 14, 2022

Starfinder Galactic Magic - Flip eBook Pages 51-100 (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.