Academic Integrity and Student Conduct Codes (2024)

Academic Integrity

The University of Maryland is an academic community. Its fundamental purpose is the pursuit of knowledge. Like all other communities, the university can function properly only if its members adhere to clearly established goals and values. Essential to the fundamental purpose of the university is the commitment to the principles of truth and academic honesty. Accordingly, the Code of Academic Integrity is designed to ensure that the principle of academic honesty is upheld.

The university's Code of Academic Integrityis a nationally recognized honor code, administered by a Student Honor Council. Any of the following acts, when committed by a student, shall constitute academic dishonesty:

  • Cheating: fraud, deceit, or dishonesty in any academic course or exercise in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage and/or using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic course or exercise.
  • Fabrication: unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in any academic course or exercise.
  • Facilitating Academic Dishonesty: knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate any provision of this Code.
  • Plagiarism: representing the words or ideas of another as one's own in any academic course or exercise.
  • Self-Plagiarism: the reuse of substantial identical or nearly identical portions of one's own work in multiple courses without prior permission from the current instructor or from each of the instructors if the work is being submitted for multiple courses in the same semester.

If it is determined that an act of academic dishonesty has occurred, a grade of "XF" is the expected sanction for undergraduate students. The grade of "XF" is noted on the academic transcript as failure due to academic dishonesty. Lesser or more severe sanctions may be imposed when there are circ*mstances to warrant such consideration. Suspension or expulsion from the university may be imposed even for a first offense.

Refer to policy for details:III-1.00(A) University of Maryland Code of Academic Integrity

Honor Pledge

In 2002, the university adopted an honor pledge. The honor pledge is a reminder that University of Maryland students carry primary responsibility for academic integrity because the value of their degrees depends on it. On all work submitted for assessment that is not specifically exempted by the instructor, students are encouraged to write and sign the following pledge:

"I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assessment."

Faculty are urged to emphasize the importance of academic honesty and of the honor pledge as its symbol. Failure to sign the honor pledge is not a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity (Code), but neither is it a defense in case of violation of the Code. Signing or non-signing of the pledge will not be considered in grading or in student conduct procedures.

For more information regarding the Code of Academic Integrity, the honor pledge, or the Student Honor Council please refer to or contact the Office of Student Conduct at

Student Conduct

The Code of Student Conduct was created to ensure the safety and security of the university community. The Office of Student Conduct seeks to balance the rights and responsibilities of all individuals within the community, while upholding the integrity and values of the university community. The Office fosters a climate of accountability and responsibility for one's actions while educating and supporting students in reaching their full potential as citizens.

Compared to disciplinary systems at many universities, University of Maryland students are given unusual authority and responsibility for management of the campus process. Cases that may result in suspension or expulsion are heard by conduct boards, comprised entirely of students from the University Student Judiciary. Less serious cases are resolved in disciplinary conferences conducted by university staff members. Acts of violence, intimidation, disruption, or rioting; substantial theft or vandalism; fraud or forgery; use or distribution of illegal drugs; are forms of misconduct that most frequently result in dismissal from the university. Students accused of violating university disciplinary regulations are encouraged to discuss the allegations with their parents or guardians, an advisor, and with appropriate university staff members.

Prohibited Conduct

A complete list of conduct considered prohibited as well as procedures for resolving allegations of misconduct may be found in the Code of Student Conduct at V-1.00(B) University of Maryland Code of Student Conduct or through the Office of Student Conduct website at

The Code of Student Conduct applies on and off-campus.The following are some examples of what constitutes prohibited conduct by individual students and/or student groups/organizations and are subject to disciplinary action:

  • Causing physical harm or apprehension of harm
  • Use, possession, or storage of any weapon
  • Engaging in hazing activities
  • Distribution or possession for purposes of distribution of any illegal drug (including cannabis)
  • Use or possession of any illegal drug or controlled substances (including cannabis)
  • Interfering with the freedom of expression of others
  • Use or possession of alcohol under the legal age of consumption
  • Provision of alcohol to persons under the legal age of consumption
  • Use or possession of false identification
  • Theft
  • Destruction or damage to property
  • Disorderly and disruptive actions
  • Falsifying information to the university

Note: This Code does not apply to student sexual misconduct. The policy and procedures applicable to student sexual misconduct is VI-1.60(A) University of Maryland Sexual Misconduct Policy & Procedures. Refer to policy for details:VI-1.60(A) University of Maryland Policy and Procedures on Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct

For more information regarding student conduct issues, contact the Office of Student Conduct at or visit

Other Policies and Regulations Pertaining to Students

In addition to the Code of Student Conduct and the Code of Academic Integrity students enrolled at UMD are expected to be aware of, and to abide by, the policies summarized below. Information about where the complete texts may be consulted (other than the Code of Student Conduct) follows each summary. Descriptions of these policies are for general information only. Modifications may be made, or other policies added, throughout the year. Please contact the Office of Student Conduct for additional information.

Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy defines standards for reasonable and acceptable use of university computer resources, including electronic mail:X-1.00(A) University of Maryland Policy on Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources.

Campus Parking Regulations cover registration, permits, fees, violations, enforcement, fines, towing and impounding, reviews, carpool programs, special events parking, emergency parking, and a number of other areas. The parking regulations are in effect to help ensure safe and adequate parking for the campus community and are designed to provide parking spaces as equitable as possible for students, faculty, staff and campus visitors. Parking regulations are updated annually and are provided electronically to all who register for parking. For more information visit:

Event and Guest Services Policies regulate reservation of university facilities, advertising, co-sponsorship, cancellation and postponement, and various other matters relating to programs of student organizations. (Published in the Event and Guest Services Policy Manual) For more information, contact the Center for Campus Life in the Adele H. Stamp Student Union or visit: Event & Guest Services Policy Manual.

Guidelines for Expressive Activityestablishes guidelines for activities involving free expression, including demonstrations, chalking, and picketing. It stipulates that the university will take steps necessary both to protect the right of individuals or groups to demonstrate and to protect the freedom of speech, assembly, and movement of any individual or group. For more information visit: VI-4.10(A) University of Maryland Policy and Procedures for the Use of Facilities and Outdoor Spaces.

Policy on Hazing defines hazing as conduct engaged in, whether on or off university premises, for the purpose of admission, initiation, or continued association with a group or organization. It is recklessly or intentionally:

  1. engaging in or enabling an act or situation that subjects another person to the risk of
    1. physical harm;
    2. emotional distress, humiliation, degradation;
    3. harm from unreasonable requirements which interfere with a student’s ability to function as a student, including financial requirements outside of membership dues;
    4. diminished physical or mental capacity, or
  2. causing or encouraging another person to violate any law or university regulation.

The implied or express consent of another person is not a defense under this section.
V-1.00(K) University of Maryland Policy and Procedures on Hazing

Residence Hall Rules define prohibited conduct in and around campus residence halls, buildings, and at Department of Resident Life sponsored activities, in addition to that which falls under the Residence Halls/Dining Services Agreement, Code of Student Conduct, and federal, state and local laws. The rules also specify standard sanctions for rule violations, and provide for an adjudication process. For more information, contact the Department of Resident Life or visit

Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures defines prohibited behavior including possible sanctions for violations of the policy, offers guidance for complainants including how to make a formal report to the university and to the police. Additionally, the policy defines confidential resources on campus for reporting. A collection of university and community resources are provided for parties, including possible interim protective measures. For more information contact the Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct at

Student Organization Registration Guidelines define student organizations, responsibilities of officers, and registration, and establish types of registration, a registration process, certain privileges of registered student organizations in good standing, sanctions which may result from registration review, and guidelines for constitutions. For more information contact the Student Organization Resource Center located on the ground floor in the Stamp Student Union or visit: Student Organization Registration Requirements.

Academic Integrity and Student Conduct Codes (2024)


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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.